Chapter 24 Recovery

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A\N Don't worry I have one more chapter after this one in store for you guys ;)

Your POV

How was Sefu still conscious? Unless he was faking this whole time. Spock almost went limp in your arms from the new wound, luckily you were there to catch him. You felt a range of emotions. Sadness, shock, fear and anger. This time you weren't going to let sadness or fear take over. This was different. You were going to fight. No longer stay on the sidelines to helplessly watch. You tugged at your necklace as hard as you could. "It's impossible to take off without a key my dear. Now let me finish what I've started" Sefu walked closer. He was obviously still hurt but was able to walk. "I'll get it off you just watch you bastard. This time I won't hold back. I won't be afraid anymore and you're going to feel my wrath" you growled. Sefu didn't look scared of me. Of course he didn't know what was coming his way.

A sudden thought came across my mind. The Vulcan nerve pinch. I've read about it but never seen Spock or anyone else do it. Maybe if I can locate the connecting area of my necklace and pinch hard enough, I can break it. Vulcan are capable of greater strength than humans and you were part Vulcan. You stalled Sefu by talking back to him in order to find the weakness in the necklace. "You will dearly pay for hurting Spock like you did. I will show you the power you feared of letting loose" you growled. It was obvious that was what Sefu was trying to keep control of. Why else would he create this necklace to do what it did? Once you found the area you pinch as hard of you could and though of the Vulcan nerve pinch. "Step down or I'll have to kill you too. Which I rather not my bride" Sefu threatened.


Your necklace slid of your neck. You were free again. Your eyes started to glow as your power flowed through your body. You heard two people come up from behind you. They took off their disguise to reveal the Captain and McCoy. You knew you heard them earlier. "Take Spock. I got unfinished business here" you told them. Neither of them said a word and took Spock away from the danger. Your anger grew and the aura around you exploded causing a sandstorm to stir within the arena. It was like you could feel yourself picking up each grain of sand. It was yours to command. "Your life ends here. I will not allow you to tarnish the Vulcan race or this planet any longer" you told Sefu. He tried to attack you in one last ditch effort but it was futile. You halted his movement with the current of the sandstorm then lifted him into the air and smacked him to all the walls across the arena. Like a rag doll, you threw him across the arena. He crashed right into the wall, surely hard enough to break everything in his body. With two swift movement of your hands, you sent the wall crashing down over him. You swept up the sandstorm and piled all the sand on top of the fallen debris. If he didn't die from that, for sure you'd be willing to test your limits.

When the dust had settled, the whole arena was abandoned by now. Everything was covered in sand. You had come back to your senses and ended up with a horrible pounding headache. Hopefully, the Captain was not too far and was waiting for you to be finished. But as you took one step, you passed out.

"She's in stable condition and be waking up soon"

"and Spock?"

"He'll need some time but he's be fine"

You could hear some voices bring you back to reality. Although you couldn't open your eyes quite yet. You were relieved to hear Spock was going to be okay. This must mean everything turned out okay. But what about the planet? Will Starfleet never reconnect? Probably not. Maybe it was for the best. We can only report what has happened and let the rest be up to the higher officials.

Time passed before you were conscious again. This time, you were able to wake up and take in your surroundings. You were in one of the patient room lying down. You could nurses pass by the open door. Can you get up? Would someone come in and check on you? You sat up allowing your mind to clear. You still had a headache, although the pain was tolerable this time. The first thing that you wanted to do was to go see Spock. You swung your legs around the edge of the bed and tried to get up, but doing so made you very lightheaded. You had no choice but to sit back down and wait a bit.

Star Trek: Psychic Connection (Female ReaderXSpock)Where stories live. Discover now