Twenty Four

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(Richie's POV)

Eddie's legs fell under him and his body slammed on the ice. He exhaled deeply in a groan. "I can't do it!" he said. 

His first time ice skating was not going well. I felt like I was disappointing him. He had such high expectations. He saw couples skate in this exact spot in the movies and absolutely fell in love with the idea of that being him. When he told me he wanted me to be there with him, making his dreams come true, I couldn't resist. I melted. He had that effect on me.

I laughed and reached my arm down to help him back up. He took ahold of my hand and I pulled him up into a standing position. He stumbled. He wasn't used to the ice skates on his feet. I thought he looked pretty cute, honestly. Eds has always been kinda uncoordinated and clumsy, but it just added to his overall adorable self. 

"Eddie, remember when I taught you how to ride a bike?" I asked. 

"How could I forget? You shoved me down a hill and I got my first bruise."

I clicked my tongue and put my hands on my hips. "I did no such thing."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "No, no, no. Yes you did! You were holding onto the back of the bike and said, 'You're doing great, Eddie', and then pushed me down a hill."

I laughed. "Okay, okay. I think we've established that I used to be a dick."

"Used to?" 

"Hey, watch it mister," I said. "But it's just like that. I'll hold on to you until I think you're comfortable enough on your own, and then i'll let go. Okay?"

He sighed and sniffed, his nose was bright red. I reached out my arm and he grabbed ahold of it. His skin was cold from touching the ice. 

"One foot back..." I instructed, as I swept my right leg behind me, and he carefully did the same. "Other foot back," I said. He did it. I thought he was getting pretty good at it. 

We circled around the rink and I looked over and smiled at him. I felt proud. He was adorable. I knew he could do it. I knew if he set his mind to it he could ice skate, or do anything. He was even making me into a good person. Many thought it couldn't be done, for me to shape up and control myself, but with Eddie, he made me want to be good. 

Then, without warning, I rammed my body right into a fat lady who was standing in the rink. I fell to the ground, and Eddie immediately let go of my hand as I plummeted. The impact was particularly harsh on my backside, as that was the part of my body that broke my fall. Eddie skated over and kneeled down beside me. I was still laying on the cold ice. He looked very concerned and I just smiled.

"Richie are you okay?" 

I nodded and laughed, grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you smiling about? You just fell!" he said, as if I needed someone to remind me.

"You ice skated on your own," I explained. 

He shook his head and laughed. "Yeah, I guess I did." 

"Now help me up and let's go cuddle."

Do Not Fucking Touch Me // ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now