Chapter 16 The Truth

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"Back when my grandfather was Pharaoh, near the end of his reign, these lands were full of visitors from other planets. You see, we've established a sort of trade post here to allow for communication with others. Not only did we gain wealth, but also a rich diversity in cultural interaction. It was a peaceful and prosperous time where Starfleet and my people worked together to interact and create" the Pharaoh explained. You would've never guessed that this planet used to be well known as a trading post. Maybe that is why the people are still open to strangers. Could Starfleet have been attracted because it resembled ancient Egyptian culture? You waited for the Pharaoh to continue. "Then there came a time. A huge fight broke out between my grandfather and Starfleet. One of your commanding officers, Liam Mason, started a riot. He said that my people were taking advantage of Starfleet. Before the word could spread more, he was brought to the palace. What my grandfather found was a greedy man, so he told him and his followers to leave. After that it only got worse. As guards escorted him to the docking stations, Mason and his followers opened fire at my people causing a battle to break out. The whole ordeal caused a domino effect and before my grandfather knew it, my people and Starfleet were at war. My grandfather had no choice but to fight back. Within a matter of hours, a whole friendship was destroyed because of one man who lied. Because of him, my grandfather now despised Starfleet. He now knew what they really wanted, to take over him and his people. From that day on, Starfleet was banished from my planet" the Pharaoh finished his story. One greedy man, the cause for such hate. You've felt like this was a common thing in human history. But that doesn't explain why records of interacting with this planet were destroyed. You guessed that this Liam Mason had something to do with it. Although this happened about two generations ago. "So if you are asking to restore what we had, my answer is no" the Pharaoh told Kirk. Understandable. "I understand your logic your majesty, but I assure you Starfleet is not greedy for power. I may not know all the bad things Starfleet has done in the past, but I am confident we are now a more truthful, trustworthy allegiance. The faults of one man does not define a nation your majesty. Starfleet has successfully created friendships with dozens of other planets and we have adapted to each's individual culture. I humbly ask you to give us another chance" Kirk pleaded. Captain Kirk sure knew how to make one hell of an apology. The room became silent. You could see the Pharaoh was measuring Kirk's words in his mind. You exchanged glances with Spock, whose facial expression was unreadable. Did Spock think this work? If anyone knew the Captain, it was him. "In most general cases of forming an alliance, my people have the custom of an arranged marriage. But I cannot make a full decision. If you do not mind, I would have to speak with my high priest" The Pharaoh announced. At the point we were barely on the borderline of being accepted, but if the Pharaoh is willing to discuss it further, that is good. "Very well" Kirk agreed. The Pharaoh beckoned over a guard, "Summon Sefu" he told the guard. The guard nodded and made haste down the hall.

Not waiting very long, the priest arrived. Wearing a long white robe and a hood, you couldn't see their face. The pharaoh and priest had a few words before the Pharaoh introduced him. "This is my high priest Sefu" the Pharaoh said. The priest turned to face us and then approached. They then removed their hood. Huh!? No mistaking the ears and eyebrows, this priest was Vulcan? How? Wasn't Star Fleet members banned? "You are Vulcan" Spock was the first to speak up. The priest nodded respectfully, while in the Pharaoh's presence. "I am indeed." he said while getting a good look at each of us. For some reason he kept looking back at you and not in a good way. "Amongst all the chaos, many people from various races were left behind from the battle" the Pharaoh stated "It was my father who gave these people a chance. Most of these outsider races live and work within the palace" he explained. So this Vulcan priest might just be one of the many who stayed here. "I came here when I was young with my mother. When the battle broke out, many of us were left here to die. But with the Pharaoh's generosity, he allowed us to stay" Priest Sefu explained. With a name like Sefu, he must've been renamed to fit in more. You wanted nothing more than to see the others who were stranded here. Maybe there were more Vulcans besides him and his mother.

"I have much to discuss with my Priest. I will have the guards escort you out. I will contact you, when I have decided" the Pharaoh told us. The guards then ushered us out beyond the palace doors. "That went better than expected" Kirk commented. Way better. "I do not trust the priest" Spock suddenly said out of nowhere. You and the Captain were astonished. Where did that come from? Did Spock notice the way Sefu was looking at you? Or maybe Spock was just a better judge of character? "Why is that Spock? He is Vulcan" the Captain said. Spock took a tall posture, "He may be Vulcan by blood but he does not act like one" Spock said. Spock had a point. That doesn't mean that Sefu didn't has a sense of Vulcan behavior or logic. You never thought you would see Spock feel this way against his own race before. "That doesn't mean he is a bad Vulcan. He was just raised differently. It's like if you put a human baby on Vulcan and have them raised there. They'll grow up to act and think like a Vulcan but they are human nonetheless. Just because he was raised here, doesn't mean this planet and its people are bad" you explained to Spock hoping to make your point. Spock saw his mistake in his thinking, which was a first, "You are right Miss (Y\N). I guess I was just surprised to see one of my kind being raised here" Spock apologized. You were surprised he admitted his mistake so fast. This was Spock we were talking about. The Captain didn't say anything. Maybe he was equally as surprised. "Let's leave the city so we can have Scotty beam us up" Kirk suggested. You and Spock nodded and left the area.

Walking through the city this time, you were able to get a more personal view of the natives. They all still stared at you as they passed, but payed not mind once you were out of their sights. Probably had more important things to tend to then stare at complete strangers coming from the palace. Leaving the richer area, we entered the more commoner's area. The roads were no longer concrete, but now dirt. Although the houses still were made from sturdy material. All around you, the streets were busy. There were food stands, jewelry stands and all sorts of things you would see in a market place. Guess, we made it out during the busiest time. You enjoyed taking this scenic route immensely. "I can go for some food right now" Kirk stated. Now that he mentioned it, you were getting kind of hungry as well. "The city's gates aren't far from here" Spock said. From here it would be a straight shot outside the city. You couldn't wait to rest on the comfort of the Enterprise. You were sure the Commander and Captain felt the same way. Continuing down the road, you walked a bit faster this time. Suddenly people began to panic and clear the streets. What was going on? The three of you checked your surroundings. From down one of the roads, you saw one of those native horse like animals charging. Was the animal on a rampage? There was no way any of you could stop a large animal like that, you moved out of the way quickly with the rest of the people. The ground began to shake the closer the beast got. It was a bit terrifying.

Before your mind could register what had happened, you had been snatched up by the horses' rider. All you could see was the fleeing crowd running away in a blur. How did this happened? Coming to your senses, you struggled to get yourself free. The fall to the ground won't be pretty. But you'd be damned to be taken hostage. You reached for your phasor, but it was quickly taken out of your hands by the kidnapper. They pointed the weapon at you, set it to stun and you were out like a light.

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