Chapter 3- Getting Ready for the First Mission

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The following day,  you overheard the conversation the Captain was having with Starfleet HQ. We are to go to a planet to help make amends and befriend them. You were sure this was going to be plenty difficult and we will certainly be under attack. Also we have no idea what type of equipment they will have. Though the captain said this planet is clearly aware of us. You must be on alert at all times. Even though its not likely you'll be beaming down to the planet yourself. The Enterprise landed back at the Starfleet HQ to restock or gather any necessary supplies. You were  a little worried on how things would turn out but you had a sense of faith in the Captain, the whole crew did. Maybe you were just nervous to embark on a a mission this dangerous. It could go well or horribly wrong.Before we took off the Captain gave a speech, "As most of you know, we are heading to a potentially hostile planet in which Starfleet has no amends with. It will be dangerous and I need everyone on top of their game. The planet we are going to is called Sekhmet. What Starfleet has observed so far that is a planet that resembles Egyptian society. Which means it will be hot, humid and if any of you know about the Ancient Egyptians, we can potentially be running into some weird shit. So I have assigned some part of Egyptian society that you will study according to your department. For example, engineering will read about Egyptian transportation . You can learn more from your department chief. We will safely take our time getting there, but be advise to stay alert. Kirk out" he explained. You remember reading about the Egyptians when you were younger. It was a part of earth's history along long time ago before we had any of this technology. Your mind was probably rusty on the subject so, it wouldn't hurt to refresh your memory.

You and Carol were science officers, which meant there was plenty of reading to be done. You enjoyed reading but Carol didn't seem so interested, "Well they're not so technologically advanced. Not much to read" she said.  "We don't know that. Besides this is just to give us an idea on how they might be like", you told her. This was a culture that existed way before our time. Their ways were so simple back then. Yet here we are in space, amazing. After reading what you were assigned, you couldn't help but read more. It was an interesting read. ( I freaking love reading Egyptian stuff) You walked around with the book in you hand reading all that you could. Too bad your job wasn't reading. The Captain was impressed, "(Y\N) are you reading the whole book?" he asked. You looked up at him, "Yes sir" you answered. He looked at you oddly, "You don't have to you know that," he said. You nodded. "I know sir. But I always had a fondness for the Egyptians and reading,therefore choose to read on my own time" you told him. "Ok then. I won't stop you" he said.

At least the Captain was in no rush to get to our destination, well not yet. Since the planet was so far, at this rate it can take months. You was glad, more reading for you. After you were done with the general information, you decided to browse the language. You knew that was Uhura's job but you likes the odd picture like hieroglyphs. So you managed to find  some files and began to read. Well tried to learn. The time passed as you read. It seemed like you haven't seen or talked to anyone in a while. Shame on you. Though you were feeling hungry so you decided to take a break and  go to the dining hall for some food. You held the files behind my back , as it were odd to do research ,and calmly walking down the hall. "Miss (Y\N), What is the file behind your back?" someone asked you from behind. You knew that voice.You  turned around, "Why do you ask Commander?" you asked him. He didn't say anything for a moment, "Curiosity" he answered. Sure it is. You held out the files to him to look at, "If you must know, they are documents on Egyptian Hieroglyphs" You told him. He took the files from you and skimmed through them, "You are not assigned to read this" he said. Really, now he's going to get on your case? "I know Commander. I'm just doing some reading on my own time. Is that a problem?" you asked. He gave the files back to me," No. Not at all" he said. At times you wished you knew what he was thinking. His face is so expressionless. Well Vulcans do keep their emotions hidden. Speaking of being Vulcan, You've been thinking of the possibility of being part Vulcan alot. Maybe you should asked the doctor to take a blood test just to see. You must know if you're half Vulcan or this was gonna bug you for the rest of your days. If your suspicions were correct then perhaps there a way to find out who your real parents were. Commander Spock excused himself, thankfully. After grabbing a quick snack, you went to the medical bay. You told the nurse you weren't feeling good. Hopefully the nurse would fall for it. She did.  As the nurse went to go fetch the doctor, you waited. The doctor can't be a bad person. You've seen him with the captain many times. They're like best friends. McCoy eventually came. He looked a bit bored, "Not feeling good I hear" he said. You motioned for him to come closer. You felt butteries flutter in your stomach from being so nervous. "Actually, I feel fine. It's just I need you to take a blood test" I told him quietly.

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