Chapter 9

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Vivian POV
Gosh them kids are excited!
Alan won't stop jumping
Brians to excited to even so do anything except Stare
Ariel's clapping her hands slightly
Kian's biting his lip his fingers twitching
And Matt... is... I dunno he doesn't seem that excited for it as we all stood in the field close to the forest edge

"So! So what we hunting!" Kian blurted as i smile happy to find him eager to engage in one of my lessons,

"Take a guess." I urge scanning them all
Tara rose a hand
I nod



Alan rose a hand



Francis rose a hand eagerly waving it
I nod

"A bear?!"

I shake my head amused by how inaccurate they were although we have a simple purpose

"Were going to be hunting demigod," I announce as they squill in excitement Alans feet tapping crazily on the floor squishing Brian's hand
Matt's eyes widen and his lips grip together
"Now, I know you guys want to do this alone, but you need to work as a team, this is dangerous and I have no doubts that if you don't communicate with one another one of you for certain will be harmed."I warn as i saw Matt's face white as paper, like he'd seen a ghost, every one had a nervous look on their faces glancing to one another for reassurance
Kian smiled

"Don't worry couch nothing can take us down!" He beamed bringing everyone with him, I sigh
"We promise." He added glancing to me as i fold my arms

"You don't need to promise anything, im coming to keep a close eye." I told him as he frowned and I could tell he was angry


"Don't worry I won't intervene if Im not needed, this is all your time to show how good you are, I can't ruin that," I interrupted his expression softening

That's when they did, bones crack croaks of pain and bending skin, it was a sight to see and I swear Matt was going green in the face seeing he was the only one still in human form, he seemed deep in thought and everyone was staring waiting

Kian was light grey
Brian Brown
Alan white
Tara grey
Ariel black
Ellie Brown
Francis blonde
All small tall pups their skinny legs and sharp teeth and claws, you could tell from a mile they weren't adults but they were ready
I think

Matt was just... Matt

"Matt?" I ask and he snapped his head to me biting his nails
"Why haven't you shifted?" I ask as he kicks his feet into the ground mumbled something under his breath

"I-i said I can't." He muttered a bit louder as a few in the group howled in giggles, I snapping at them shutting them up immediatly turning my attention to him again

"What do you meen you can't?" I ask as he sighed

"I uh never learned?" He mumbled a hint of fear in his tone, to be honest I felt sorry for the boy, at an age like this he needs to be his wolf and I sigh

"Fine you can run," I order making him look down at his shuffling feet, I smile walking off and behind a tree them following and i reach down into a ditch pulling out a small boy, he was small maybe 7 or 8 and scared, he had gentle black strands of hair and in his pjs, his fingers clutched to his teddy bear like for dear life
The kids licked their lip making him scream and cling to me, his grip was firm as i lift him from the ground
"Now, this is your pray, have a good smell, you'll have to track it," i told them pulling a strand of hair from his head handing it to Tara
"Good luck." I murmur to her, honestly wondering if the boys be okay,
dropping the boy, i leave him to sprint off in a fright running as fast as his tiny feet could carry him,

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