Chapter 26 Promise

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A\N I've always loved this song from Final Fantasy 8 and I think it make a lot of sense for a female x Spock. So I wanted to share it with you guys.

It was a long and some what tragic story. All that leading to what just happened. Yet, it didn't bother you at all. You knew you were different. You guess a unique background makes a unique person. Your parent were just as intrigued as you were to hear it all finally come together. It was satisfying to know the truth. Although you'd never get to meet your biological father, you were thankful to have your mother still around to tell you her story. It was silent for awhile, until your father broke the ice with some questions.

 After some time, the spotlight was flipped on you. "I want to hear your story" your mother requested. Your story!? Well you were practically in the center of it all, so you summed it up best you could. It was a bit embarrassing fro everyone to be looking at you as you recalled all the events. You tried to keep your personal thoughts and feeling out of the picture mostly. When everything was said and done, the boys sat down to continue talking while the girls went to get dinner started. You wondered what your father was talking about. "Let your father ask his questions. You know he means no harm" your step mother pulled you back into the kitchen. But you wanted to listen too. Oh well. You could at least be happy the whole thing went well.

You helped your mothers prepare dinner. "Keep on eye on the meat. Me and your mother will go set the table" said your step mom. It's a bit weird to refer to them both as mother. Even if your biological mother said you didn't need to call her that. You just felt right saying it. The two of them left to the table to clean up and set the utensils down. You watched the food sizzle on the pan, making sure it didn't get too over cooked. You hummed as you waited patiently. You can hear your mother scolding your father in the background, "Its almost ready go sit back down and continue your conversation. I will say when it's ready" she told him. Yup. That was dad. Always impatient and ready for dinner as soon as the stove was turned off. It was nice to be home again, except for the fact it wasn't just you and your parents tonight.

 You finished up cooking the meal and let your mothers know. "Dinners ready. Please come sit at the table" your step mom finally invited the men into the kitchen. The three of them came into the kitchen. Spock walked up to you. In the background you could see your mother serving your father, a drink. You had an idea. You wanted to serve Spock. "Can I serve you dinner?" you asked feeling a bit childish. Spock didn't exactly know what to say. He was a bit surprised. " If you prefer, I will not oppose" he replied. "I'm sorry if its a bit weird to ask. But growing up I'd see my mom do it all the time" you told him. "I understand. Your parents served as a model to how to treat one another" he said. When Spock put it that way, that's exactly what you were doing. "You can say that. Now go sit down please" you nudged him to the table. Spock went without question. You let your step mother go first and followed her lead. It felt a little silly, but you knew she did it out of love. Especially when your father came home from a long day at work. When you finally sat down with you plate, next to Spock, the boys were still having a conversation. The Captain and your father seemed to be quite into it. It was nice to see everyone getting along. When dinner was done, everyone had a drink. Mostly your dad and the Captain but you and your step mom enjoyed a light cooler. You sat next to Spock on the sofa as the group continued to talk throughout the night. It was nice to have his arm wrapped around you, but it made you sleepy. Especially after a day like today. As midnight drew near, your father offered to take Spock and Kirk back to the station. Your biological mother was invited to stay here for the night. You walked out to the car to see them all off.  "He's quite the handsome young man. I approve" your step mother told you as you went back inside. "You don't have to tell me twice how wonderful he is" you smiled.

Two Months Later...

You and Spock walked side by side in the evening, after a lovely dinner date. "Ever since I first saw you Spock. I always knew there was something about you that was different. It was like I always had my eyes on you after that" you told him. "I recall you looking at me multiple times before turning away shyly" Spock agreed. "Yea. It was right before the whole mess started. But we got through it didn't we? It's weird how sometimes I still think this is a dream. I have to pinch myself, ya know" you went on. He nodded. "I can relate" he said. Spock eventually stopped walking. "Something wrong?" you asked waiting for a reply. Did you say something? He looked up at you with tender brown eyes and pulled something from his jacket. "There is something I want to give you. I believe in your culture,they call it a promise ring" he says. A promise ring. For you. Spock took the ring out of the box and put it on your ring finger. He held your hand afterwards. " I promise to always love you (Y\N)" he told you gently. You felt your heart beat out of your chest. "I know you are a man of your word. I also will always love you Spock" you told him sincerely. He leaned down to give you a kiss. Thing were only going to get better from now on.

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