Chapter 8

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Vivian POV
Yawning I pace through the pack my eyes already aching after multiple trap unlocks, seriously I wish the hunters would just go already, leave us alone, the Sun had rose dramaticly Lycoan was know where to be found so I figured I may as well go cheack on the guy, I scale the wide cliff side to his Den barking in for entry
However I got no reply, sighing I walk in uninvited sniffing the air sure something was wrong, but when I do come in Lycoan there and fine although scratching away at his back and chest,

"Sir? You alright?" I ask as he snapped his head to the noise

"Oh sorry Cernal never heard you come in, urgh sorry I don't know what's come over me, can you scratch my back for me?" He ask in a mouthful itching his arms as I frown
Does he have fleas or something?
However I sat beside him on the bed scratching his smooth back with a claws

"Oh thats the spot," he murmured his foot hitting the floor as i roll my eyes, I continue there and his foot now resembled as rabbits foot hopping along
"Sorry about this, I think im allergic to something." He managed as i smile

"Its okay Lycoan if you needing a holy back scratcher Im up for the job." I chuckle as he smiled

"Thanks, I bet any other wolf would have turned it down and ran a mile." He laughed as I smirk placing a hand onto my chest purely puffing out my chest

"Sir may i say, I am not your normal werewolf." I joke making him smile in amusement

"Your a crack pot, you know that?" He told me as i shrug

I stop scratching and reach into my waist buckle belt pullin out a dot leaf
"Try rubbing this onto your skin, I know there for stings but its the only thing I got." I added as he took one looking at it in wonder

"How thoughtfull, you do care." He smiled as i grab a dot leaf and rubbed it onto his raw red back

"Heh that and I don't want Cernal Flay in charge, but yes I do care." I reply sniff his skin making him shiver

"What are you doing?" He asks as i frown

"You put any lossouns on or cream?" I ask as he tilted his head to me a face that told everything
"I'll take that as a no." I add as he nods turning away as i sniff the air
It was weird, a light flaked smell,
Light and fluffy, I scan my nails finding the same substance there and sniff it, other than Lycoan's skin it was the same, powder like, I scowl shifting the wolf and sniffing the ground furiously

"Cernal?" Lycoan asks but I was to focused sniffing, I follow them to the floor and then along the stone

What do you think it is Quana?

Hmm by the looks of things he's either put on a substance or powder or its a set up
I suggest we scout the area

Yeah I think I agree with you on this one

Shifting the human I glare at Lycon as he looked up back with confusment as i sigh glancing round the old cold caves circular prenisfier scanning each do for somthing
Or worse

"You sure you didn't put anything on, you were fine before you went to bed?" I ask as he nods shuffling on his cushion bed
"Well go to the lake and have a swim, get rid of the cloths you have now, burn them even and get new ones." I told him as he gasped at me as though I'd swallowed a bear cub whole

"you expect me to give away my cloak to that red beast!?" He snaps as i shake my head

"No The cloths your wearing now, your pyjamas." I told him as he sighed

'I don't have any." He replied simply as i sigh, okay new plan

"Then,"I began grabbing his cloak and cloths shoving him out of bed and covered his ears, snapping my fingers they were clean and I uncover and took a while before lettin him
"You just get changed and I'll see you later." I told him as he nods, I grab the dot leaf and walked out but had him grab my arm so we were face to face,

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