Chapter 13

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"TALK DAMN IT!" Thaila growled kicking the side of the cage, Kian winced but I stayed still glaring up at her in my now human form daring for her to put a hand in through the bar's just to see what would happen,
Just to hear her scream as I'd tear off her arm!
She wasn't my cousin, she was ruthless, no mercy, a new girl influenced by rage or fear of what I fail to know
Kian was shivering, trembling even and his face between his top scared, I wouldn't blame him, but all I know is she needs answers and without us she won't get any

"I don't know." I say simply trying to remain calm, this boy doesn't deserve this, he deserves a free open life out of cages and master's yelling down

"YOU DO, WHO ELSE COULD MY COUSIN GO!?" She screamed as i shrug

"I thought you Hunters were smarter," I reply making her go red in the face, anger or embarrassment I don't know
"There are many other packs-"

I was interrupted by her stomping foot and that was when I drew the line,
That's it!
She wants to play rough let her!
I fold my arms refusing to reply to her orders, she even tried to push Kian into speaking but I soothed him silently saying we would be okay, we'd go through this together and that I'd never leave him,
Finally the boy came in, one I'd learnt to be Garfield and a few of the girls, and Zane?
I never saw him before, especially when we were going through camp I never saw him anywhere, although his scent was familiar but choose to egnore it glareing at Garfield who now had pulled out a note pad, Kian showed much interest in the pen titling his head sideways dry tears down his cheacks as he held in sniffles, poor boy

"Thaila let me." Annabeth urged as Thaila groaned stomping out furiously, They were silent for a moment but I smile glad for the silence since my ears were ringing, Kian smiled to probebly thinking the same, She stepped forward

"Hello Im Annabeth Chase great to meet you." She said kindly as i raise an eyebrow
What's she playing at
Kian although seemed very happy and waved shyly

"Hi." He beamed childly as i nod my greeting not trusting this woman for a minute, she's up to somthing,

"Now, we all want somthing here correct?" She asks as we nod,
"Well it's simple, you tell us what you know and you can go." She said simply
I froze, one moment we weren't allowed to go the next we can,

"really? Youll let us go?" Kian mused eager to escape captivity
She nods

"Do you know anything of Percy Jackson?" She asks as i sigh, Kian tapped his chin shrugging

"Doesn't ring any bells." He muttered as she tilted her attention to me, I hated it, her eyes on me like lasers scanning for a lie, I look away shuffling unconfortably

"The demigod? He went missing didn't he?" I manage as she nods,

"What about the name Tyron Elkheart, reminds you of anyone?" She asks as i frown, Kian shoke his head again, Garfield possibly sensed my discomfort and was glaring at me like a hawk

"Why do you need to know?" I ask

"Well... Percy and Tyron are one of the same person and we wish to find him." She explained as i nods

"What does he look like?" I ask trying to blend in, I had to make it seem im not him, that im just a bag of nerves bundled in a cage awaiting freedom, not some anxious man showing signs of knowing

"Hm Tyron?" She asks as i nod
"Brown hair, green eyes slightly tanned skin." She told me quickly as though shed repeated it a thousand times whilst I plot up a plan
I smile

"Him? I think I know who your talking about, werewolf he was."

"Wered you see him?"

"Now Im not sure, but last was a long time ago whilst I was checking the packs out lands, came across the loner, asked if he wanted to join, but he declined when I mentioned Lycon and told me we never met, I wasn't sure why, never questioned it, guess now I know why with a crazy lady like that Thaila woman he's good as dead." I Muse quite proud of the lie, even my own mother would believe that, mother's, Cathy giggled slightly but Artemis stepped forward

"Well? Did he mention where he was heading?" She asks as i shrug biting my nails
"You dont know?"

"Hey it was a long time ago." I mutter making Pheobe smirk

"Well maybe we should have a look in that small brain of yours?" Pheobe suggested rubbing her hands together devishly as i cover my head with my hands

"You leave my brain out of this!" I snap as Annabeth stared at me

"Wait a minute, if you knew Tyron then your over a millennia year old?!" She informed as Kian mouth hung open, he glances to me as i grin

"Good for my age?" I joke but she rose and eyebrow and I knew what she was thinking


"What do you meen how?" I ask stalling for time before smiling "Lycon."

"I never knew he had that power."

I nod
"Every top commander has it, just in case big boss decided to drop off early for rebirth a multiple amount of us are in charge."


"Done! That's all I know." I announce scratching my elbow slightly, I always did this when I was nervous, a way to distract myself, Annabeth was reaching for somthing probebly some keys but Cathy stopped her looking at me

"Did he give you anything?" She asks, I pause scanning for somthing and nodded

"A red sweater." I inform as she gasped

"What did it say?" She asks eagerly coming up to me, I was even persuaded to growl but held it in knowing she wasn't going to hurt me

"Something animal how am I supposed to know?"I reply casually as she grabbed on side of the cage

"Where did you put it?" She asks as i frown wondering what she was up to

"He told me to burn it," I mumble as i saw her face crinckle up into a frown tears in her eyes, Pheoebe cracked her knuckled walking forward
"But I didn't!"


I shoke my head
"It was a perfectly good jumper, I have it."

"On you? Zane asks as i roll my head at him

"No Sherlock at home!" I reply narrowing my eyes at him, his eyes, they seemed so similar to Matts, where is that two faced, mucus for brains boy got to?! i have a right mind to teach that kid a lesson of betrayal
Slimey Traitor!

"Where?" Annabeth asks as i stare to her

"Why is it of your concern?" I snap, she sighed
"Weve told you what we know now you pay up, let's us out." I say as she smiled,
Or was it a smirk?

"We never made a deal." She grinned as i frown, Kian groaned hitting his head onto his knees

"Fine, its in my room," I inform as she began to speeck but I pause her
"And! im sure your demigod Matt knows where that is." I say her closing her mouth tilting her head to Garfield he bit the lid of his pen, shrugging,
He pulled out a small blue vial making a wash of worry fly over me, whatever it was I didn't like it, I had a bad vibe, a bad feeling of its od dark swirls
Kian hid his face probebly trying to wake up from a dream or to block them out, he came over shooing everyone leaving us alone with him

"Don't worry you won't remember a thing." He soothed coming above Kians cage, he put it onto his hand as it morphed into a glitter like thing and held it

"What?" Kian began until he dropped it over him, he coughed slightly begore grinning crookedly and fell asleep on the spot snoring, I went wide eyed
He came over to me and Quana popped up snapping and snarling but was unable to effect as he grabbed a different one, a pink one and poured some over me, it landed into my hair throwing away all the problems, into my eyes urging them to close, Quana barked and yapped for me to stay awake and not let the potion claim me
But however as much as i tried to resist it rocked my body side to side like a soft rhythm of a lala bye, I yawned slightly my head lunging forward until I couldnt help it anymore and slide down the bar's
Quana screeched disintegrating off into black mist as the curtens of my eyelids pull down to unwelcomed sleep.

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