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Before we begin, I have a very important question for my lovely readers. What would you think if I wrote a gang ff? About who? Including a female character? And this doesn't just mean a Bts member, I can also write about other bands even though I'm still crying about 24K. But if yes then either comment or pm me, or you don't have to at all. But if you would want one and would read it then I can write one but not unless it'll actually be good. Then I'll trash that idea and continue on my many drafts. And lastly, I'm changing the way paragraphs are written to make it easier to read.

The only weapon in my room that I can think of is using my fists. I grip onto the pillow behind me, sure a pillow won't hurt but hopefully it'll stall this person enough for me to escape for a real weapon. The person puts their finer over their mouth, "Shush Eunmin, you seriously don't want to wake Yoongi up when he's tired." The voice of a pesky older brother shushes me.  I sigh in relief before glaring at him, "What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I whisper. He awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "There was some kids outside your window while I was walking back from work, they were whispering and I noticed a small coin bag that looked like something you had so I wanted to come check on you." He points to the window to my left. 

"You couldn't of waited until morning?" I cross my arms. He huffs, "You think I have the time to come and check on you in the morning." I roll my eyes, "But you had enough time to check on me at midnight." 
"No. I just happen to be off of work." He points his smarty pants finger at me. I fallback onto my pillow, "Well thank you, Joonie. I appreciate you looking out for me. I'm gonna go back to sleep if you don't mind." There's a sudden groan from the room outside. Namjoon casually gets pushed out of the way as Yoongi plops, face first, in bed next to me. 

"Don't ever make me sleep on your uncomfortable couch again, jerk." His voice is muffled by a pillow. Namjoon looks at me wide eyed. He turns over and looks glaringly at him, "Thanks for waking me up. Now get out, Namjoon." He says in a stern tone. He looks as though he's about to argue, but quickly stops himself knowing better. He lightly bows, "Yes, hyung." His eyes meet mine as he walks out and I slowly come to the realization... I'm screwed. "You can sleep on the couch next time." He turns back over planting his face on the bed. 

"No thank you. I'd much rather sleep in my own bed." I awkwardly shift so I'm facing away from him. I hear him lightly chuckle, "Shut up and go to sleep already, pabo." 

I groan as I feel sunlight hit my eyes forcing me to wake up. Odd I could've sworn my bed was softer than this. I quickly open my eyes, did I roll into Yoongi's arms while I was sleeping?!  I look around my surroundings. My carpeted floor under me, my pillow thrown someone besides me. I stand up realizing that Yoongi pushed me off of my own bed. I cross my arms, "You deserve to sleep on the couch." I sigh. "There's no point in complaining to someone who isn't even listening, Eunmin. Since you're awake, you may as well get dressed." I say to myself trying to get my brain to start running. I walk over to my dresser and pick out a set of clothing for the day. I lay them gently on the bed as I walk to the bathroom to put my face on. (Theoretically not literally. I swear, some people take things so seriously.)  I'm washing the face wash off of my face when I feel someone tap my shoulder. Evidentially, my bathroom isn't that big. And since there's soap on my face, I don't open my eyes because I don't want soap in my eyes. Being the human being I am, I jump at the unknown thing that tapped my shoulder. I jump back only to realize that my bathtub is right behind me. My legs hit the short wall and I end up falling back into the tub. I yelp as pain rushes up my body.

"Oh shoot! Eunmin, are you okay?!" The sound of Yoongi rushing forward comforts me for only a moment. I nod my head, "Yeah, I think I'm okay." I put my hands down to try pushing myself up only to slip back down thanks to the face wash on them. Yoongi laughs, "Need some help?" 
"No! I'm fine." I try getting up again only to find myself at the bottom of the tub. "Maybe a little help." I whisper. I use the back of my hands to rub some soap off of my eyes. His hands wrap around my waist as he lifts me up to my feet. I carefully step out with his arms guiding me to make sure I don't fall again. A wet cloth is pressed on my face wiping away all of the face wash.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yoongi asks again as he washes the cloth. I nod reassuringly, "Yeah, I think I'm okay." I wash my hands off once he's done. "Have you had breakfast yet?" He hangs up the wet cloth to dry.

"Not yet, I was just going to grab a light snack and go to the bank since I have to get groceries today." I dry my face and open my makeup kit. He gives me a disgusted look, "What's that for? You don't need makeup." He grabs my hand that was reaching for a brush. "It's just a little something." I shake him off.

"But if you do that then you'll look pretty." He crosses his arms. I raise an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong with looking pretty?" I lean forward with my arms crossed as well. "Yeah, there is a problem with you looking pretty. Cause then other men will be looking at you." He pokes my forehead pushing me out of his personal bubble. I smile lightly blushing, "I still don't see the issue." I pick up a brush. "Come on, I'll have to tell Namjoon. What if one does something weird? Or say something weird?" He smacks it out of my hand.

"Sunbae," I turn to him. "I'm just trying to get ready for the day. If anyone decides to try 'something weird' I'll be sure to stop them." I quote. He huffs, "Yeah okay. I'm going back to sleep." Just before he walks all the way out he turns back to me, "Not on the couch."

I finish my morning routine and walk to my bedroom. Yoongi is already fast asleep making me wonder what drugs he's taking. I pick up my neat pile of clothes and take it into the bathroom with me to change. A pair of jean shorts, a simple oversized black shirt, and topped with a denim like collared dress shirt that's too big on me so I wear it as an over shirt. I'm in the middle of grabbing a pair of socks when I hear a quiet snore. I look towards the bed at a sleeping Yoongi. His face squished up against the pillow. I carefully walk over and poke his cheek. I get no response so I poke him again. And again. And again until finally, he pushes me hand away. I back up assuming that I woke him up only to notice, he's still asleep?! I can only imagine attending his funeral only for him to wake up in his casket and we all realize he was just sleeping. "It's my bed. I don't get why you're allowed to sleep in it." I twirl a piece of his hair. I think it's very safe to assume he doesn't wake up easily. "You didn't let me sleep in your bed. I had to sleep on the couch." I grab my socks and walk towards the door. "You're lucky I'm the better person." I put on a pair of white shoes with Cherry's embroidered all over them. I'm about to lock the door when I remember one very important thing. I rush back inside and straight to my bedroom. I roll Yoongi on to the floor. "I'm not the better person." I smile at my accomplishment. "At least it isn't the couch."

Still not beta read ;). What would you reader-nims think if I added a bit of action? Yah or nah? Trash or wowthatlooksgoodaddthisplease? And sorry if this isn't very good or interesting, I'm having writers block and I've been a kdrama addict so prepare for cheesy scenes unlessactionscenesarewhatyoureadernimswant. One last thing, does anyone wanna actually be my beta reader? That way I have someone who knows the story to read over a chapter before it's published and tell me what they think? If so just contact me somehow. Ya know, through comments or pms. Alright, that's enough with the author notes. It's time to stop. I'm sorry. Expect less of these hopefully soon.

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