down in the books

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I lay back in my chair wondering if I'll get in trouble. Would Yoongi really tell Namjoon? I mess with my pencil as I wait in line.
"Good afternoon. What can I get for you pretty lady? "A man smiles. I set the book on the counter and smile back. He looks about my age and  I'll admit, he's really handsome. "Alright that'll be twenty dollars. "I set the money down. I walk away to an empty seat at the bar to get reading, but I can't stop looking back at him. I open up the book to see a small piece of paper with a number on it. I glance at him and he makes a phone with his fingers. I take out my phone to see  text from Yoongi, I don't remember giving or getting his number though.
"What do you mean help? "-Yoongi

I ignore him and add the mans number. I send him a text watching as he immediatly glances at his phone.
"Do I just call you counter boy? "-Me
"Ha-ha, I have a name you know. "-Counter Boy
"Then tell me, Counter Boy. "-Me
I laugh at his reaction.
"It's Tak Minguk. What about you? "He takes a seat next to me.
"It's Kim Eunmin. "I shake his hand.
"Good to officially meet you, and I'm sorry I couldn't talk to a pretty girl like you longer, but I have to get back to work. "He winks at me before walking away. 

"Hey! It's rude to ignore your sunbae, I know you've seen this. "-Yoongi
"I'm good with advice is all. Just ask Namjoon. "-Me. I turn my phone on silent as I walk out remembering the basketball game.

Jin and I sit on the side lines as the other six boys play.
"Go Joonie! "I yell.
"Come on, Yoongi! "Jin laughs besides me.
"What's up with Yoongi anyways? "I ask.
"What do you mean? "Jin looks at me.
"Isn't he a bit mean? "I emphasize the mean part. I mean Yoongi needs to take  chill pill.
"I don't think so. Why? Has he been mean to you? "Jin gives a concerned look.
"Just a little. "I feel my phone vibrate.
"Hey, I think I see you. "-Counter Boy
"Really? Where? "-Me
"Look up. "-Counter Boy
I don't quite understand what he means until I tilt my head upwards. Minguk stands smiling above me.
"Hi! "I say a bit to excited.
"Hehe, hey. What are you doing here? "He sits next to me.
"My brother is playing. "I smile.

I walk back to the apartments with a skip in my step. I was joyfully thinking of Minguk until Yoongi was leaning against my door.
"Finally. You're slower than a turtle. "He greets.
"And you're uglier than a turtle. "I make a sizzling sound while trying to get past him.
"Who was that guy? "He rolls his eyes.
"What? Are you jealous of my love life? "I swoop under his arm.
"No. Namjoon wanted me to ask. "He crosses his arms.
"A friend. I'll only tell you once, I'm good with advice in love. Just ask Joonie. "I smile closing the door on his annoyingly sarcastic face. "Ugh. "I groan throwing all of my stuff onto the couch. "I want food..."I remember that I don't know how to cook. I lay on my couch watching a random K-drama that came on about an hour ago so I'm only watching the credits.

There's a knock on my door that I rush to answer.
"Hi. I'm your neighbor Min Yoongi and I heard you were hungry. "Yoongi stands outside my door.
"What do you want, sunbae? "I snap remembering his formalities obsession.
"Well you're my friends sister and I have to take care you. You can't go hungry. "He gives me a very fake grin. I don't get how people always fall for those.
"Goodbye. "I'm about to close my door when his foot gets in the way.
"I need your help. "He chokes the help part out. "Namjoon said you're good with love. " "Yeah, I don't need my older brother to tell me that. "I roll my eyes.
"Hey, you owe me. I let you stay in my apartment that time you were drunk. "Of course, "Yes, I must repay you oh great Yoongi. If I don't the world will fall apart. Now, goodbye. "I wave trying to shut the door again.
"I'll repay you...somehow. I can cook. "He pleads.
"Now we're getting somewhere. "I smile.

I'm getting very annoyed by all the comments saying that my book is very similar to someone else's. It's already been said, so stop already, you can see someone's already stated that so just stop, please. I'm getting very tired of constantly reading the same comment and people still comment even though it's been said. I don't need parrots mocking each other in my comments section. I'm sorry if this seem rude or hateful in anyway, but this is just getting really annoying and I'm tired of putting up with it. Just stop already. It's tiring and I'm so done with it. From this point if there's another one of these 'this is like that one book' I will delete them. That's all I have to say and once again, I'm sorry if I seem rude in anyway. And if you'd like to continue repeating the same statement, please turn to the chapter called NOT AN UPDATE, and comment there.

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