Chapter 10 We Arrive

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Engaging in warp, the Enterprise made the rest of the way quickly towards planet Sekhmet. It took about an hour until we finally arrived. The ship came to a sudden halt and drifted among the planet's atmosphere, giving the captain time he needed to make a speech. Everyone stopped in their tracks to listen to the announcement, "We have successfully arrived at our destination. I will be sending out a dispatch team shortly. I advise for everyone to be alert and ready for anything. We don't exactly know what we will be going up against, if at all. I want everything and everyone to be in top condition by the time the dispatch team returns. Kirk out" the captain announced. You'll be sure to pray for the team's safe return.

You carried on with your duties like normal. You managed to get a glimpse of the dispatch team heading towards the teleporter, the captain and commander walking with them. Were they going too? Sending 5 people would seem like a lot to be going at once. Maybe they're just giving final instructions. You wouldn't be surprised if they went along though. You went back to the bridge and looked out the window, down at the planet. The colors indicated it was mostly dry, but you could see small patches of green and huge volumes of water. What did it look like down there? What did the people look like? Will they listen to the captain and accept a peace treaty? Or would they engage in a full on war? The questions swirled in your head, making you lost in your thoughts. "Is everything alright?" someone asked you. You came back to reality and turned your head to see the person. You blushed slightly, how could you let the Commander catch you just standing there doing nothing. "I was just thinking Commander", you told him. Commander Spock stood next to you, his tall lean figure now more visible to you. He began to stare out the window too, "About the planet, I presume?" he asked. You nodded, putting your sights back on the planet. "You are not alone in that thought" he said. Is he thinking about the same questions you were? Did he have a similar curiosity? If you weren't curious about what lies within the sea of stars, then why be here. Perhaps everyone on this ship thought about it from time to time.

It took almost a whole shift before the dispatch team returned. It was a miracle nothing bad happened to them. You listened as the Captain and Commander discussed the data from the planet. Starfleet wasn't lying when they said the planet looked close to the desert the Egyptians live in. The soil was similar to Earth dessert sand but thicker so it was easier to walk across. The plants looked to be adapted to the heat, but there was a variety of bright colored flowers and plants unlike Earth's desserts, where barely anything grew. The team wasn't able to observe the natives up close, but the far away glimpse they got revealed that they consisted of animal like humanoids. One of the members said they resembled hippos, crocs and even lions. The natives were said to working on something unclear. After that, the rest of the data sounded uninteresting to you. If that's all they got, then it's going to be awhile until we knows enough before we try to make contact. In that case, we won't be headed home for a while.

As time passed, the Captain and Commander spend the hours discussing data with Starfleet and the next course of action in a separate room. What was the Captain going to do next? You wish you could've heard the whole conversation, but it wasn't exactly a good thing to eavesdrop. The Captain will tell the crew sooner or later. You were kind of bored to be honest and wanted something exciting to happen. But you understood that it was the Captain's duty to fill in Starfleet and discuss a whole bunch of stuff. Maybe some training will help keep you busy, though you had a feeling once you got there something was going to happen. Most likely.

Like you guessed, as soon as you stepped foot into the training room the Captain made an announcement on the intercom. "After a discussion with Starfleet, it's been decided that we must make another trip for further exploration" he started. After saying some other mission related things, the last thing he said certainly surprised you. "That will be all. Kirk Out....Oh yea (Y\N) please come to the bridge", the Captain finished. You to the bridge? Wonder what it's for. Were you in trouble? Not like you've been doing anything bad. You made haste to the bridge to see what the Captain needed.

Once you arrived, the Captain beckoned you over to where he was, sitting on the Captain's chair. Commander Spock was with him as well. "Did you need something Captain?" you asked respectfully. The Captain glanced at Commander Spock, who nodded in return, before looking back at you. "Spock and I were wondering if you wanted to come with us on dispatch", he said. Why would they want you to come along? You looked at them both speechless at the request. "We're not forcing you to come, but Spock insisted. He said you've been researching Egyptian Hieroglyphs and on the earlier dispatch, the team came across many symbols that we assumed were hieroglyphs", Captain Kirk explained. You were honestly just reading for the fun of it. "I appreciate the offer sir, but I'm no expert on the subject" you admitted honestly. The Captain appreciated your honesty, "Expert or not, it would be of great help" he told you. What about the actually communications team? Isn't there job to decipher other languages? Although, this is a rather old language and there is no guarantee that it's exactly like ancient Egypt. So there is a chance that they would just as clueless as you were. "Miss (Y\N) you've also shown a great interest in ancient Egypt. So you would generally know more than me or the Captain", Commander Spock chimed in. The Commander did have a point. But there could've been someone else with just as much as an interest....Who were you kidding probably not likely. Deep down you were just scared and were just coming up with excuses not to go. If the Captain and Commander picked you, then who were you to disappoint them. "Al right Captain, Commander. I will join you on dispatch", you finally decided. The Captain smiled, "I'd knew you'd agree. Now let's go get ready. The sooner we go the sooner we return" he said. At least the Captain and Commander knew what they were doing. Because you sure didn't. This would be your first time on a mission like this. Let's hope it goes well.

A\N I just got a kick of inspiration and I got some good ideas.

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