Chapter 25 Explanation of the Truth

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You spent the days with Spock helping McCoy take care of him. It wasn't until then that did you really got to know him better as a person. The experience was almost like a dream come true, you pinched yourself multiples times and found yourself still breathing and awake. It's funny how danger can bring two people together. What was the psychology behind that fact?

However the thought of marriage was still in the back of your mind. You know Spock had to use the Kali fee in order to free you, but should you bring it back up or wait until he actually proposes. Even if that whole battle was sort of like a proposal. At least that didn't mean you had to get hitched right away and you wanted to enjoy dating him. Marriage is a big step in life, you could wait until you felt ready.

"Spock are we dating?" you asked him one time.

"Do you prefer it? I'd be more than happy to be your boyfriend" he admitted.

"Really? Then yes. I want to be your girlfriend. Although, I hope you are feeling better now that your wound is healed"

"My wound has nothing to do with me feeling better, you are. But now that the doctor told me I can get back to work soon, I desire to take you on a few dates"

"I look forward to it Commander. How about once we get back to Earth?"

"Very well"

Returning to Earth some time later, Spock was already fully recovered. All that was left was a barely visible scar for a reminder. As you left the ship, you couldn't wait to see what kind of dates Spock would surprise you with. You were also excited to introduce Spock to your parents since you've called you mother so many times to talk to her about everything that had happened. It was a long phone call. Speaking of parents, your real mother had nowhere to go. You couldn't really take her with you, but you had to help somehow. However, she already had a plan.

"Captain Kirk graciously told me about what happened to Vulcan. I believe I should go to New Vulcan and help" was her plan. It was all fine and dandy, but before she left you had to find out the whole truth.

"I'd be happy to take you there myself. I haven't got to see New Vulcan yet. But may I ask a favor?" you asked.

She nodded, "Anything my dear"

"I want to know everything mother. What happened to you and my real father?"

She frowned a bit and sighed, "Very well. However, I would like you and your adoptive parents to know the truth as well. Would you mind if you could take me to them?" she proposed.

You were sure your parents were curious as well. Might as well bring Spock too. Although it was under such a weird circumstance. Might as well turn tragedy into a good experience. "I think it's a good idea. We can leave tonight. I have some things I need to handle with Starfleet. The captain has requested me" you told her.

The afternoon was a drag. You, Spock and the captain had a lot of explaining to do regarding the events that had happened on Sekhmet. "I didn't mean to drag you two into this but they wanted to have your opinions as well for a report" apologized the Captain. "It's understandable Captain" Spock understood. Now that this was all done and over, you can finally tell Spock what was going on. The two men saw that you had something on your mind. "(Y\N) is there something you would like to say?" Spock asked. You stopped walking, so did they. You looked at the both of them, mainly Spock. "I've asked my mother to tell me everything, so I've invited her to my parent's house" you told them. The two looked at each other. "I want you to come Spock. Captain, you are more than welcome to join us as well. I'm sure you want to know the whole truth" you invited. "That's one way to introduce your parents to your boyfriend" the Captain replied. Not the best circumstances but you wanted Spock to be there to hear the truth. "I do not mind Captain. If this important, I will gladly attend" Spock voiced his opinion. You knew he wouldn't have declined, although you deep down Spock had to be a bit nervous. Right? This was one hell of a whirlwind romance. You were sure your parents would find it interesting.

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