Chapter 13 A Dangerous Encounter

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"You are very talented. I cannot seem to comprehend this language. Even with your thorough explanation" Spock praised you. A blush spread across your face. To be completed by the commander, it was like a dream. "Thank you sir" you smiled shyly. "Spock giving complements? Must be the heat", the Captain teased. Why did the moment have to be ruined? Spock turned to look at him, "Find anything?" Spock asked. The Captain shook his head, "Nothing of interest. If you two are done here, we should move on" he suggested. It was 'logical'. The three of you left the wall behind and traveled further into the jungle like habitat. This time the vegetation became thicker, cutting back any sunlight. The heat drastically dropped to a cooler temperature. Vines dropped down and huge leaves flung in your faces. Causing your umbrellas to constantly get caught. Eventually, you had to discard of them. "I'm getting real sick of these plants" the Captain commented. They certainly were annoying. "We don't have a knife or anything to cut with. We certainly can't use our phasors, or we'll burn the whole area down" you agreed. "The faster we get through, the better" said the Captain.

Aside from the wall, you didn't find anything else with hieroglyphs on them. You were considering asking the Captain if it was a good idea to continue on. Eventually, you came across a wide opening with a crossing river. "Anyone up for a break?" the Captain asked making himself comfortable. Looks like it's time for a break. You sat next to the Captain on a boulder. The sound of the rushing water certainly was refreshing. "Captain we are out in the open. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Spock questioned. The Captain took out his tricorder, "We won't be here long Spock, settle down" he told him. While the Captain made a quick check up call with the Enterprise, you and Spock checked out the river. You water the river flow. "I wouldn't be too keen on sampling the water, if that is what you are thinking" Spock told you. Well it was for science but he was right. It could be toxic to humans and Vulcans. Though a dip did sound really nice right now. But for now, you'd have to wait. "Ok then. How do you suppose we cross sir?" you asked him. The river was too wide and probably too deep to cross fully by yourself. Spock looked around, "We just might have to find another way" he thought. You were afraid he was going to say that. The Captain soon came to join the conversation after he was done, "This is supposed to be a break you two. Can't you relax for 5 minutes?" he said. You? Yes. Spock? Definitely not. "We are enjoying this time to watch the flow of the river Captain" Spock told him. 'Enjoy'? That's not usually a part of Spock's vocabulary. "Are you sure?" the Captain poked fun at him. "Whatever you are trying to suggest Captain, I assure you it is not as you think" Spock defended himself. "If you two gentlemen are done, can we please get a move on? I have a feeling we are being watched" you told them. They both looked at you, "That would be wise" Spock said. You weren't lying saying that you had a feeling, you really did and it creeped you out. Were there natives around here? "Alright then. Let's go" the Captain agreed. Having no way to go forward, you had to turn back. There seemed to be nothing else here in the jungle. That was a disappointment.

Making it back to more open spaces, the feeling continued. You decided it would be best to say something. "Captain. Commander. That feeling I mentioned back at the river, I still feel it. I could be being a bit paranoid but I can hear something moving" you said. The group came to a halt, "It could be the natives around here but I wouldn't think they would still follow us for this long" he said. It is possible they could. "This feels more like a single gaze" you estimated. Spock looked to be listening. Vulcan's naturally had better hearing. But you were half as well. If Spock could pick up something, then it wasn't your imagination. For a moment, everyone was quiet. "Miss (Y\N) most certainly is on to something. There is something here but its far back. I would suggest we stay hidden here. If we leave the jungle we could likely be attacked" Spock concluded. So you weren't being paranoid. Good, but also very bad. The Captain took the situation seriously, "If that's the case, we should try to lose whatever is following" he said. Let's just hope we can lose it.

