Chapter 7 Looking for Clues

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You and the Commander made your way into a communications room that contained computers and other technology. Commander Spock sat in the chair that in in front in the computer and you pulled up a chair to sit beside him. Spock brought up the Starfleet database and search up the name your parents had given you. It took a minute for the computer to give you a result. The Commander was quiet as he skimmed through the information. "Your biological father was actually a Starfleet officer. He was human and worked in the science department", he said. You're in the same department. Like father like daughter, you guessed. "What else?", you asked for more information. Spock skimmed the page some more. He looked to be deep in thought. It was kinda cute. "There is no information about a wife or any relationships besides parents and other family members. So your adoptive father was telling the truth. This is strange" he said. It was like you had no mother to begin with, but you had to have come from someone. Scientifically speaking of course. You just needed to find a good lead somehow. "Are there any Vulcan specific databases? Since we now know that it had to be my mother that was Vulcan", you suggested. The Commander thought about it for a minute before coming up with an idea, "If there is one person who would know, it would be Ambassador Spock" he said. Who? There's another Spock. Since when? "Ambassador Spock?", you said questionably. "Allow me to explain", Spock said. (If any of you don't know, Ambassador Spock is the original Spock from the original time line. He's just a lot older) After the explanation, the idea sounded good. Besides, you were interested to see how this communication was going to happen. It must be weird talking to yourself. "Commander Spock stood up, "It will be easier to contact the ambassador from my quarters" he said. Uh....his quarters? This should be interesting. What does the Commander's quarters look like? You followed the Commander for the long trek to his quarters. You forgot how big this ship actually was, it amazed you. The door opened to the Commander's quarter. The inside was clean and organized. It definitely looked like the Commander lived here. Just stepping into the room seemed forbidden. "Is everything to your liking Miss (Y\N)?" the Commander asked. What!?

You shook you head, "Excuse me?" you replied. "I asked if you were alright", he said. Oh, for a second there you thought he said something else. "I'm fine", you told him. He nodded and activated something on a nearby screen. "Computer please contact Ambassador Spock", the computer spoke. The computer did what he asked. It didn't take long for the Ambassador's face to appear on the screen, "How can I help you Commander?" the man said. There was a huge difference between the Commander and Ambassador. They didn't look the same. Were they truly the same person? "I have a question for you Ambassador. One of the Enterprise's officers is searching for her the name of her real mother, who we think could be Vulcan. The problem is she's nowhere to be found in any databases. We do know the father, but even that didn't give us any answers", Spock explained. With your permission, the Commander gave Ambassador Spock the full story of who you were. The Ambassador was intrigued, "I can't say I would know the answer, but I do recall hearing something similar. Please allow me to look into it. I will contact the both of you if I find anything that may help" he said and then ended the call. In your mind you couldn't believe this was happening. You didn't think things were going to go this far. Not that it was bad, but it just felt like a dream come true. You were going to find out who you really were and where you came from. Right now you only had a part of the story. If the Ambassador can find information of your mother, then you'd have the whole story.

While waiting for Ambassador Spock to return the call, the Commander suggest that you two should return to the party. Time would simply pass by more quickly that way. "Where did you two disappear to?" asked an even tipsier Captain. "We went to look up Miss (Y\N)'s parents to see what information we could pull up", Spock said. The Captain seemed to process the sentence for a bit, "Oh. I want to know too, you know" he said. Not when his brain is acting like dial up. "I suggest you ' sober up' Captain", Spock told him. Captain Kirk looked like he didn't want to, but he listened to the Commander.

Once enough time had passed to allow the alcohol to tone down, you filled the Captain with what you discovered. "Well this certainly is a mystery. I hope the ambassador can find something", Kirk commented. At least you weren't the only one who had an interest. Though your interest was more of a personal matter. Maybe the Captain and Commander had something happened to their parents, which would explain the interest. "Not to be rude but since were on the topic of parents, what about your parents? What do they do?", you asked. Captian Kirk was the first to explain, "My mother is still alive. She lives in Iowa. My father worked with Starfleet as a lieutenant (Sorry if I'm getting the facts wrong. I have a bad memory. If the info is wrong, please let me know), but he died as the Captian while the ship was suddenly attacked. It was actually the day I was born" he explained. Damn, you weren't expecting that. The Commander was a bit more reluctant to talk for some reason, but he opened up eventually. "My father is part of the high Vulcan counsel that now resides on New Vulcan and my mother was always with him. But due to the events of being threatened by Romulans, she accidentally died during an evacuation" he explained. For a second, you swore you saw a glimpse of sadness on his face. Was it even possible for a Vulcans to hold in such a strong feeling? Obviously it was easy for Spock, though there had to be times where even Vulcans slip up.

Time passed and the party seemed to tone down. Eventually, the three of you moved by to the control room. By now, the Captain was feeling the effects of withdrawal. "If you were to have drank any more alcohol Captain, then your withdrawal symptoms would have been significantly worse", Commander Spock told him. "Thanks Spock -.-", Captain Kirk replied. "Commander, Ambassador Spock wishes to speak to you sir", Uhura suddenly informed him. The Captain slowly rose up from his chair, "Send the line to my quarters please" Spock said as he led the way towards the elevator. The three of you got in and eventually made it to the Commander's room. Two times in one day. You must be that special. As soon as the Commander stepped into the room, Ambassador Spock's image appeared on a nearby screen. The ambassador greeted the Captain and Commander before getting to the information. "About the Miss (Y\N)'s mother, I managed to find something that is strictly for your ears only. It is Vulcan high counsel classified information" he said. That could be either good or bad. The Captain and Commander looked at each other for a brief moment, before they allowed the Ambassador to continue. "Her name was T'Phia and she marked a unique Vulcan. She is documented to have strong abilities linked to her mental abilities, such as being psychic. Though she disappeared about 23 years ago and was never found afterwards. This would explain why there is no record of her on any Starfleet database or anywhere for that matter. The Vulcan counsel could've easily destroyed any evidence and denied she ever existed" the Ambassador explained. So you were almost a copy of your mother. But why exactly was she kept a secret. "If you don't mind me asking Ambassador, but why was my mother a Vulcan government secret?" you asked. There had to be a logical answer for hiding someone from the other races. " T'Phia was kept a secret because of her abilities. They could've been easily used for aggressive matter but as we are a generally peaceful race, the counsel wanted to try to find something that could either hide the fact she had abilities or remove them all together. I speculate from this that they tried to rid her of her abilites and in return she fled" he continued. That makes sense. Sure it can be hard not to use your abilities in front of others but they're not that hard to hide, unless your emotions get unstable. Though Vulcans are known for keeping their cool. Why would the high counsel want to get rid of it?

You were lost in your thoughts thinking about what you learned. Maybe it was a good thing you were raised on earth or you might have been in the same situation your mother was in.

A\N I'm literally getting into my own story while I'm writing it. Is that weird? Lol

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