Chapter 14 Meeting the Natives

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"Whose there? Show yourself!" the Captain commanded. We all stood back to back, just in case of another attack. From behind the trees and out of bushes came out the humanoid like natives. Some looked like an Ibis's and others like hippos and crocodiles. They were all dressed in a light white fabric, probably for the heat. They all looked at ease now that the beast was gone. An Ibis stepped forward and started to speak, but you didn't understand a word it was saying. After hearing no response, the bird changed his\her tongue. "It has been many moons since we've had foreigners" he said. They speak English too. But how? The Captain put his phasor down, was it a good idea. Kirk motioned us to do the same. "You speak English?" was the first thing the Captain said surprised. The Ibis nodded, "We've known the tongue besides our own for many many moons" he responded. You, the Captain and Spock all exchanged glances. "Oh...Thanks for saving us back there. I'm Captain Kirk of the Enterprise. This is Commander Spock and Lieutenant (YN)" Kirk introduced us. It this against protocol. We can't just announce ourselves like that. A Hippo native approached, "You are from Starfleet no?" he asked. They know Starfleet? But I thought this planet was not known about and they certainly don't seem to have the adequate technology. "How did you know? This planet was classified as an unknown study" Spock spoke up. "We do not know as much as our Pharaoh but we will tell what we know. But please, let us go back to our village. We will be safer there" The Hippo offered. They were being so nice and cooperative. It was little suspicious, but it was better than encountering a hostile race. Thinking back to Earth Egyptian's they were opened to the Romans\Greeks. Although they did have their issues too. You were glad they took to being hospitable. "Very Well" agreed the Captain. The three of you stayed together, as the natives lead you back to the village.

Just like Egypt, the housed were made mostly of simple stone, mud and foliage. Actually it looked more stable than human Egyptian houses. You were impressed. Yet again, if these natives bore resemblance to actual Hippos, crocodiles and Ibis, you were sure a lot more could be done rather than from humans. "I'd say this is rather impressive", Spock commented as he took in the surroundings. Many of the other village natives were intrigued from our arrival. They all followed to the center of town to see what was going on. A huge blanket like fabric was spread on the ground. Everyone had a seat, so the three of you sat as well. You, the Captain and Spock exchanged some dialogue before speaking out loud. "Just because they are being hospitable Captain, doesn't mean we should let our guard down" Spock whispered. The Captain nodded, "I'm aware. Let's just stay on their good side. Though I'm curious how they've know about us. There must be something going on. Or perhaps a secret that Starfleet has kept hidden" he responded. A secret? Would Starfleet do that? No surprise that even corruption could run in such a safe environment such as Starfleet. People can't just help it. The three of us made our selves comfortable, yet stayed vigilant. The Ibis and Hippo sat across from us, though they left a space between open. "Allow us to introduce our village leader, Bayek" the Ibis spoke. A hawk like humanoid took a seat between the two animals. The hawk sat with confidence and had an air of experience about him, yet he didn't look older than anyone else. "I've heard you are from Starfleet. It's been many moons since anyone has heard that name" Bayek started. The Captain spoke up, "We are. We've come here to make observations actually. But since you seem so familiar with us already, I assume you've known about us for a while" Kirk said. Bayek nodded and thought for a second. "Yes. We used to have your kind around in the past or so that's what has been told through the generations. Why have you stopped coming? Well that is something only our Pharaoh would know. He carries the knowledge of our planets history. What I do know is that something, perhaps an argument or such took place and the Pharaoh at the time banished your kind from coming here" he explained. This whole thing just got more interesting than you thought. So Starfleet had connections before, but why were they kick out? "I would like to know why? They might be a way to reestablish what we had before. Is there a way I can meet with the Pharaoh?" The Captain asked. Isn't this going ways past protocol? We're gonna be getting a lot of shit back at the base. But you knew the Captain could easily get around it. Technically this isn't an unknown planet and if we can find some evidence to bring back than this would be a totally different ball game. Leader Bayek had a quick discussion with the Ibis and Hippo, they looked like to be in agreement. "We cannot speak for the Pharaoh himself but we can see what we can do to arrange a meeting" Bayek told Kirk. Things looked to be going well. But we can't expect everything to go as smoothly. "I will send word immediately. In the meantime, please enjoy yourself in the village" Bayek gave us permission.

The meeting was dismissed and the villagers went back to their normal routines. Witnessing everything made you feel like you were exactly in the time of ancient Egypt. It was a bit creepy. But awe inspiring. You didn't you'd be able to recognize so many things. It wasn't exactly a dream of yours but it was damn close to one. "You look like you're enjoying yourself (Y\N)" the Captain noticed you as you explored everything with your eyes like a child. "This is more like Egypt than I imagined Captain. Might as well be in ancient Egypt right now, with the exception of the natives being animal human hybrids" you told him. You could literally point out all there was in the village. You could imagine there being a place to make beer, a place used to make colors for dye, a place for embalming mummies. You wanted to wander off. But it was best to stay with the Captain and mister Spock. "Perhaps we should take a look around to pass the time as we wait for answer" Spock insisted. It was like he was reading your mind. "I don't see why not" said the Captain. Yes. "Would you like to lead the way Miss (Y\N)?" Spock asked. You? Lead the way? Not like you were an Egyptologist or anything. "I'm sure you know the most information about such an ancient civilization and you did mention this place being quite similar to ancient Egypt" Spock went on to convince you. It was true you knew more than they did, but that's quite the request coming from Spock, yet again. First joining this dispatch team and now this. Why was he trying to get you to do things? You were sure the Captain would agree with him, so no use in saying no. "I will try my best Captain. Commander" you agreed.

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