Chapter 18 Running Doesn't Solve Everything

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"I just can't. He may be Vulcan but not to me" you disagreed again. You mother sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say that. You're just like me when I was younger" she told you quite sadly. You suddenly had a bad feeling take over you. It was almost like you were reading her every move. "I don't want to do this, especially to you. But I must. I have a promise to keep" your mother said. She pulled out a small tranquilizer. Small enough to hide in your pocket. You doubt your mother was going to be able to overpower you, but she had more experience than you did when it came to your abilities. Although, you remember Ambassador Spock saying something about they tried to rid your mother of her powers. If she escaped, then she should still have them...right? If that's the case, why isn't she using them right now? "Sorry Mother. I have to get back to my Captain" you told her raising a hand to stop her. If you had to defend yourself, then so be it. Your mother was surprisingly quick for her age, she attempted to insert the needle into your arm but you caught her. You relieved her of the small weapon with your free hand and pushed her back. If you can get out of here quietly, the better head start you'll get. Before you could take action, you noticed a change in your mother's eyes. She was trying to use her powers against you. You felt a force hold you down. You could barely move. Activating your own abilities, you broke her hold on you. She was surprise. Perhaps her abilities aren't like they used to be. You overcame her just enough to stick the tranquilizer in her shoulder. It wasn't long until she began to lose consciousness. You did feel bad for using such a method on your own blood. But why? You never met your mother until today. You placed your mother on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Maybe everyone else will think that's you're still in bed. You flicked the lights off and opened the door. After checking both sides for anyone, you closed the door quietly behind you and bolted down the hallway. You weren't sure if you were headed the right way. Guess you'll find out in a minute. Lucky for you, this place was mostly quiet with no one around. But you can't count yourself lucky yet. Anybody could come out of any of the doors you passed. You weren't going to stick around to see though.

You final approached a door you were sure to lead out. But was it the front door or the back? Either way you risked being seen. You had to take the chance. Opening the door, you were met with an empty road. Now what was the best way out of here? If you remembered, the entrance was far to the south. It was the only clue you had. "Hey! What are you doing?" somebody caught you off guard. You turned your head to look at the person. There were two crocs. "That's the Vulcan girl! She's supposed to be asleep" the other one commented. Busted. Your legs sprang into action and you fled. "Get back here!" the crocs snarled as they chased after you. Good things crocodiles aren't the fastest animals, maybe in the water but not on land. Blindly running down streets, you made it to the main road by sheer luck. You were able to lose the crocs in the thick crowd. But you didn't stop there. You kept running. It was your best way of remaining unseen. If all anyone saw was a blur run by then they wouldn't have a chance to see who you were. Running down roads, all you could do was follow any instincts you had. You knew the exit gate was to the south, but you didn't know which direction you were exactly running. You had no tricorder on you or any compasses. Your best bet was to get somewhere high and check your surroundings, it would have to be quick. None of the building reached as high as you hoped, but any advantage would do. You climbed the building with the least attention drawn to it. Once you reached the top, you took a look around. Easily, you spotted the opening gates to the south. From high up, it didn't look too far away. From below everything disappeared within the crowd. You made a mental note of which direction the gate was and climbed down. If the streets weren't too wide, you could've jumped from roof to roof. It was smarter not to risk injury running across the rooftops.

You eventually made it outside the gates, moving to the poorer side of society. You finally stopped to catch your breathe. The guards were on very light duty here. The loss of stamina finally started to hit you. Your adrenaline had run out. You needed to recover for a bit and think of your next course of action. You hid yourself in an unused market stand. It looked like the owner had closed up shop for now and had pulled down all the covers. You slipped on in and sat down on the mat covered floor to rest. You escaped. It almost seemed like a miracle. You would've thought the security would've been much tighter than that. You're here now. The next plan was to regroup with the Captain and get the hell out of here. Well you wanted to leave ASAP. That was going to take another miracle. You had no clue if the Captain and commander were still on this planet or did they beam back up to the ship. Damn. You should've poked around for your tricorder and saved yourself the trouble. Oh well. No use complaining now. The best you could do was to go out to open space and hope that somebody would see you from the ship. Your mind began to wander as you sat there. You've never experienced something so crazy in your life. Why couldn't this be some weird crazy dream? Can't you just call a quits and return to Earth. Not that the adventure wasn't exciting or anything. Probably because this mission became so personal out of nowhere. Where is Captain Kirk? Where is Commander Spock?

Just as the cool shade of the stand and the slowing of your heart rate tempted you to take a nap, you heard something familiar.

"I had a feeling the stable man wouldn't rat out the kidnapper"

"It is more likely they bought the steed before the act"

"I'm glad I'm a Captain and not a detective"

You woke up and jumped out of the stand, immediately running into somebody and knocking them over. Not the brightest thing to do. "I'm so sorry.....Captain!" you cheered in mid apology. "(Y\N)? Didn't expect to see you so soon. Weren't you just kidnapped?" the Captain was slightly confused. A couple of hours have passed. Though you had to agree you weren't expecting to see familiar faces so soon. "I was, but I managed to escape by luck mostly" you said offering Kirk a hand. You helped the Captain to his feet. "How did you escape Miss (Y\N)?" Spock asked curiously. You became suddenly aware of Mr.Spock's presence. Guess you were too focused on almost running over the Captain. You gave yourself a bit of room. What exactly should you tell them? The truth obviously. "I ended up inside one of the palace rooms. My mother tried to stab me with a tranquilizer. I stabbed her with it instead and fled down the hallway and out into the streets" you recalled. If that didn't sound any more random and impossible, you didn't know what else could be more ridiculous. "You didn't get stopped by the guards or anything?" Kirk asked. You shook your head, as you were equally surprised by that fact. "No. I was spotted once but luckily crocodiles are not good runners on land" you said. "I'm not sure whether to be surprised you escaped so easily or not" he added. "Regardless Captain. Miss (Y\N) is found. We should report to the Enterprise and have Scotty beam us up before anything else happens" Spock advised. You met his eyes with yours for a second as he mentioned your name. The Captain nodded and stepped aside to talk to Scotty. Spock stood close to you confidently as if to guard you. You wanted to put some space between you, but it was better to be safe next to him then in the open. The next thing you knew, you were once again aboard the Enterprise. 

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