someone wanted Jin so-

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please don't kill me in this chapter, just roll with it for my sake please. And I had writers block so deal with this awful chapter. 

I skip the streets of the beautiful city. Most of the students have the day off so the sidewalks are crowded with people. The birds chirp around me and the sky so blue. I reach my hand up as though I could touch the endless sky. I procrastinate getting groceries till the end of the day. I walk to a small cylinder kiosk. The man at the counter smiles, "What may I get for you today?" He asks. I point to the fridge behind him, "Could I get a regular milk?" Childish, I know. But I love getting the milk from these types of places. He nods, "Is that for here or to go?" He asks as he turns around to get the milk. 
"Make it for here." I slide him the money as he hands me my glass milk bottle with the straw already inside. I sit on the curb sipping my drink when I hear someone yell my name, "Eunmin!" I look around for the voice. Jin runs up to me with a cute dog chasing after him, "Eunmin, hi!" I quickly stand up. "Hey there Jin." I smile. We haven't talked very much until now. 
"It's such a coincidence that I'd see you here." He picks up the white furred dog. I nod, "Yeah. Who might this be?" I pet it. "This is JJanggu. JJanggu say hi." Jin playfully waves the dogs arm. It barks happily as I play with it's ears. 
"He's so adorable." I giggle. Jin nods setting him back down, "Where are you headed to?" He fixes his circular glasses. "I was planning on heading to the bank to pick up some cash so I can buy groceries. You?" 
"Nothing really. I was just walking bored. Would you mind if I joined you today?" He shyly asks. I shake my head, "No, of course not. It'd be nice to have some company anyways." He smiles sweetly and we begin making our way to the bank. 

We make simple conversation and joke around a lot. I crack up at his jokes, it seems he's an endless hole of dad jokes. We soon reach the bank, "I have to use the restroom real quick, I'll be right back." I nod as he makes his way to the men's room. I rock on my feet awkwardly as I wait in line. I stand there alone for what feels like hours. Finally, it becomes my turn, I quickly talk to the receptionist, she gives me what I need. I wait for Jin outside the bathroom. He walks out a few minutes after, "Sorry if I kept you waiting." He apologizes. 
"You're fine. I wasn't waiting long." I get up and we walk to the exit. Before we have a change there's a loud bang before someone yells. I barely hear them because of the ringing in my ears. Jin pulls me to the floor with him, his broad shoulders and masculine body covers me like a shield. "What's going o-?" He quickly covers my mouth. He carefully guides me and we crawl behind a plant sitting in a corner. 
"We have to be quiet." He points out to the middle of the room. A large man stands surrounded by people who are crouched onto the floor, dressed in all black, he wears a cheap black ski mask. He throws a black duffel bag onto the counter. I can barely hear him but it's pretty obvious what he wants. 
"This is a robbery! And unless you want someone to die, you'll fill this bag with all the cash you've got." He holds up a rifle. A frightened worker quickly takes the bag and runs to the back. I try to grab my phone out of my pocket but it's not there. I glance over to where Jin had originally pulled me down. I try reaching to grab it but he stops me, "What are you doing?" Jin holds onto my wrist. 
"We have to call the police." I shake him off. I slowly crawl towards my phone, I manage to grab it when it suddenly begins going off, what a time for Namjoon to want to call me. Everyone's heads turn to me and I feel my heart begin rushing. A cold metal barrel meets my head and I take a deep gulp. Don't freak out. I tell myself. 
"Who you calling there?" The man in black grabs my phone. 
"No-n-no one." I stutter. I glance back at Jin who's disappeared. He grabs my arm and forces me up, "Come on." He leads me to the front and I make a small prayer. I begin freaking out. The worker comes back out with the bag filled, he grabs it and begins walking to the doors with me in front of him. I'm a hostage. He's going to shoot me, isn't he? I'm going to die. I didn't even get a chance to tell everyone I love them, or that I'll miss them. I should've respected Namjoon more, and appreciated what my parents always did for me. Oh god, and Suga, my only childhood friends. I can't forget about Yoongi either, he's such a dumb neighbor. Tears begin streaming down my face and I can't stop myself from crying. 


 I'm gonna miss Yoongi a lot. He's so adorable and handsome, and sarasctic. I really did love him. I admit it, I love Yoongi. My phone gets lifted to my face, Yoongi's calling me. 
"God, answer this pesky ass person. I'm tired of the vibrating." I quickly grab my phone and answer the call. 
"Eunmin? Hey! Are you okay?" Yoongi's worried voice answers. I sniff, "I don't know." I wipe away tears. "What's happening? Did someone hurt you? Talk to me, Eunmin." 

"I'm scared. I'm so scared. Yoongi, I think I'm gonna die."


haha no, seriously I'm so sorry. I have major writers block right now so I'm really stuck and yeah. This chapter sucks but the end is near so be prepared. I hope you enjoy my awful chapter

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