Chapter 15 The Pharaoh

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Time passes by quickly, and it soon became night. The temperature drastically dropped, but it wasn't as cold as you thought it would be. Bayek had gave you a place a stay til morning. "Some palace guard will be here in the morning to escort you to the palace" he said. Word sure gets around quickly for a developing nation. Bayek left the three of you to sleep, but you could barely get a wink. Was is curiosity or something else? "Anyone else can't sleep?" asked the Captain as we all lied in our beds. "Not me" you agreed. "It would be unwise to have all three of us sleeping at the same time" Spock said. He makes a valid point. We have no idea what could happen if we are all off guard. But Spock was concerned about our safety more than being curious. "You're suggesting that one of us stay up while the other two sleep?" you clarified. "Precisely" Spock answered. The Captain sat up, "I will take first watch. Spock will be next and (Y\N), you'll be after Spock. Is that alright?" Kirk made the plan. "I'm fine with that" you replied. "Very well Captain" Spock agreed.

The Captain took the first watch shift. You could hear him talking to Sulu via tricorder. It did take some time, but you were finally able to get some sleep. Before you knew it, Spock was by your bedside waking you up. "Miss (Y\N)" you heard him softly say. It took you a bit before you registered what was happening. You finally came to your senses and sat up. "What time is it...Commander?" you asked trying to wake up. "It is 5 in the morning" Spock told you. You rubbed your eyes and stood up to stretch. "Ok. You can go to sleep Commander" you told him. Spock didn't move. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay up with you?" he asked. No lies that would be great. "You should get some rest sir" you urged him. He needs rest too, besides you wanted to think about some things. Spock nodded and went to lie down. You sat up on the edge of your bed. The three of you were going to see the Pharaoh tomorrow. Just what things would he know about this planet and its past connection with Star Trek? Besides that point, what about Spock? You didn't want to dive deeper into what you were thinking about him. No it would be unprofessional to fall for the commander. Sure he may understand what it's like to be half human and Vulcan, but the chances are practically nonexsistant. Might as well move on.

Morning came after what it seemed like hours and doing nothing but thinking. You stood to look out the door way to watch the sun rise into the sky and turn the land from dark to light. It has been awhile since you had to wake up so early, that you got to see the sunrise. It was beautiful to witness. Just as you thought you would be alone for much longer, the Captain had woke up. He stood beside you, also looking at the sunrise. "Morning (Y\N). Enjoying the view?" he said. You returned the greeting, "Morning Captain. I am. The sunrise is just like earth" you told him. "It actually is" Kirk agreed. It didn't take much longer for Spock to wake up. Like not even 5 minutes more. "Looks like everyone is up. Do you need a few minutes Spock?" Kirk asked him. You actually never seen Spock after he just woke up. He looked more serious than what he usual was and that's not really much of a difference but there was a difference. "I am awake and ready Captain" Spock said. He didn't look as 'ready' as he said he was. But he and the Captain were usual awake before anyone else on the Enterprise. If he said he was good to go, then he was. "Alright. Let's go see if anyone else is awake" the Captain said as he led the group from our sleeping quarters. Surprisingly, a lot of the villagers were awake. Most of them just started as we passed by, not used to our presence yet. Up ahead you noticed village leader Bayek, he was talking to some dog and crocodile looking humanoids who were dressed in armor and carrying spears for weapons. These must be some palace guards. Only those who worked at the palace wore such fine clothing. It didn't take long for the guards to notice our uniforms. The two, along with Bayek came up to talk. The guards both had intimidating, aggressive postures. It looked like they were sizing the three of you up. For a moment, you felt an animal's gaze. But you had to remember, these weren't just animals. They had minds like you did. "Captain Kirk, the Pharaoh would like to speak with you and your crewmate. Please come with us" the do asked him. That was quick. Although you were sure the pharaoh was being protective over his people and wants to know why we're here. Captain Kirk accepted and we were escorted back to the palace.

The ride to the palace was very interesting. The animals that pulled the carriage were gigantic and equestrian like. They had the build of a Clydesdale, unnatural glistening manes, and hard built in scale like armor as if always ready for battle. These things probably required a tough hand to tame. Yet it was still amazing to see. As the carriage entered the town, you could see the people multiply in number. Everything was much brighter and proper. The clothing and housing of the natives were finer in appearance. A more variety of the native's races could be seen. Antelope, snakes, cattle, and other humanoid like natives. You made sure to keep a record of everything you witnessed on your tricorder. "You sure are recording a lot on your tricorder (Y\N)" Kirk commented. Maybe a little too much, but you couldn't help it. You were excited, interested and curious. "I want to keep a record of everything I see just in case" you said continuing to enter values into your tricorder. "I think it is wise" Spock commented. You looked up at Spock for a second, his facial expression was genuine. You returned your eyes to your tricorder to prevent yourself from blushing too much.

Arriving at the palace, you were greeted by a great structure. The two guards escorted the three of you through the palace doors and the huge courtyard. Dozens of other guards and palace workers stared as you made your way to the throne room, before caring on with their jobs. You wondered what they thought of you. Intruders? Aliens? Stepping foot into the throne room and approaching the throne, the Pharaoh sat with confidence. He was a lion hybrid with a glorious mane and dressed in the finest of the finest clothing. With scepter in hand, he looked down at the three of you. The dog and crocodile guards bowed in respect, "I have brought the Starfleet officers your majesty" the dog guard announced. The Pharaoh nodded, "You two are dismissed" he said. The guards stood up and left the throne room. Leaving the three of you with the Pharaoh. Of course there were a handful of other guards carefully watching. They all could charge with the slightest wrong gesture. "It has been many moons since we've had your kind here. Tell me what brings you back?" The Pharaoh started. Captain Kirk stepped forward, "We had come here to learn more about you and your people and hopefully create a bond with Starfleet" Kirk was careful with his words. The Pharaoh acknowledge Kirk's statement, "I see. You must've forgotten what happened the last time you came here" the Pharaoh thought out loud. "You see...your majesty, Starfleet today has never mention this planet before. It was only recently that me and my crew were sent here" Kirk tried to explain. The Pharaoh didn't seem to like that answer very much. "So Starfleet has chosen to forget about me and my people! To ignore us after all we've done! My grandfather was right to kick them out! But now you are back, for what? As a reminder?" he growled. Kirk and Spock kept their calm demeanors. You...well tried your best. "I don't know what Starfleet has done. But my crew and I would like to know the truth. If you would tell us, your majesty" Kirk proposed. The Pharaoh stared at Captain Kirk for a long while. Everything was silent. What was the Pharaoh going to do? He could either throw us out or explain. Hopefully option number two. "You are telling the truth. You cannot understand if you do not know. I shall explain" the Pharaoh finally spoke. You were sure the three of you were breathing a sigh of relief.

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