Chapter 1

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We ran throughout the forest the gushes of wind playing with my fur and the release of freedom deep within my grip.
The hunt believed I was dead and glad to be whilst I was home free not to be disturbed by anyone,
Quana and I had grown a strong relationship over the past few days or so and I always hold an anger, even a slight doubt nearby so i always have her here and shes there ready to defend and help,
I can't believe I hated her
Shed never hurt me
I can trust her like I did Lupa long ago
Late night walks Quana would tell stories of warriors in battle she'd accompanied and those who fell at her feet, to be honest I found it amazing, to live so many lives and live to tell the same tale, Heck!
I could be the next!
Her dashing good looks and ruby red eyes.
She wasn't scary,
She wasn't one to hate or throw spears at but one to love and care for.
One to look up to and follow like a God.
Ahem Goddess.

We've past this tree like 6 times already
Quana grumbles as i frown sniffing the trunk in my wolf form, truth be told my new scent was there, Quana had taught me how to change it so I could blend deeper into non existence, she even managed to shrink my collar size like an everyday dog collar and made it red, you've seen movies, not just one big bulky one.
New life all over again

It would be nice to know where your leading me I huff letting her take control of my feet and hopping them into a trot throughout the bushes

Like I said im here to serve you, sit back and relax, i'll deal with it. She urged as i yawn, we'd been walking all night and i hadn't got a wink of sleep, but I didn't want to leave Quana alone, although she was in my body I felt disconnected when asleep and my nerves were on edge

Uh no im fine I reply as a strong scent stung my nose and I sneezed automatically, it was deer and I was hungry.
Apparently so was Quana as she dashed straight for it, my fur was now a dark tint of red and brown, really deep almost black but showed during the high sunlight hour.
Wandering through further now panting heavily we finally come to a clearing and i saw a vast amount of deer cluttering a field one or two Stags bopping their horns around, licking my lips I step forward only to feel a pushing urge not to attack.
I sniff the ground finding an odd scent to them, they weren't wild, tamed, I didn't trust it and backed up only for Quana to bark

Dude im starving!

Quana I don't trust it, let's hunt elsewhere

Urrggh why so cautious! They're right there for the picking
Just one please!


Your gonna starve


Your gonna be weak and dead

She moved my legs so we ran forward snapping at one of the deers hind legs before a body was pushed at me, i yelp falling sideways but quickly hop up snarling to the female wolf, grey, i knew it was one of Artemiss wolves but was confused why she had her livestock this far out and knew if she was here the rest wouldn't be far behind, i growl aloud backing away

"Get out of here male!" The largest wolf scowled snapping her teeth at me as two more appeared, all grey eyes against my yellow ones, i lower my tail but perch my ears up

"Sorry, I'll be on my way." I yaped back quickly but Quana stopped me

Why you stopping!?  We're only here for food
Stand your ground

I can't
Artemis is near, i need to get away

Urgh fine.

Lowering my head I whine apologizing as i back away but saw a Hunter running through the bushes
I notice her immediatly as Cathy and sped off
How could they have got here during all that time
I thought I got further than that

Well if you actually moved your butt once and a while you would be far away

"Hey wolf! stop!" I heard her yell but i kept running eager to get away and didn't stop for another 3 miles before coming to a slow quivering hult, i couldn't breath, i couldn't talk, nor could i stand and fell to the floor with a huff, I whimper to myself as my muscles ached horribly as though bleeding and stuck my tongue out gathering the air I could,
Quana was breathing heavily

Jesus! Dude why so fast!

I-I didnt want to be near

I know that but you could have trotted half way! My thighs are killin me here!


I gulp swallows my sylavia before resting my chin onto my paws exhausted, soon my eyes drift down to uncontrollable sleep.

Cathy POV
Crud I think that wolf just ate our deer,
The first time Thaila allows me alone on guard this happens.
Urgh! I ran after the poor thing but it was bolting away from vision as though on fire, it really did want to get away and for a moment I felt Pity, lone wolves shouldnt be out here alone, their easy pickings and if my guess is correct that it did eat one that it would be multiplied because of the dears curse to keep male hunters away, it was planted there as a deterant for packs of predators to warn off, but I guess the lonely little wolf was that hungry it igonored it.
The creature was non the wiser and doesn't deserve to die over instincts but instead I stop, watching the ball of fluff spring away record speed and i turn back heading back to camp, Artemis was due to be back by her meeting with the Gods, the whole Percy mission things been taking up alot of her time and since Tyron was not here nor Brittany who can help out round camp, and we have to hunt for dinner now! our lines have been cut short and no lead to follow and im sure everyone else knows this to, Kayla, Orhana and Parish all pad at my feet their silky grey fur rubbing against my legs, and arrive at the edge of camp searching for help, Noticing Pheobe by the pup pen I wander over to see she was in a trance

"Heya Pheobs," I murmur as she blinked looking over at me and managed a smile
I think ever since Tyron went she's missed him however doesn't show it much around us
"Miss him?" I ask

"Me? Hah no, glad he went," She said defensively but frowned looking down at the yapping pups below us hopping away and licking and biting at the fence or each and one another.
"Remember when I dropped him in here, heh the look on his face." She giggled as i laugh

"Yeah, but don't worry we all miss him, your not alone." I sooth as she nods whipping her eye
Even I felt myself tearing up but held the words he left for me reminding me that it wasn't my fault

"Anyway why you here? Or is it to check in on me?" She asks as i nod

"That and well... I think a lone wolves been at our deer round back." I mutter as she shrugged


"Its curse."

"Yeah I know."

"Its a woodland creature it didnt know any better."

"Are you asking me to uncurse an animal who thought it was right to eat our food?" She asks almost as a challange.
But I ignore her nodding.

"You can?!" I ask hopfully as she nodded

"I can and won't, only a male can be that stupid to heave a warning." She snapped as i place my hands together praying and now worrying dearly for this wolf's life, i don't know why or how but I felt like I knew it, its eyes
The way it's fur ruffled reminded me of Tyron, his small linky body, the wolf looked exacully the same but red,

"Please! Please!"I plea as she rose her eye brow to me before sighing

"Fine. Where Is it?" She asks as i feel my smile fade and speeck falter

"Uh I don't know it just ran off." I mumble as she grabbed my shoulder walking along the mud graceled path below in the spring breeze

"Just show me where you last saw it."

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