Chapter 18

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"Artemis please!" I wail trying to shake her grip, she didn't.
Pheobe came up panting wildly before noticing me an gasped,

"Im sorry Perce, its not that we hate you, its just orders." Artemis mumbled a hint of pity in her tone and I groan laying down my cheeck onto the concrete hating myself not to have gotten out faster, maybe i wouldnt be here, free

"Found the woman?" I ask


"Good." I manage my ribcage just now cracking under her weight, I couldn't do it, my breaths become forcfull and I attempt to sit up to breath but she put me down again

"Stay." She orders as i scowl wheezing for air

"can't breath here." I grumble as she sighed pulling out somthing

"Stop squirming and I'll let you get up," She told me fasseneing titanium handcuffs to my hands,
"Alright sit up," She orders pulling the scruff of my cloak and i rock onto my side sitting onto my knees my head down, I was about to stand but she stopped me
"I said sit up not stand up." She growled as i groan

"Please Arty, please I haven't done anything wrong." I plea hearing Thaila and a few hunters run over, I didnt dare meet their eyes, I felt hated, hated like the last day I was at camp, the day that swine ruined my life,
Thaila came over right infront of me, she grabbed my hair so I looked up to her and I saw tears in her eyes

"P...Percy?" She asks as i look away from her, although she sat down hugging me tightly around my waist, i was shocked, all this time of running, she still loved me? Accepted me.
"Why? Why Percy why did you go!? We could have helped you." She wailed not pulling away, I wished to hug her back, I wished to sniff her hair one last time, but not all wishes come true and I guess that is the circumstance here,

"Im sorry," I mutter the only words my lips held as i frown forcing back tears of sorrow and regret
"Im sorry Thaila, i-i didn't know what to do."
My vioce trailed low and she glances to me her eyes puffy and red

"You-You oh God's." She managed before her vioce cracked and she stood up unable to continue, I was sad,
I admit it.
Me a werewolf sad over a Hunter, my cousin,
The first true time I saw her, the cousin I knew and loved was still in there, urging to escape
I sigh looking around to the citizen's who was giving second glances, I was wondering wa
Hat they were seeing,
Was I being arrested,
We're we even here?
It confused me so but Artemis patted my shoulder and I glance to her

"It's time we go." She informed as i nod glanceing to the hunters and smiled,
And then we were gone, the world whizzing by, flashes of the world patterning my view and them the throne room came, all the Gods sat alone,
Some in shock
Some in fear
Some in... sadness
Athena was here now crumbly sat on her throne, and we flashed in, Ares squiled but collected himself by the sudden outburst and appearance, this time
Almost all were here, the camp, the hunt and I felt looked down on, nervous, under pressure, I couldn look at them, how could I?
I ran
Like a coward
Not Percy
PERCY would have stayed and fought for himself,
Im not him anymore, I really am like a werewolf, forgetting who I was to who I am And felt I needed to become,

"Father." Artemis announced clearing her throat and Zeus snapped from his daze glaring down at me, I only look once, and that was enough to seal my stomach, his eyes were full of anger,
He wasn't the nice old God people loved and saw as father, but the man I saw as a threat, he honestly could have made Medusa sick but I wasnt gonna say that,
He can kill me
Mark me fade
Throw me to Tartarus
Wherever I went I was fine with, I was just another threat on his bucket list

"Persueus Jackson, your run has come to an end I see." He bellowed


Artemis sighed letting me go and paced over to her throne willingly sitting down, all were looking to me
"Don't egnore me!" He thunders as i blink out of my trance and frown

"I guess." I reply quitly however loud enough to be heard over the odd silence hidden between the cracks of the walls, the words on peoples lips and the sadness in most hearts

"Well!? You have anything to say for yourself? Any last requests before we sentence your fate?" He asks numbly

"I- I'd like to say sorry for this i left," I mutter for in enough currants to turn to the hunt all their eyes on me, most were sad, some closed, some didn't even face me and others mucb like Jordens and Annie's held regret, pity
"Im sorry guys." I say simply not wanting to waste Mir time and wants this over with, maybe death will send me off

"Persueus Achilles Jackson, you my boy are no hero, I here by now sentence you to death before Life for all eternity for treason with Lycon and crimes never shall you walk this earth, or breath this air, you are no more a part of this world," Zeus announced grabbing his bolt and aiming," Zeus announced grabbing his bolt and aiming
Thaila let out a scream of protest but had most the hunt holding her back, her cries echoe around the room pleads for a chance, she was soon lead out by a few of the girls, everyone was frozen Athena weeping silently along with Hades wiping back a tear, Appollo was full out flooding even his sunny fade blued, he was hugging Artemis deeply as she patted his back gently,

"Lord Zeus I'd never-" i began until

"SILENCE traitor you dare not speeck to us!" Zeus bellowed as i glance to my father


"Don't, you are no son of mine Dear traitor, shall you find peace else were." He mutters waving a hand his eyes shut with pain as i gasp,

Anger filled me and I glare to the Gods

"Heed my warning Gods of Olympus, you will regret this day, that is a promise." I growl as Zeus snarled

"If your smart boy you'll stay dead, any last words?" He ask as I spat the ground
"Any last words?" He asks pushing the top close to my heart

"One day you'll see the mistake you make today, and I won't be around to heal your guilt. Choas have mercy on those who next to your wrath." I sneer as her smirked fiddling with the bolt before throwing it at me, the boly plunged right into me, my scream was cut short the world around me evaporating, my vision blur and dots hit my eyes, then death claims

death had won this war!


sadly this is the end,

I'd love to write more for all you so please comment on a story you'd love to read, I'll be glad to write them,

Another betrayal one?

Evil one?

Just comment and I'll see which I should write

Please suggest
Thank you

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