Chapter 2 The first week

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Within the first few days, you and Carol  became good friends. You got to meet most of the crew and  finally felt like you fit in. Though the captain has constantly been on your tail,making sure you learned everything there was to learn. Not like it's a bad thing, but it was a little nerve wrecking at times being put on the spot. Captain Kirk wasn't too bad. You grew to like him. There couldn't be a better man to serve as captain aboard this chip. He just fit in with everyone so well. When it came to the commander, you didn't speak much. He was always there by the captain's side, quietly observing everything. It seems he gets along well with the captain, which is good. It's like their complete opposites at time, but they do click and make a great team.

On the fourth day, you finally had some free time. The captain saw you've been working hard so he gave you some time to yourself. Of course there's not much to do on a space ship in space, but there was a small library that you could explore. Ok, it's more like a file storage. It does have lots of books though. But before that, you had to make a trip to the restroom. After doing your business, you washed my hands and looked at yourself in the mirror. You moved your hair behind you ears to look at them. There was always this funny feeling you got in your ears whenever you used your psychic abilities. But you never paid it much mind,besides your ears were always covered by you hair. You wondered though.You checked the rest of the restroom. No one is around and it's not like anything's going to happen. You took a deep breathe and used your psychic abilities to turn the faucet on and off at will. You repeated this many times before finally glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes glowed a light blue but you ears. They were different from normal. They look like his ears, Commander Spock's. You stopped using your abilities,returning your eyes and ears to normal. Why have you never noticed this before?How was this possible? So this was the funny feeling you've had in your ears all along? Your ears changed much to resemble Vulcan ears. You felt mixed emotions. Surprise, yet not. You've always felt different . Your parents couldn't explain your abilities and they did all the research your could. ! You got a sudden idea. You were on a constitutional ship. One that contained more unique information on various subjects. Perhaps you could find some more classified information.

You calmly made your way to the file storage room and closed the door behind you. You turned on the lights and looked  at all the books and files. Most were  related to the Enterprise but there were files on planets and alien races ect. You managed to find a book on the  now extinct, planet Vulcan. Perhaps this might have something interesting enough to give you a lead. Though you didn't get your hopes up too high. Skimming through the pages, you didn't seem to find anything, although some of the topics looked to be worth a read. You were going to close the book until something caught your eye,. It was a file on Vulcan reproduction, "It is possible for a human and Vulcan to mate but not without medical intervention". So it's possible to create a hybrid? Hmmm. Could that explain your ears. Maybe. Although they weren't permanently Vulcan ears,perhaps you should looking into it more.  You looked back at the file to read more but suddenly had to gut feeling to leave. Perhaps it was from your psychic abilities. You quickly turned off the lights and hid under the table. This was kind of stupid, its not like you needed to hide. Maybe you were scared of anyone finding out what you were doing, like it was forbidden. But this was personal, so you felt a need to keep it a secret. You heard the door open and someone walked inside. You tried to be as quiet as you could.The person said nothing. They turned on the lights and had a look around. Oh shoot you forgot to take the book with you. You watched the person walk over to the table. It felt like they were looking at the book. Not like it should be really suspicious, it could've been any of the many of hundreds of people on this ship.  The person finally left and it felt like you could breathe again.You came out of hiding. Perhaps you should leave, they might come back. You put the book back on the shelf where you found it and left. You'll have to come back at a different time. You quickly turned the corner. Being too lost in thought, you accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry", you said apologizing. Looking up at the tall person, you saw it was the Commander.  "I should apologize Miss (Y\N). I was not  prepared to anticipate another person walking from the other side" he apologized quite calmly. He shouldn't have to say he's sorry. You were the one who wasn't looking, "No no I wasn't watching where I was going" you told him a bit flustered. You apologized again and left as quickly as you could. That was sort of embarrassing. Hopefully he doesn't get suspicious.

For the rest of the week, you snuck into that room to read the book as much as you could in your free time. But nothing you read helped give you any clues. That file was the only interesting thing that could help you. Nothing else in Vulcan reproduction was relevant in the slightest. You did enjoy reading about the Vulcan race though. Vulcans were logical and their biology was slightly different from humans. Their history was also a good read too. But this was getting you nowhere. Perhaps it was time to look into something else.

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