Chapter 2

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Artmeis POV
Life stinks, im neck to neck with my father's wrath and non stop chattering that id harboured the traitor known as Percy, yep,
I finally told the Gods with Chaos allowance In this dier need, however No one else can know, it between me and the Gods, except Thaila she already knew

"WHAT?! WHY DIDNT YOU INFORM US IF THIS SOONER!?" Poseidon below smacking his triddon against the cold throne room floor, they had moved back to Alympous after the insiden

"I told you already I couldn't, i swore on the rive stynx and chaos." I say calmly not making eye contact with them

"Oh poor, poor Percy you Killed him!" Athena wept to Poseidon as Hades looked down a his feet

"I did No such thing! You Artemis braught this arise!  If you just left that boy alone he'd be back within a week and normal!" He screeched as i narrow my eyes

"Don't you dare pin this down on me! The only reason he left was because of you, you believe your own son was a Traitor and threw him aside as though nothing! I am not the bad guy here!" I reply making his face go pink and arms fold pounting much like Percy used to
No one speecks of Percy like that except me
Thaila was beside me placing a hand on my shoulder

"Um what about Brittany? she hasn't returned for a while?" Aphrodite asks as i nod
The day Percy disappeared was when Brittany never returned, i thought maybe she went so far it would take it overnight to return but now im worried for the girls saftey
Lycons lacks been wondering round lately and my camps now out of Camp half blood and throughout their battlefield and she could be anywhere

"I haven't seen her nor my hunt, maybe she left?" I suggest as Zeus shocking his head

"No, i ordered her to return with the Boys collar," Zeus interrupted "iv checked the skies."

"IV checked the sea." Poseidon huffed but Hades strayed silent looking away

"Brother? Did you cheack?" Zeus growled as Hades flinched but slowly looks to his older brother

"IV had alot on my plate?" He answered much like a question but looked away to our glares
"I'll cheack now then." He muttered whilst we began to talk again as I shuffle in my throne with the ordering around, Hades made a shocked look

"Found somthing?" Appollo asks as Hades nodded anxiously

"She's dead." He replied blanckly as we stared

"What? How?" Aphrodite asks as Hades shrugged

"What about Percy?" I ask as he paused but shoke his head

"CANT find him or any werewolf trail of him, sorry." He replied, I froze, all the Gods were glaring at me, i glance around frowning
It was like I'd done somthing wrong


"Did you set this up?" Zeus growled as i went wide eyed

"how could I!?" I scream insulted that he'd think such a thought

"You must have! You knew who he was and had to stop her, where is He!?" Posieden yelled making me wince

"I did No such thing! I didn't know he was alive and did not dare plan that poor girls death!" I snap but Poseidon hammered his triton on the floor silencing me

"Honestly! Daughter I thought i taught you better!" Zeus growled as i gape at him

"Did you just listen to what I just said?! I didn't know end of descution!" I scowl hitting a fist into the table only for Ares to yell

"Dont speeck to us like that younge lady! Your in no possition to order us about!" He snaps pointed a chubby stub of a finger at me, i the great Artemis was just insulted by a forbidden good for nothing male!
However I stay silent growling deep under my breath
I swear when I find Percy I'll kill him myself

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now