Chapter 5 The Secret is Out

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The more you thought about how you were half Vulcan, the more you wanted to tell Commander Spock. He was the one who got suspicious in the first place. But if you tell him that, you'd have to tell him that you're psychic as well. You're just confusing yourself. You only can talk to the doctor about your physical state.But the only one who can really teach you about Vulcans is Spock. You know what, if you can trust the doctor then why not the Commander. You'll just have to do it and get it over with. You made your way to the bridge hoping to find him, but no luck. The whole time, your heart was beating fast. You saw the captain approaching, "Looking for someone (Y\N)?" he asked. You tried to avoid eye contact, "Yes captain. I was looking for um Commander Spock" you told him as calm as you could. He tried to get me to look at him, "And why is that?" he asked with a smirk. You couldn't help but blush a bit, " I need to tell him something" you confessed. "Oh I see. Do you have feelings for him (Y\N)?" he asked while giving me a playful wink. You turned red in the face, "No sir. That's not it" you said astonished. He chuckled, "Well according to the look on your face. I say it is" he teased. No. No. No. I'm not in love with him. I barely know Spock. I mean Commander. I'll admit he's good looking and actually sweet but it doesn't mean I like him that way" you seemed to babble on. You suddenly felt a presence approach you from behind, "Captain I believe it is inappropriate to tease miss (Y\N) in such a way that she is uncomfortable" they said. The captain smiled, "Spock just the person I wanted to see. Miss (Y\N) here has something to tell you" he said cheerfully. Commander Spock moved so he could see my face, "What would you like to inform me about Miss (Y\N)?" he asked. Having both the Captain and Commander Spock look at you waiting for an answer, made you incredibly nervous. Actually way too nervous. Your face turned bright red and your ears started to get that weird feeling. Oh no. You couldn't get too flustered or else you would kind of loose control of your powers. All you could do was awkwardly stare at them both.Eventually, you couldn't take the pressure anymore. You turned to run. "(Y\N) Wait!" I heard the captain call your name. You didn't stop. You just ran. It wasn't long until you could hear them running after you. You could hear them both calling you name. You just ignored them. In the heat of the chase,by mistake, you took a turn into a dead end. That's what you get for not paying attention. Damn. There's no way out now. The captain and commander weren't far behind. They slowly approached, "Miss (Y\N)" Spock spoke softly "Did we upset you?" he asked. You turned to face them, your back was against the wall like you were some terrified animal. This plan went all wrong. You couldn't tell them now. You were too upset. The Captain tried to walk closer, but you didn't' want anyone near me. You panicked and  pushed him back  forcefully with your powers, causing him to go sliding across the floor. You felt tears stroll down your cheeks. Your whole body started to shake. This was it. You're done for. You looked at Spock and he saw how terrified you were. Commander Spock did the smart thing and took a few steps back, "Miss (Y\N). I understand you are upset. But lashing out is illogical. We did not mean to upset you" he said very calm. You couldn't respond. You were too scared too. You've just hurt the captain. They probably want you gone. Captain Kirk got back on his feet and stood next to Spock, "(Y\N) whatever it is, we can help. You don't have to hide anything. If we are anything on this ship, we are a family. Families help each other" the captain said reassuringly. They weren't mad? You've kept this a secret for so long. No one ever knew, except your parents. Maybe it was true. You were too scared to tell anyone else. Perhaps because you were confused. Confused on who you were and where you actually came from. "You're not hurt captain?" you asked trying to speak calmly. He shook his head, "I'm fine. No harm done but I wasn't exactly expecting that" he said. You were relieved. You were sure you could've done much worse. Well no choice but to tell them now. At least you knew they'll understand. You straightened yourself up , "Captain I'd advise we take this conversation somewhere private" Spock suggested. The Captain nodded, "I agree. (Y\N) please" he said motioning you to follow him.

You hesitantly followed them to the Captains quarters. Captain Kirk sat you down in a chair, "Alright (Y\N). Tell us what is going on. Please" he asked politely. You didn't look at either of them. You sighed, "As you've seen I have psychic powers" you said. You saw the Captain take a seat across from you. Spock was standing at his side, "Was that what you were going to tell Spock?" the captain asked. I nodded, "Part of it" you answered. The room was quiet for a minute, "Then what were you going to tell me Miss (Y\N)?" Spock asked comfortingly. You looked up at him, his eyes were kind and concerned. "Well Commander I knew you went to see doctor McCoy about me getting a vaccine. You were right when you assumed that I didn't go to get a shot. I actually went to get a blood test. You see, I was adopted. My real parents were murdered. But I've had these powers since I was born. When I came to work here I discovered something. So to make sure, I had the doctor take a blood test. I am half Vulcan" you told them. Both of them were shocked, " No offense but you don't look Vulcan. How did you find out?" the Captain asked. You put your hair in a ponytail so that your ears became visible, "Whenever I use my ears change. When I first saw this I had to know why. The doctor said it was possible that my mother was Vulcan. Though I appear more human, I am half Vulcan none the less" you explained. You called out to your power  so they could see your ears take shape, "Interesting Miss (Y\N). Why did you feel the need to hide this?" Spock asked with a hint of curiosity and concern. You shrugged, "I don't know. When I think about it logically maybe I was scared what you two would think. But it can also be because I wanted to find out who I was first before telling anyone" you told him. "Miss (Y\N) I should inform you that I am indeed half Vulcan myself. My mother was human and my father was Vulcan" Spock said. You were surprised, but he looks Vulcan in every way. Perhaps it's because his father was Vulcan, that made those traits dominant. Also because his mother would've need medical intervention, like it said in the book. Perhaps Spock can teach me what it's like to be Vulcan, " If I may commander, can you teach me how to be Vulcan? I want to embrace my half Vulcan self" you asked him sincerely. He nodded, " I will be glad to offer my assistance to teach you Miss (Y\N)" he said. You smiled for what it seems like in forever, "Thank you Captain, Commander for understanding" you thanked them. The captain smiled back, "You know I got an idea. (Y\N) were gonna to throw a small celebration for you, Spock and everyone else. So that we all can learn to be happy with our differences. Beside we've got some time before we reach our mission location" he said cheerfully. Spock nodded in agreement, "Captain I believe that is a wonderful idea" he said. A celebration to acknowledge our difference. No matter how different. You were genuinely grateful for both captain and commander.

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