Chapter 6 Drinks and Conversations

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The Captain gathered the crew for the announcement, "I know this may be out of the blue, but tonight we are going to party for the sake of being different. I know being different is a struggle we all face at one time or another, but we need to see it as a good thing. Even if we get bullied or are scared for any reason, we're all family here and we accept each other for who we are. That in itself should be a reason to celebrate. I know we're on our way to a new planet, but some time to relax and enjoy ourselves before a mission will do us some good. Are you with me?" the Captain announced. The whole crew was cheering in response. Maybe this was a regular thing on the Enterprise.

It didn't take long for the party, or celebration, to get started. "Hey (Y\N) you gonna have a drink?" the Captain asked. A drink? You never had one. Well shots were fine, but not to the point where you'd get drunk. You don't want to risk getting drink and then use your powers for who knows what. "Do you not drink?", he asked waiting for your answer. You took a seat next to him at the counter in the dining area , " I take shots but that's about it" you told him. The Captain seemed a bit disappointed but didn't complain. "Then how about a shot with me then" he offered. You nodded. One won't hurt. The captain ordered two shots from the officer who was making drinks. Technically there isn't a bar on the ship, but it didn't stop people from bringing alcohol and making drinks. "Captain I hope you are not subjecting (Y\N) to drink alcohol?" someone asked him. The Captain shook his head, "Not at all Spock. I asked her", he responded. Spock sat in the seat next to Captain Kirk and ordered himself a drink. "I didn't know you drank alcohol commander?" you said. Commander Spock just doesn't look the type. "It's true I don't consume alcohol at the rate the Captain does, but I do not mind a drink if the occasion calls for it", Commander Spock answered. The officer who was playing bartender returned with your and Kirk's shots and Spock's drink. The Captain raised his shot glass, "To being different" he said. You and the Commander joined in and drank\took your shot. The Captain eventually got a bit tipsy from the drinks, he had quite a few. Commander Spock didn't have more than one. Probably because he knew the outcome and was ready to take command just in case.

It almost seemed like everyone was having drinks, you kind of felt left out. Though it was for a good reason. Mostly, it was just you and the Commander sitting next to each other and making small talk. You felt confident this time and not nervous, perhaps because all was said and done about yourself. For the first time you got more of a glimpse into the Commander's personality. It was exactly how the crew described him. He was very intelligent and logical. Though you knew it was because of how Vulcans were raised. Just talking to him made you feel like you weren't Vulcan at all. Even if it was in your DNA. But you had to take into account that you both were raised in different environments. "If you do not mind informing me, but how did you gain your psychic abilities Miss (Y\N)?" the Commander asked. You knew eventually that the question had to come out from him or the Captain. You tried your best to think of what your parents told you before you left to work on the Enterprise, "You can say it all started when I was a baby. I'm actually adopted because my real parents were killed. My adopted parents were walking out one night. They heard someone scream and saw some masked men running away with a baby in their hands. My father figured it was a kidnapping so he went to try to stop them. Luckily, he studied marital arts so he managed to knock out the kidnappers. My mother called the police, while my father investigated where the thieves came from. Inside the apartment, there were two bodied that have been shot. Those dead bodies were my real parents. After the incident they decided to adopt me, but as I grew my powers began to come out and they didn't know what to do. Though, they never gave up and helped me any way they could and now I'm here" you explained. Commander Spock took a minute to process the information, "Did your adoptive parents ever figure out the name of whose child they were adopting?" he asked. Now that he mentioned it, they never gave you a name. "They never told me. I should find out", you told him. You excused yourself into the quietness of the hallway and gave you parents a call. Your father picked up, "Hey (Y\N) so you finally decided to call to check up on your old man ;)", your father said jokingly. You laughed a bit, "Yea, well I wanted to ask you something. Did you ever figure out who died that night when you saved me?" you asked. Your father was silent and you could barely here him discussing something with your mother, "We've looked into. Your Father's name was Alexander Bennett and your mother's name they never figured out. It was like she never existed. We did what we could to look into your Father background to see if we could pull her name out, but there was no record of it. Not even any record of past girlfriends .So it's possible you're parents weren't married" you Father told you. Well that made it only more complicated. "Alexander Bennett? Hmmm.... doesn't have a nice ring like (Y\N) Ryan", you commented. Your father chuckled, "Just be careful about doing some research. I know how you are. But if you do find out anything, let me and your mom know. Ok" he told you. You nodded, "Of course. I'll call you later then. I love you. Bye", you said ending the call.

You went back into the room, the Commander seemed to be waiting for your return. "Do your adoptive parents tell you anything?" he asked. You filled the Commander in and he thought about it for a bit. "Shall we go look up your Father while we have time on our hands? I'm sure the Captain won't mind" Commander Spock suggested. You were surprised the commander took an interest, but it will be helpful to have his assistance.

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