Chapter 5

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Zane POV
"Artemis there staring at me." I whisper hiding behind Annabeth as the girls glared

"Well duh... they don't like you boys," she told me turning to her tent flap "girls you may leave." She orders as they crack their knuckles but walk out, only Pheobe and Thaila stayed eager to help, however Zeus gave us another Hunter to watch and make sure we were looking
This time unlike Brittany was a boy and called Garfield, Long strands of blond hair all combed back and purple highlights over the front.
He sat opposite of Artemis, arms cross and sat down watching like he was signed here to do

"Okay uh anyone have any idea where to look first?" Pheobe asks as Artemis pulled out a map out for all to see

"Im not sure." She murmured as Garlfield sighed as sat up in his chair

"I understand you have a Werewolf pack around here, correct?" He asks as Thaila and Artemis exchange glances but nod

"Lycoan's pack? Yes last time I checked he was north of our boarder, although he does keep moving time to time." Artemis explained as something finally clicks and I think Pheobe did to as she practiclly attacked Thaila's hand

"And non of you thought he could have gone there?" He asks as they as go silent, to be honest I didn't know Lycoan was so close, but maybe he did go there and hide all this time,
Artemis looks him in the eyes

"Indeed but what do you plan we do?, we can't just walk in there all in all shouting his name and bashing pots and pans together." Artemis snaps making the boy frown but smirk

"Of course, how stupid of me," he mumbled looking over at me and standing up walking behind my chair and laying hands on my shoulders
"But I know, how to get in there without a second glance." He announced as we stare, Artemis was confused and tilted her head


"Simple," he said tightening his grip onto my shoulder blade making me shiver, this guy was even freaky than Medusa
"We go under cover." He smiled as i look up at him notice he was glare at me with a grin,

"Umm." Was all I said but quickly look away by Thaila yelling

"Are to insane!? They'd kill us on first sight!" Thaila growled as he shoke his head

"Nope," he said pulling out a bottle of yellow liquid
"Werewolf scent, indetectible, although I only have enough for one person." He stated but Annabeth shoke her head

"We don't even know if he is there, he could be in Alaska or Mexico." She scowled as Artemis nodded

"He hated Lycoan, why would he join that pack of his?" She challenges as i nod, however Garfield shrugged

"Fine, go on a wild goose Chase, and I'll go get that wolf on my own." He muttered getting ready to leave but i stopped him

"No, we're with you." I manage before he smiled

"Good, great for you to agree," He smiled unscrewing the bottle and handing it to me
"Come on we've got work to do." He smiled as we all walk out the girls trailing as we head out to the tents

"We aren't going tonight right?" I ask as he shakes his head looking to to all in a circle

"No, bright and early tomorrow, themselves go out on a router check every morning, that's when you'll appear." He explains as i nod
Oh boy what have I got myself into!?

Percy POV (Vivian)
It was still night and I was wide a war from Harvey's loud hideous snoring, my eyes blood shot as I tilt my head to him scowling,

Take about loud


Let's get out of here

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