awake and confused

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Euni pov
I yawn slowly sitting up. Thankfully, I don't suffer any hangover.
"Finally. You're awake. "I hear a wild Yoongi snap.
"Excuse me, sunbaenim? "I stare at him in front of me.
"Cut the formalities, its sunbae to you. Now please get out of my house. "He points to the door.
"Hmm? "I stare at him confused.
"I said get out. You've already overstayed your visit. "He pulls a blanket off of me.
"I don't understand. "I say as he pushes me on my feet.
"Are you dumb? I said get out, find your keys and go home. "He slams the door in my very confused face.

I find my keys in my shorts front pocket and enter my cool apartment. I wonder if I said anything stupid last night. I shrug it off remembering I have school. School! I totally forgot! What do I do?! I barely have time!!!! I tear through the house looking for a random outfit and run out of my home. I arrive on class before the bell rings and end up skipping breakfast. (Outfit below)

"Oh my gosh! You're Kim Namjoon's sister right? "A bunch of girls run towards me

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"Oh my gosh! You're Kim Namjoon's sister right? "A bunch of girls run towards me. I nod my head surprised. "Do you think you could get him to say hi to us? "One asks. I nod again and they all squeal. Everyone scatters when the teacher walks in and I take a seat.
"So I'm hoping we all got that copy of Dogs and Down. Please pull it out." The teachers starts his speech. I pull the book out of my bag only to read it as Dogs and Cats. I internally scream because I annotated the wrong book. I'm gonna have to end up using one from the library for the rest of the month. I bang my head on the desk.
"This is not good. "I whisper. The bell rings and I'm still scolding myself for such a mixup. "Why am I such a mistake? "I groan.
"Not sure, you're just kinda dumb. "Namjoon laughs.
"I'm hungry. "I hint for him to buy me food.
"Then go to the cafeteria and buy food. "He says. I look at the twenty dollars in my hands. I can buy the book I need or I can buy myself lunch. In the end, I know if I choose food over school my parents will kill me.
"No, I can't. I'm going to the library. "I sigh.
"Okay, " He shrugs. "If you want, you can come watch us play basketball later. "Namjoon hands me a cookie.
"Okay, I think I will. "I nod munching on my cookie. I see the group of girls that asked me to say hi to Namjoon and nudge him. "Could you yell hi and wave to those giros over there? "I ask. He waves making the girls all squeal in excitement. They run over to me after Namjoon has left.
"Oh my gosh! Your brother is so hot. "One yells. "They're all hot! "Another yells. "Oh yeah! Especially Min Yoongi. "I roll my eyes at the very thought of Ming Yoongi being 'hot'. Personally, he's may as well be kinda ugly. "Too bad he doesn't bother with us girls! "

As I'm walking to the library, I see Yoongi awkwardly standing while talking to a girl. A part of me says black mail him for it and the other part says walks past them and mind your own business. I make a compromise and decide to watch but not use it against him.
""He stares at the ground. "Could I maybe..."He trails off. The girl pats him on the head, "I'm sorry Yoongi, but I have to hurry before I miss my bus. It was nice talking to you. "She rushes away waving back at him. He crumbles on the bench behind him, "Gah! Why can't I talk right?! "He yells into the air. He takes a note card out of his pocket and tears it to pieces. "Why can't I just say I like you? "Yoongi stares at his hands. I gasp almost falling backwards. He likes a girl! I thought he would always be too arrogant and self centered for that! I wonder who the unfortunate girl is. Should I confront him or should I ignore it? In my moment of indecision he eyes the bush I'm hiding behind. "Are you stalking me or something? "He snaps. I jump out getting ready to apologize when he covers my mouth. "You're annoying enough when you're not speaking so just shut up. I don't care to hear you apologize. "He takes his hand away. I'm burning with anger, annoying?! I'm hardly annoying when this sunbae over here is being rude and inconsiderate! I ball my hands into fists, "Don't call me annoying! "I yell.

"Gosh Eunmin! You're so annoying! Would it hurt you to shut up!? "I get yelled at by a classmate.
"B...but you asked me to... "I twist my fingers together not wanting what happened last time. Lightning sounds outside as it begins to pour hard.
"I told you to do my homework and you got every answer wrong! "She eyes the door. She pushes me towards the open frame, "Go on! Don't make me use force! "She yells.
"Please! I can't get my uniform wet! "I beg.
"Then run on home and get yourself cleaned up. "She pushes me outside and onto my knees as everyone else begins laughing.
"That's not funny. "I whisper.
"Hey Eunmin! You better pull your skirt down before other boys see! "More laughter.

"Why? It's only true. "He says.
"I was going to offer you help, but it seems you're don't need anything besides some manners. "I turn on my heels and walk away from him. I hear him calling me rude and immature behind me, but I ignore Min Yoongi, he is only a bully.

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