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Before this starts. I just wanna say thank you so much for all the comments you left in the previous chapter. You all are way too wonderful! I'm really happy you all like this and I do want to try to do my best at making it even more interesting! And if you want to know, this was  mainly happening in the Down in the Books Chapter. I made a small edit informing anyone else who'd like to comment... You people gotta stop reading, we hit 40k+!  Thank you again! Fighting! Also, I have new books out called Titled Document and Phase 4, it would mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out, please! And give me feedback whether or not I should continue it! Hahaha writers block. Sorry this took so long to update as well! You're all amazing readers and I went stealing your lines and jokes. Ha, this chapters gonna be bad.

Eunmin Pov
Yoongi drags me out to the chicken dinner we ate at when I first offered him help. Maybe this time I won't have to hide under the table. I had the table nervous as I look around for a familiar face.
"What are you going to order?" Yoongi asks looking down at the menu.
"I'll just have coconut chicken." I cheesily smile. After the waiter leaves Yoongi stares straight at me with no plans to stop anytime soon. He stares for a while until I feel awkward enough to say something. "Is there something on my face?" I ask. He reaches forward, "Yeah. It's kinda ugly." I smack his hand away as he laughs. "Why are you so mean?" I cross my arms.
"I'm kidding, don't take things so literal." He laugh taking a sip of water the waiter just dropped off. "So, you wanna go drinking after we've finished eating?" He asks for no reason.
"What? Since when have you been a drinker?" I ask confused. The first time I met Yoongi he barely touched his drink and after that I've never seen or heard him go drinking once.
"I can drink when I want. Are you coming or not?" He takes another sip. I open my mouth to say something, but then our food arrives. We both begin eating and it wasn't until we're halfway done he asks again, "So?" I want to say no, but I also want to say yes. Why is he inviting me out to drink all of a sudden? Oh wait. If I say no, will he go drinking on his own? Then he could get hurt while getting home....

Yoongi drags me into the bar. I awkwardly tap the table watching him order two sojus. Somehow, with some sort of magic, he down the first one in less then a minute. Mine sits barely touched and he orders a few more. Half an hour later, his pale face growing red, and he starts mumbling incoherent nonsense.
"Are you gonna drink that or what?" He slurs lazily pointing to my bottle.
"I'm good." I slide it over to him. He downs it like a shot. "Are you okay?" I ask.
"Well, to define okay." He lifts his hand up before letting it fall back down. He plants his face onto the counter smushing his cheek. "No." He sighs. All of a sudden, you know who, comes storming up, her face is redder then Rudolph's nose.
"What the hell are you doing here with him?" Soora gestures to Yoongi. I shrug, "Drinking, what does it look like?" I'm frankly tired of her shit and I'm ready for her to shut up. "I told you to step off my man, 뚱뚱한![fat (ttungttunghan) ]" She huffs.
"Excuse me?" I stand up getting ready to fight a pig. Yoongi stands up and holds her shoulder, "Hey. Come on, Shoora. Leave her alone." He almost trips and falls trying to walk over to me. I catch him as he stumbles helping him stand back up.
"Yah! Yoongi! That's not my name!" She grows redder. He points at me, "And her name also isn't Ewwmin, or..." He counts off all the mistakes on his fingers. He looks straight into my eyes, "Nah. I think her name is taken." I feel a small tint on my cheeks, "Wh...what?"
"Wae, Yoongi oppa! You can't do this to me! I thought you liked me!" She stomps her feet on the ground.
"Do what?" He tilts his head innocently. She screams frustrated, "You took my boyfriend!" She glares at me.
"No, I didn't." I was very unprepared when she reaches forward and holds onto my arm with a death grip. "Let go!" I yell trying to pull away.
"You b*tch!" She slaps me across the face. "I warned you! And you still didn't care! Listen to your superior, you fag!" I put my hand over my stinging cheek, I stare at the floor under me. The floor feels so heavy, almost like I could fall straight through. I ball my fist and drive it through her perfect little face. Soora falls back onto the floor holding her face. "What the hell, you idiot?!" She cries.
"Shut. The. F u c k. Up." I pop the up. "Yoongi isn't yours. He isn't property you're allowed to claim. He isn't dumb, he isn't naive, and he sure as hell doesn't like you." I count off each thing on my fingers. "So you can just quit your little act now, Soorat.{credit to an amazing reader}" She gets up with a death glare.
"Maybe I can't get Yoongi, but I can definitely make the rest of your school year a living hell."

Well shit. Even though I'm screwed, I don't regret a single thing that just happened.
"Whoa." Yoongi blinks a few times. I cross my arms, "You realize this is your fault, right?" I smile.
"Yeah. But that was pretty hot."

I manage to drag Yoongi back to the apartment. He waves his arms in the air singing the Veggie Tales theme song. I roll my eyes, "How the heck does a drunk man remember all those lyrics?" I search his jacket pockets. "Where are your keys?" I look at him. He smiles, "I dunno. I forgot where I put them." I shake my head. "Of course you did. I guess this is pay back for when I stayed at your place, isn't it?" He nods happily. I sigh as I carefully pull him back up onto his feet. "Alrighty then. I guess you're staying with me tonight."

I plop onto my bed after I finally get Yoongi to sleep. I peek into the living room and set him curled into a ball. When he's sleeping he looks so much less scary and judgemental. Almost soft, and squishy. I'm kinda tempted to get up and poke him. I change into my PJs and crawl under my bed covers.
"It's been a weird day." I whisper to myself. My eyes slowly shut closed and I fall asleep.

I'm woken by a sudden clang of what sounds like something shattering or falling. I groggily sit up and look at my clock. Twelve fifty two? It's too early for waking up. I rub my eyes trying to get rid of my fatigue. I notice a dim light at my doorway. I notice a dark pair of feet. Oh, they connect to legs, and that connects to a torso, which connects to a-. I can't hold back a scream coming from my throat. But I realize I wasn't screaming for fear of myself.
I was screaming because Yoongi was out there and I can't see if he's okay.

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