Chapter 12 CONTINUED!

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this chapter is for RachelStanley3
Who in very glad to give me an idea
Also cheack out

I lay curled up in a ball, to be honest I had no regret of the sin I made, the girl deserved it!
Matt had left earlier in the morning telling he'll return later with a friend.
Georgia was asleep and Kerry and Harry were outside watching us,
Well me mainly since Kian was sound asleep, it wasn't noon so I wasn't surprised,
I was starving, I hadn't eaten all yesterday and this morning watching these guys eat in my face made me drool, Kerry constantly calling me doggie and Kian kicking his legs by now it was really annoying me, Harry somehow noticed my stare and came over, Karry followed but i tilt my head away refusing to make eye contact, they sat down probably to start conversation,

"Hungry?" He asks as i frown, I glance to Kian, the poor boy, he hasn't eaten to, I tilt my head to him nodding numbly as he shoved a piece of chicken through the thin make shield  bars, I hesitate, before grabbing it and curdling it into my hand not eating,

"Thanks." I mutter as he smiled sitting up patting his mop of grey hair

"So how is it? Being werewolf i meam." He asks as i shrug

"Debatable." I reply as he rose an eyebrow

"Were you bitten or born wolf?" He asks as i sigh curling up deeper, this isn't a game, no game to talk of the past,
"Bad?" He asks but I stay silent once again, he shoved a whole chicken leg in making this almost feel like a which trade but I gladly took and held

"So? What are you gonna do?" I ask simply after a moment of silence as i glare up at him, he seemed confused but I smile
"Throw me in a river?"

He laughed

"Nah I'd never allow that, Is there lots of you?" He asks darting straight to another question

I nod


"Where do you live?"

"Can't say we move alot."

"Can you infect people?"

"If I wanted to."

"What do you mean?"

I stay silent, this guys like a mine digger finding each and every detail of an object that isn't supposed to be found
Maybe they'll cart me off to some lab?
They can do anything to something not human.
I'm dead!!
I CANT go there, werewolves need to stay secret

"Harry?" I mumbled staring at him


"please don't tell anyone."I plead as he bit his lip,

"Why not? You guys are a new species, we need research on you guys."

"That's the point, people don't investigate us because were not  supposed to exist, you know how much pain you'll cause us, some who were once human treated like lab rats? Shoveled into cages without a second thought saying oh their just animals!" I snap
This guy needs to know right from wrong, were secret and need to stay secret

"I'd never allow that-"

"You wouldn't realise we were gone." I harshly ask daring this rotten man to reply
Not only will he be punished but the kids, its like a threat, a very serious threat

"Yeah, but still-"

"No buts, this needs to stay here, not to your friends or family, noone can know." I push as he sighed sadly, I would to,
Its like finding the cure for cancer but unable to speack, to write. To know but can't tell.
He could be rich, just a cell from my body or a hair from my head could doom us all, and set this guys and future for life!
I smile
"No matter, No one would believe you anyway." I shrug as he nodded, Kerry bites into a slice of toast munching away devishly

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