Chapter 22 Before the Battle

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You wanted to run over to him, but guards immediately held you back. Sefu stepped down from the altar. He didn't really seem angry. But why? "I thought I dealt with you already. How dare you show your face again" he said. Spock wasn't intimidated by the situation he was in. "I am here to call a kali-fee" he said. Why did that sound familiar to you? "A what now?" questioned Sefu sounding like what Spock said was threatening. Your mother came up, "It is a Vulcan custom, my priest. In a marriage, if the lady calls a kali-fee, she can choose her partner to be wed if she doesn't want to marry her chosen one. The two grooms then battle in a match to the death" your mother explained. It clicked in your head. It was a brilliant idea. But was Spock intending to follow up all the way through? "I see what you're trying to do. But last I check you aren't the bride mister Spock" Sefu said. You had to act fast. "I call a Kali-fee" you went with Spock's plan. Sefu turned to look at you in surprised, then back to Spock. He was defiantly upset about it. But he calmed down, "Since it is Vulcan tradition. I'll allow it. Spock, you and I will fight for her. I assure you, I will not lose to the likes of you" snarled Sefu. The whole audience was silent, during the new turn of events. "Guards take my bride back to her room and take him to the arena, immediately" Sefu ordered "My Lord, I ask that you clear the arena for a fight" he asked the Pharaoh for permission. The Pharaoh approved his request. The guards began to drag you back, but you fought them. You just wanted one word with Spock. Just one. If it weren't for this damn necklace Sefu put on you, you could've easily get out. Let's just hope, you get to go to the fight. Even if you couldn't bear to watch it.

You spent the time in your room trying to remove the necklace. But the material was so thick, it wasn't coming off. The only hope you had was this tiny section in the back. It had to come off with enough force. After giving up, you waited for a while until the guards came to get you. "The fight will be starting soon m'lady. You are requested to be in the front row seat" said a hippo. You went with them and rode in a carriage down to the arena. You took your seat with your mother in the front row. The guards stood behind you, blocking the exit. This was all happening way too quickly. An empty field lied before you, all surrounded by many natives. Where was the Captain? Was he watching from the Enterprise?

"We'll take over watching the ladies. You two are dismissed"

You turned around. The current guards were swapped with new ones. Something looked fake about them. Wait! Spock probably wasn't the only one sneaking around in a costume. You could hear the two new guards whisper.

"I don't know why you dragged me down here. I'm not cut out for this Jim. I'm a doctor damn it"

"I need you with me just in case Spock get hurt. Now pipe down"

You knew those voices. But you mustn't' get too excited or you could give them away. Knowing you were with Kirk and McCoy made you relax. Although, that was the least of your problems right now. Would Spock be able to win this? You believe he could. He clearly had an advantage of Star Fleet training. But you didn't know Sefu's upbringing either. He could've been trained in combat his whole life. Let's stay positive here. Spock would never lose to him. He'll push through it. In the meantime, you still have to get this necklace off. The sooner, the better. Then you could stop this thing. Perhaps you could signal the captain. As the pre games began, you constantly tugged at the back of the necklace, hoping he would see. Even if he did, how would he get it off with no one seeing.

"I suggest you leave it on dear" you mother said.

"I refuse. I want this all to end now" you growled.

Your mother was calm. Why? Her 'son' was about to fight to the death. How could any mother be so calm about it?

"My daughter, can't you see. You have two men fighting for you. Both of them want your hand in marriage. If you interrupt, you won't give them a chance to show how they really feel. Sure you want Mister Spock to save you, but don't you see this is much more then saving. Only love can drive a person to risk their life"

You would've risked your life to save Spock as well. Is she saying that Spock was going to win because he put himself in this fight on his own? Did he really care for you more than you noticed? It was always hard to read him, but actions speak louder than words. He was doing this for you, not for the Enterprise or Starfleet. There was no other explanation. Your mother was speaking the truth. Yet, bringing that fact to the surface only made you more nervous. "This is my affair that I dragged my whole Starfleet family into. I should be the one to end it, not Spock" you said. Your mother sighed, "You cannot help the current circumstances now. All you can do is pray" she said.

It was time. "People of Sekhmet! I present you with a onetime event! This fight will be to the death. No backing down. No retreat. No one will leave until we have a clear winner!" a lion announced. The crowd seemed to enjoy this and cheered in excitement. Looking across the arena, you could see the Pharaoh seated on the other side, watching proudly. This almost felt like a nightmare. You wised to wake up before anything horrible happened. "Raised in our lands, I present Priest Sefu coming from the right! From far away, I present Mister Spock coming from the left!" the lion began the event. The two of them came from their sides and met in the middle with the lion. Spock's height made him tower over Sefu, who was about as tall as the Captain more or less. "We will be performing a Vulcan ritual called a Kali Fee in which these two will fight for (Y\N)'s hand in marriage! I will now resent each contender with a single weapon to give a fair advantage!" the lion continued. Another guard had brought out two short swords and presented them to Sefu and Spock. Does Spock even know how to use a sword? All you've seen him use was a phasor. He was going to have to learn quickly.

"On the Pharaoh's orders you may begin" said the lion as he then retreated leaving the two opponents staring each other down.

Spock POV

"Looks like I'll be cutting you down in no time Mister Spock. I doubt you have any swords experience. From what I've learned, they don't teach that in Starfleet. What a pity" taunted Sefu. That may be true but if I can keep my distance and observe, I should be able to learn some new techniques. "Say what you want. All I ask is that you do not under estimate me" I told him. My words simplywent in one ear and out the other. His pride was going to be his downfall. AllI should focus on is surviving for (Y\N). I know she'll be devastated ifanything happens to me. I will use that as my strength. "You fight me for (Y\N)'shand in marriage, but is that what you are really fighting me for?" I asked. Hisface tensed. "I don't need to tell you anything" he spat. Just as I suspected.He never cared for her at all. But why do this against her will? There has tobe another motive. Perhaps it is linked to this planet's culture.

I took a deep breath.Although I have the authority to kill him in this fight, what would that makeme? He may be wicked in his thinking, but that doesn't mean he has to die. If Ican, I would like to get out of this fight without death involved. Even thoughI know he will be after my life. 

A\N: This next chapter is gonna be intense. I'm already excited

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