Chapter 14

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Annabeths POV
That was easy, they werent that bad, although I think Thaila went to hard on the small one, I could  tell he was scared, who wouldn't be, ever since Percy went Thailas gotton cold, harsh, she pushes her training to the limits probebly to ready the hunters to capture Percy but still, I think she needs to take a vacation or somthing,
Stress is the last thing she needs
Garfield came out the vial empty and for a moment from the look on his face I thought he'd killed the poor things,

"What did you do?" I ask as he frowned

"Nothing," he assured putting my thoughts to ease but he sighed putting a thumb to the tent
"The red heads lieing."


He nodded
"Yeah he knows somthing, but its up to you, let him go or question him, I'll be taking the small one back to his pack." he informed as i groan, and I thought it was easy, Artemis nodded

"Leave the guy here, I'll have a chat with him later, the kid won't remember a thing?"

"Yep, he'll weak up on the track that you said they scout, say he must have fallen asleep and presto! Done and dusted." He announced as i nod, good
It's for the best
Zane stood forest though now in his originall look

"But what about the rest of the class, they saw us leave won't the be reporting us missing?" He asks as I stare
God I never thought somthing so smart could come from that boy, and honestly I didnt care if he was smart or not.
All I want is my Percy!
Garfield nodded

"I thought of that and put on a scent that whoever was near the man last will forget the last time they saw him, leading them off somewhere else,
That is if they haven't already told them they'll just retell the story." He explained as i stare, this guy thinks of everything
Hnypnotising the human and demigods earlier and now this, makes me won set how they made these things
He smiled before walking back into the tent pulling the boy out and into the forest, I figured hed be a long time and we all went in probebly for Artemis to have a good telling off.
She hated it when people lie,
Especially I that person is a male and worse a werewolf which the hunters aren't very fond of.
However when we did go in he was fast asleep, to be honest it was quite cute, you could see each and every wolf detail in the man's face, his spikey hair, rugged yet stern look, it was like looking at Tyron, but different, I just knew mother will go crazy, she loved Tyron and I have no doubt if the two met that she wouldnt like him as Well, ever since she found out he was werewolf she couldn't stop speacking of them, how Lycon was the first werewolf and that all are related in small patterns, Artemis walked over shaking the cage trying to wake him but failed, he growled kicking a foot like a deer before going limp again, Cathy looked over by my shoulder tilting her head

"I swear iv seen this guy before." She murmured as we gaze at her


"I dunno, he just does-" she managed before Pheobe nodded

"Hmm yeah, iv seen those eyes before, creepy." She mutters as i smile glad to have some trail

"Maybe they were friends?"

"Percy? Friends? He barely ever left camp."

"Well maybe he didn't need to, maybe this guy came to him-" i explain until I was rudely interrupted but Zane poking his nose in

"And your setting this of a maybe?" Zane asks as i sigh staring at him head on through the puffy warm air suffocating us

"You got any other bright ideas?" I snap hating the fact that he'd question my knowledgeable mind (flatterer)
She put up hands difensivly as Artemis kicked the cage one more time, getting no reply she scowled turning to Pheobe and Cathy

"Take him to the private tent, meet me at the dinner hall in 10 minutes." She told them as they nod heading off gripping the flap without another word.

Percy POV
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
I felt sick, sick to my stomach, I felt my body being plomped down with a rattle and muffled voices, I groan clutching my aching stomach feeling as though they were being twisted inside out and torn out to sharks, literally, the vioces stopped and I say in my eyes open to meet eyes with another, i pause, I gulp
IM still here, I look her over slowly my eye barley even able to stay open, I tried to sit myself up but my bones felt weak and gave up, I notice it was Cathy, she was lied down on her stomach face in hands as she stared at me, I was about to speack before she did

"Do I know you?" She ask as I frozen, i play the silent act not willing myself to make a peep and breathed out a sigh, she frowns
"You lied, you like lieing?" She asks kneeling onto her right palm as i frown feeling terribly quilty, my fingers were numb and my eyes sore I gaze at her features surprised how much older she was, I was sad i couldnt have been there for her, I felt like I betrayed them, they treated me as family and now I take them out on a wild goose Chase? Do they deserve this? Should I just own up to this and get the punishment over with, I only sigh

"Why am I still here?" I manage my throat feeling as though sandpaper, she smiled oddly

"You need to tell us what you know, we don't believe you." She informs as i scowl

"What is there not to believe that's all I know." I snap as she backed up coming to a stand with Pheobe who was behind me moments ago

"No matter, Artemis will talk with you in a while." She told me walking out, I scowl forcing myself to sit up and grabbed a knife from my waist belt, I try unlocking the lock but when I pulled the knife out the blade was melted and I drop it to let it cool, I got a pair of tweasers and shoved them inside only for them to melt, I even tried to tear them off but got zapped and burnt,
Yep Thaila worked on this cage, I gasp my finger stinging terribly as i place it in my mouth trying to sooth it, I sigh awaiting Artemis large rant at me.

Sorry Hannah I think I will be late for dinner.

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