Chapter 20 What Happens Now?

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The priest snapped his fingers, making the beast halt just feet between colliding into the bridge. For a second, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Does the lady have something to say?" Sefu said with a smile on his face. You knew that he knew, you'd given in. The whole bridge stared at you. "Call your beast back and I will go with you" you said. If only you'd have the power to stop that beast, you would've. But you don't. You're not even sure how strong you were. You did know you were strong enough to overpower someone. If you can just get close enough to Sefu, you could end all of this. You'll just have to hope for that opportunity. Sefu considered your words. He was taking a long time for an answer you already knew. "I accept your terms. Captain you have 10 minutes to return my bride to the palace. I will give you the planets coordinates" Sefu said then ended the call. The beast Ra was called back to the planet. It faded and disappeared in a brilliant flash of a golden light. Everyone's eyes were still on you. Especially the Captain's and Spock's. You had to do what had to be done. Better you to suffer than your whole crew killed. "I'm sorry" was all you could say. Even if this wasn't entirely your fault. You just felt like the enemy won and you've betrayed the crew. "There's nothing to apologize for. You did what you had to" said the Captain. Yea but why did this just hurt so much? You'd be forced into marriage. That was the last thing you wanted to happen. Looks like that fear will become a reality now, unless you managed to get rid of Sefu. But if you did, would the Pharaoh kill you? Would the crew be in jeopardy again? You couldn't allow that. Either way, your options were 'no wins' to you. You gave your hugs and goodbyes to everyone on the bridge. You could tell no one else wanted this for you either, but you were all stuck in the middle of this arrangement. "Captain. You have to take everyone away from here. I might end up doing something reckless and it might put you all in danger" you said. The Captain understood. He knew sometimes you have to go farther then you once hoped to go. Spock was the hardest person to say goodbye to. Now wasn't the time to say how you felt. It would never be the time at this rate. The sooner you leave the more you'd hurt less. You pulled yourself away from him, "I wish you all good luck on your journey back home" you said. The captain gave Scotty the signal to beam you down. In a flash, you were gone.

Kirk POV

Spock left the bridge almost immediately. Did this upset him that much? "Sulu we aren't leaving. Not yet" I told him before going after Spock. Catching up to Spock in the hallway I stopped him. For once I swore I could read his face. Was it hurt? Sadness? Anger? I wasn't entirely sure. I knew what he wanted to do. So did I. He wanted to go save her. He probably was also conflicted with Starfleet protocol. Not like I listened to protocol, but to him it mattered more. "Listen Spock .You're not the only one who wants to save her. So do I. So let's do it" I told him. Spock looked at me, he didn't exactly have anything to say at the moment. "For once Spock, forget about Starfleet rules. Besides if this is bothering you this much than I have to say there's something more going on in your head then the fact (Y\N) was forced into this" I said. At this point it became obvious. He certainly cared about her more than I thought he did. Why didn't I see this earlier? "We will not leave without her" Spock said. I nodded, "Not until she's safe with you" I teased. I saw a flash of embarrassment, but he said nothing to disprove what I just said. "Let's get to it then. The faster we come up with a plan the better" I told him.

The two of us went to a conference room. "On Earth if you want to stop a marriage, you usually interrupt when the priest says 'Does anyone have a reason these two shall not be married'. But I actually never heard of anyone really doing that" I spoke. Spock sat there in deep thought. I wonder what he was thinking about. "In Vulcan culture there is a term called 'kali-fee'. It is similar to what you just described except we Vulcans take it a step further. It is a challenge to the death. If the bride does not want to marry she can declare a Kali-fee and pick who she wants to wed. When she does, the groom and who she choose must challenge each other in a battle to the death" Spock explained. Wow. Why do Vulcans take things to the next level? I'd never expect something so violent from a logical race. "Wait. Are you suggesting what I think you are Spock? That's a big decision right there" I told him. Did Spock really want to take Sefu's place and marry (Y\N) so soon? I know Spock isn't the most intimate guy I know, but even I feel like this would be too soon.

Your POV

Returning back down to the planet, there were many more things that raced through your mind. Was this it? Were you going to live the rest of your life stuck here? No. You refused to. But all you could do now was bide your time. You ended up back at the palace. Sefu was waiting for you. "You made a wise choice my dear" he told you. 'Dear' was the last thing you wanted him to call you. All you could do was glare daggers at him for almost killing everyone. "Don't give me that look. Just think of yourself as a hero who saved Starfleet from certain demise. But enough of them, you better adjust to your new life here. Our wedding is scheduled to take place tomorrow" Sefu said leaving you in the care of some of his attendants. Oh how much you loathed him for forcing you into this dumb marriage. You'd rather kiss anyone else but him. You were escorted to another room. This one looked bigger and grander than before. "Let us know if you need anything milady" said one of the female attendants. She closed the door behind her as she left you alone.

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