Chapter 6

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Zanes POV
After the guy Curnel Harshell  dumped me to a cave I was left in with multiple werewolves
Two were play fighting trying to pin each other down as a girl simply watched
I sat a awkwardly in the corner scared that any movement I made would blow my cover,

Guys I don't like this

It's okay, they would have killed you by now Artemis replied through mind message as i sigh
They could see what I saw, everything I acknowledged they all saw on a small screen in one of Artemis private tents, like a spy cam, however i broke from my gaze as the one with blonde hair fighting punched the other one in the gut causing his feet to buckle and fall at my feet, the boy below him only chuckled turning over as the other helped him up, two girls in sleeping backs covering their ears and two or boys on the other side of the cave doing the same probably trying to block out the other kids fighting, until one girl spun up

"Guys its not even noon! Go to bed!" She growled as the blonde haired boy glanced over to her

"Can it Ariel! were playing." He snaps as i heard Artemis scowl

Give his butt a bloody tranquilizer!

"Well it's no thanks to you Kian that you made Couch so mad." Ariel snaps as another boy hopped up a name tag on his sleeping bag reading as Alan, he had crazy wild hair

"My feet are still running!" He cried pulling out his foot to reveal blisters and cuts, I cringe but was confused why they were trained so furiously,
The other boy sat up and saw me

"Oh how rude are we!? We have a new roomate!" He told them as i find myself at their direct glare just realizing how stuffy it was in here
I gulp

Don't worry just act cool Garfield told me as I groan

Easier said than done

Just start with you name or say hi

Sweating I shyly wave and saw the other girl groaned looking over

"Hi." I greet as Alan hopped out of bed and I saw him grab the other boys pillow called Brain shoving his feet in and hopping over

"Nice to meet ya, my names Alan, you?" He beamed sticking out a hand,I was shocked to see how kind this guy was being but shaked his hand non the less

"Matt, Matt Squir." I told as he nods whilst hopping over to a sleeping bag next to his and gestured me to it

"You can sleep in Jacobs, he won't be needing it." He told me as I felt myself pale, however i sat down feeling the rugged faberic between my finger tips and thought of the last werewolf who slept here, I turn to Alan who was being tackled by Brian who wanted his pillow back

"What happened to Jacob?" I ask as he stopped letting Brian take it and turned to me

"Broke his leg in an excersize a few weeks back, he has to sleep in the infirmary for the rest of the year." He beamed as i went wide eyed

Wait what!? Annabeth screamed making me wince but stare at him

"How?" I ask as he began rubbing his toes, The other girl sleeping shot up unconfortably me now getting a chance to see her name was Tara

"Hmm? Oh Couch gave us an assignment to capture a live animal, I was with him as a pair and we were running down a hill after a boar but his leg got caught between two rocks and
it snapped the bone straight in two, I had to come running back to the field and couch had to carry him back home, since then we haven't gone on one since. " he explained as the boy Kian stomped up

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