Chapter 7

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Zane POV
Guys I can't do this anymore!

Yes you can now follow them Garglied replies

No! I won't

"Matt come on!" Alan yelled waving to me, I gulp stumbling back

"I-im uh."

MOVE IT YA WIMP! Garfield yelled making me jump, Tara was beside me nudging my shoulder

"You okay?" She asks as i nod

"Yeah, yeah im fine." I manage before Brian swung a heavey arm over my neck

"Then come on, tonight we stay up late." He told me as he walk to the cave, I didn't know how they could sleep in a place like this with only sleeping bags
Alan fell down onto Brian's bed and Brian shoved a pillow over his face making the boy squil

"Brian get off!" He yelps as i sit down,

"What was that?" He asks sarcasticly cheack his jagged nailed grinning

"YOUR SQUISHING ME YOU OVER GROWN BAFOON." He snaps making the girls howl in laughter
The girl I'd learnt to be Ellis was sat next to me watching
Artemis on the other line was laughing her head off

Oh dude I could watch this all day! She laughed

Come on focus we need to find that Kian guy Annabeth told me as i glance around finding him with Francis chuckling evily over a box
Ellis nudged my arm causing my thoughts to scatter and mind come to space and I glare at her

"Yes?" I ask as she beckoned me closer and I do, she got up grabbing my ear and pulling me away
Christ this hurt, argh

"Ow ow what?" I manage as she stopped to Kian, Francis glanced to me his nippy black hair combed over his forehead
The held a tiny white tub and for a moment I thought it was a pill case but found it was itching powder
I gulp
"Whats that?" I ask to double checking as Kian rolled his eyes

"What do you think it is!?" He asks quitly as i shrug unsure what to do, he sighed but held bit firm
"This is revenge." He chuckled as Ellie giggled, I frown but tilt my head to them

"What do you meen?" I ask as he groans

"Are you thick or just stupid!?" He snaps as i frown
Alright no need to be snappy

How rude! Annabeth gasps

"Neither, and if you want to be like that im going." I snap back narrowing my eyes turning around but Ellis knelt an arm on my shoulder

"Sorry he doesn't know what he's saying, your arent stupid," she smiled as i managed a glimpse of hope

She isn't that bad, for a werewolf
Garfield murmured

I sigh but smile,

"Listen meet us out the cave at midnight, okay?" Francis asks as i frown


"Okay?" He pushed as i frown

What do you think guys? I ask

I don't know they could be taking you away to kill you. Garfield mumbled

No maybe they want to lead us to Percy Artemis suggested


~~~~~~~time skip night~~~~~~

Oh how I hate it

Anything could bounce out, a cute little rabbit even would freak me out, I crept out of bed the quite as I could and scurried out to the dark clouds above, as i dreaded the kids were there waiting

"Bout time, you don't know the difference between dusk and dawn." Francis groaned as the girl hit his shoulder silencing him

"Well you ready to prove yourself worthy?" Kian asks

"Wait wait what? Prove what?" I rush as he sighed

"Hah you think you can survive here without having your place? Your lucky Alan likes you, your a friend of his your friends with anybody, you wait he'll throw you away like nothing." Kian laughs as I felt myself pale

Don't let them do this, they're trying to find your weak spot Garfiled informed as i sigh

Oh yeah? How do you know? I snap as i heard her sigh

Just trust me, you don't wanna give them your weakness, werewolves are well known for feeding of your emotion until you have non left, let's just say you won't be living throughout the night he informed as i hold back a gulp, I snap from the trance now just noticing how their eyes were blazing, they reminded me of a drakons, iv never faced one but they seemed like the ones in the pictures their eyes glissening

"Uh sure I don't really mind but I may a well."I inform as they sigh, but grin

"Okay," Kian spoke pulling out the itching powder tub and handing it to me
"I dare you to put this on Lycoan."

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