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Eunmin a few weeks later
"JungKookie ah! "I wave as he arrives for a small basketball match.
"Euni! You're embarassing me! "He replys shyly. The other boys laugh patting him on the back. He glances back at me and I give him a big thumbs up.
"Yah, Euni. I thought you liked Yoongi. Shouldn't you be cheering on him? "Yeon smacks me.
"Am I not allowed to cheer for a good friend? "I hit her back.
"Jiminie ah! Win this match for me! "She stands up and yells.
"Since when has this been a thing? "I point between them.
"You didn't know? That pabo and I have been dating forever. Where were you? "Thinking about Yoongi I guess.
"Then its a good thing both the people we're cheering for are on the same sides. "I shrug. "Namjoon ah! You better win! "I yell down to my brother the klutz. He waves to me before tripping.
"What was it like growing up with him? "Yeon laughs.
"A lot of broken glass. "I smile. The match finally begins after two tubs of popcorn. Yeon and I come to a compromise for our cheering.
"Go Jikook! "We both scream together. We laugh at the pink tint on their cheeks. In the end, JungKook's team won. Everyone seemed surprised, especially because they were going against Yoongi. "What do you think happened? "Yeon asks as we exit.
"I don't know, but at least JiKook won. "I shrug it off.
"That sounds too much like a ship name. "JungKook complains. We laugh.
"Who wants to go out to eat? "Jimin makes jazz fingers.
"I'll tag along. "I smile.
"Carry me? "Yeon asks. Jimin nods and she plops onto his back.
"I wanna go too! "JungKook grabs my hand.
"So where are we gonna eat? "I ask.
"I know! Jimin's parents own a cafe! "Yeon raises a genius finger. "And then we can look at some baby pictures. "She grins.
"No way! "He argues. We all laugh at his mochi reaction.

"This food is amazing! "I stuff my face with the most delicious substances.
"So why can't you cook? "Yeon jokes. We finish eating and begin parting ways.
"You dont have to walk me home, Kookie. "I say again.
"I know. "He continues escorting me. We come to a stand still outside.
"I'll see you tomorrow.... JungKookie... oppa..."I trail off. What's he gonna think? Will he laugh? Did he even hear me? My heart beat quickens.
"JungKookie oppa? "He repeats. He's gonna make fun of me or something, I know he will. "I kinda like that. "He pinches my cheek. "Goodnight. "His bunny smile brings me comfort.
"Goodnight. "I smile at his approval.

This was a short chapter cause the next chapters gonna be litty. Jk. Leave me alone.
Ima rock.
I'm never doing anything ever again.
And I literally don't care.

Idk what I dont care about, I just dont care?

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