im too busy

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Its been three weeks. And life has been way to busy on me. Its been test after homework after my part time job.
After wiping down all the table tops, taking twenty orders, and not messing up French fries, I take a seat and try reading my book. By now, its twelve pm and I haven't gotten chance to study for my test tomorrow.
"Hi. Welcome. What can I get for you today? "I smile tired at the next customer.
"You could get yourself home and sleep. "They say.
"Huh? "I look up at Yoongi.
"I said you should get some sleep. You're starting to get eye bags. "He bluntly states.
"Thank. I must look amazing. "I rub my eyes. I guess to him, I'll never look as good as Soora.
"That's not what I meant, Eunmin, get some sleep. "He looks flustered.
"I have to start making money if I want to keep eating and I want to avoid debt after college. "I explain. "Now, are you going to order? "I ask.
"No, I'm gonna take you home. "Yoongi straitens.
"I can't go home, Yoongi. I don't want to get fired. "I argue.
"I'll give you one more week. If you keep this up then I'll get you fired and I won't be sorry. "

Sadly, morning lectures are becoming earlier and earlier. At seven in the morning, my hair is in a messy bun, and I'm still in my work uniform. My head rests on my hand as I listen to my professor talk about the laws of physics. Slowly my head begins to drift downwards like my eyelids.

"Eunmin! "I pop up hearing my name get called.
"Yes, sir! "I yell falling out of my chair.
"It's sunbae. "Yoongi looks very unamused.
"And Namjoon. "Yikes. I must've done something serious.
"Wh...what's going on? "I'm suddenly very awake.
"Do you realize what time it is?! You had me worried sick! "Namjoon yells making me wince. He may have yelled last time, but he was barely angry. This time, his words are filled with hatred.
"I...I don't u..unders...stand. "I stutter.
"You've been gone all day and Yoongi told me he didn't see you go back to your apartment! "He shows me the time.
I've been here for more than eight hours. "What is wrong with you! Do you think it's funny to make people worry?! "His hair is messy and his eyes are wild.
"Namjoon, calm down. "Yoongi holds his shoulder.
"You are not one to be talking! "He pushes Yoongi off.
"Namjoon! "I yell, shutting them both up. "You shouldn't be bringing Yoongi into this! Just because he's here! "

"Good morning, Eunmin! "Minguk greets with a smile. He invited me to meet up at the cafe. "This is my friend. "He introduces a girl behind him.
"Hi! I'm Chae Yeon. "She extends to shake my hand.
"Hi. I'm Eunmin. "I accept her hand and get dragged into a hug.
"I know you like Yoongi. "She whispers before letting go. "I've seen you class before. "She says linking our arms casually.
"Oh..."I bet she's seen me in different places too.
"Oh darn. My boss just texted me. Jisoo is having family issues and won't make it to her shift. I have to go, can you two get along without me? "He eyes between us.
"Of course Minguk, you know me. "Yeon shoos him away. As soon as he's out of sight she pulls me to a table. "So...spill the detes. "She whispers.
"I'm sorry, what? I literally didn't even know your name a minute ago. "I'm surprised how quickly she can shift from being strangers to friends.
"Fine. You can tell me after I pay for your meal? "Yeon questions with a smile.
"I don't even know who you are. "I put emphasis on the you.
"I told you, I'm Chae Yeon! "

"I knew it! You do like him. "Yeon laughs.
"Hey! I never said if I do or don't. He's my next door neighbor that hates me so I'm helping him get his crush. "I explain like its nothing.
"You are his crush! Soora can tell he's loosing interest in her! She's so jealous of you, I mean she put your face on a dart board! "Yeon encourages. I ignore the last creepy part, "Its not like he'll ever like me! I'm just a dumb school girl to him! "I push Yeon off me. She hits my carpet floor with a thud.
"You're in love Eunmin! Admit that you like-! "She's cut of by a very, very familiar man, "Who? "
My entire existence is over.

This is not beta or proof read;-)

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