Chapter 3

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Still Percy POV
Night had finally drawn by and my paw pads were aching to the point i believed they were bleeding, multiple times I asked Quana if I could shift to human but she'd just say

Two feet don't get you anywhere fast

Plus I felt like this was some wild goose Chase, she refused to tell me where we were going but constantly told me we were close, close enough to keep a steady jog, she never allowed me to stop and urged me onward saying it was just over the hill or next batch of trees bringing my hopes high, only to drop them once I found nothing,

Now! Now I know where I am! Take a left!

I obey following her instructiona and sniffing at the ground now finding a full nostril clogged up of wolf, was this a pack?


I obey

My right!

Oh sorry I mumble going the opposite dirrection
how was I supposed to know where she was?!
Finnaly we came to a small clearing only to stumble n.a. at the sight
In the flesh was stood around a heard of wolves petting them, tickling their ears and I slowly back up

Quana why do you bring me here? I mutter gulping hard as Lycon spotted me, my ears go low and my tail tucked in, if he knows its me in dead, he smiled beckining me over with e whistle but I only to a step forward until pausing

Like I said im here to serve you she answered as i mentally curse for seeing this
To serve me to Lycon!?
This is why I hated her!
She took over my legs forcing them onward so we're were inches away from Lycons robe, the very robe which contained the same old Fox heads rabbit teeth and badger ears poking out awkwardly, he knelt down me lowering my head as he was inched from my nose, he grinned scratching my ear making my leg pound before her grabbing my snout opening my eyes wide, he breathed out a sigh of victory as I lean back scared

"Finnaly a werewolf, hello there Im Lycon leader or the werewolves, you may shift." He smiled as i cock my head confused

He womt hurt you, just be mice and obey his rules and youll be fine
I frown questioning her but shrug beginning to shift my bones snapping and curdling and sappy cells changing mixing throughout my blood cells until I had fully morphed, i had completly changed my appearance, i looked years older around 25 or more, red shiny hair and yellow beedy eyes
He smiles looking at my baggy t-shirt the one the hunt gave me as a present the party animal one, i blush in embarrassment and cover it
"Gotta name kid?" Lycoan question swinging an arm over my shoulders, i nod by glance to him

"Uh it... it um Vivian, Vivian Harshell." I say triunfuntly as he smiled
Im good d at names now I should get a job
Here buy a new name
Hah I'd be out of business within the week

"Got a ring to it." He mused as he pulled me along eager to walk

"So where you from, hope we arent enemy's heh." He laughed as I frown rubbing the back of my neck nervously

"Uhh Im around." I murmur as he nods

"Yeah I used to be a loner, until I began a God! Now look at me! I have wolves at my feet." He chuckled as i look down and to Quana who was literally drolling of Lycon, she even faze through his brain probebly looking on info she could find to fuel her mind,
I smile

"I'd never, im here to serve." I found myself saying and I curse Quana for making ne think that, although Lycon smiled

"That's what I like to hear! You have no idea how many werewolves think they can overthrow me," he chuckled making me go pale as he patted his chest hoping a tear from his glustfull red eyes
"Good times, good times." He added as i nod my red hair bouncing whilst we walked, th night air was stuffy, i wasn't sure if it was Lycons furs arm suffocating me or was it the fog closing in, my breath became soft and found my legs going wonked, Lycon noticed and stopped

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now