We stayed as hidden as we could, but it stilled followed. Either this thing is highly intelligent, a predator or both. Just as you thought nothing could get worse, you picked up on a burst of movement coming from behind you. You could tell Spock heard it too. "Captain I suggest we start running" he said urgently. No more words were exchanged as the three of you picked up the pace. Just as quickly as it started, you soon came to a halt as a huge 10 foot obstacle rushed across the front of the group stopping you from continuing. The body looked like it came from an animal or a beast. Its massive body giving off a slightly golden glow. You all huddled together, back to back. "Looks like it caught up with us" the Captain said obviously. The unknown being surrounded you with its long body, you all were trapped. You urgently looked for a head or any part of the creature you could recognized. Once you caught a glimpse of its glowing eyes, it all became clear. The body was covered in scales, snake scales. It was a living, breathing Apep. "Not to make things worse. But I think this could be Apep" you said. You all armed yourself, "I thought this thing was supposed to be batting Ra?" the Captain recalled. "Looks like it spends the day here on the ground" you said sort of sarcastically. It was just a story. Not like it was going to follow it to a T. The beast reared its head finally. It looked like it could easily swallow a man whole with little effort. "Miss (Y\N) do you have any clue how to defeat this beast?" Spock asked. You haven't had the slightest. "Sad to say, I got nothing. But if it's here on the ground, then it must have weakness" you logically concluded. Apep bared its fangs, ready to strike. "Here it comes!" the Captain warned. Apep's head lunged towards the group. We all scattered as much as we could, provided the little room we had. Having missed, Apep raised its head back up. We had to attack while it was resting. "We should use the time we have when it's recoiled" you suggested. Kirk and Spock took you advice. We waited for the next strike. With a flick of its pitch black forked tongue, it struck again aiming for the Captain. Dropping to the floor in a split second allowed for Kirk to dodge the incoming attack barely. As Apep's head was defenseless, you and Spock shot repeatedly. But to no avail. The glowing scales seem to protect it from the phasors. "The phasors aren't working", the Captain saw as he jumped back onto his feet as Apep's head went back to its waiting position. Apep's scales must be its main form of defense. What exactly is it made of? You managed to make eye contact with the snake on accident. You could tell, you were its next target. Would you be fast enough to get out of the way? Snakes are capable of striking within the blink of an eye. But the bigger the snake, the slower it will move. You might have a chance. No. You have to be positive. You were a member of Starfleet damn it. No time for being a scared little girl. Apep attacked without warning. You jumped right as Apep's nose charged under you. Landing on the beast's head, you fumbled for something to hold onto as Apep rose again. But the surface of the scales was too smooth. You could see the annoyance the beast had in its eyes, it wanted you off. Apep shook its head vigorously, throwing you high off into a nearly tree. You caught yourself on one of its branches. "(Y\N) are you alright?!" the Captain asked. Could've been worse. "I'm fine sir!" you replied. From your new found height, you were able to see the whole creature. It was bigger than you expected. This 50 foot monster seemed so out of place here. Apep continued its assault on the Captain and Commander. Nothing they seem to do was phasing the monster. You can't just hang around and watch. You had to get back in there and help. You swung yourself from the tree and onto Apep's back. The beast stared right through you. You noticed the glossy texture of the eyes. That had to be a spot. Any creature getting hit in the eye was defenseless. Let's not hope the eyes aren't made from the same material as the scales are. "Captain! Commander! Try aiming for its eyes" you told them. "Why didn't I think of that" the Captain retorted shooting at Apeps' face. "Not the time for smart remarks Captain" Spock told him, also aiming. Phasors shots missing their target, Apep lunged for you. Trying to move, you accidentally slipped and slid down Apep's body into the center, avoiding the sharp fangs. Landing on your feet clumsily made you fall over. Right next to you, Spock helped you up immediately. "We need to get a more accurate shot" he said. You nodded. You had a good view on top of its body. You could get yourself back up there again. "I'll distracted it. While its down you two do your best to aim for the eye" the Captain planned. Good enough. Kirk gave himself some space, "Over here you dumb snake" the Captain provoked Apep firing some rounds at it. Apep hissed back, giving the Captain its attention. You and Spock were ready to fire at moment's notice. A loosely tied bag came flying from nowhere and exploded on Apep's face, coving a spot with a black powder. Apep searched for the one responsible. What was going on? An ambush? More and more bags of powder came flying. Apep's head became covered in the powder. It got in its eyes and mouth. Not likening the circumstances, the huge monster quickly fled. Blocking someone's eyesight was a good way to induce fear. Even predators fall for the same principles. The tree of you regroup, still on the offensive. Just what or who came to your aid.

A\N Wished I could've add more to the battle, if it weren't for the helpers. But it is what it is ^^

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