Chapter 4

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Artemis POV
~~~~~A Millennia LATER~~~
To be honest, finding Percy, i can do, anyone else I would have caught years ago, but now, him.
I can't.
He seemed so sad and needy for a new life that I only hope he's far and safe, Zeus made all the people Percy knew immortal from Zane and Annabeth to Quin and O'Leary
He was furious.
He thought anyone Percy knew was hiding something and needed them later, chaos allowed me to tell the hunt of our new search and that It was Percy and Pheobe threw a fit
Saying all that time she was chained to him and the youngest
The poor youngsters didn't know what to think, they still now refer to him as Tyron, he's the one they grew up with and I can understand.
I'd love to believe he wasn't Percy.
The people out there werewolves even could be like that, and ever since that my hunts not had a guardian, we protect ourselves and stay distant, if a boy does wander through the woods as a threat we'd attack then warn letting them go with a few cuts and bruises, I was talking to Thaila when Zeus called a meeting

"Can I come?" Thaila asks as i shrug

"Sure." I say simply as she smiled, Pheobe Pooled up

"Hey im coming to." She snaps probably excited to scare Zeus with her famous glare, i frown hating to meet my father like this but agreed and flash us to Olympus
However when we arrived.
Not only the Gods were there but also Zane and Annabeth, they looked as confused as i did when I took a seat glancing to my father making harsh eye contact and knew he was up to something, he looked ready to slice off any head at any given moment, the way his stare faltered over me told me we were here for one reason
And one only
Pheobe and Thaila sat with the two campers and me next to my younger brother waiting for Zeus to speack
But when he did, it sent shivers down my spine

"Now, let's get straight to the point," he scowled his voice mad and grumpy, he snapped his head to me and I dare not look
"IV given you all this time and yet you have still failed to find Percy." He growled as i close my eyes turning my head and nodded, Annabeth and Zane both knew along with the rest of the camp half of which refused to believe such a lie, although everyone else here believe it and knew it,
Zeus huffed
"I have a feeling you've been unloyal to me." He growled as i glance to him

"I'd never, how could you think such an obserd thing?" I reply innocently only making his expression harden and teeth clench

"Daughter, you can't avoid my command, i told you to search for this boy and I suppose you haven't even tried-" He snaps until Athena hoped in

"GOOD leave the poor guy be, he's saved this world twice and still you only wish him dead!" She interrupts only for Ares to snap his head to her

"Stay out of this woman!"

"Make me!" (Ooohhhhhhhhh damn)
Ares stood up, violently grabbing his sword as Athena smiled
"Oh do you think you can win a battle with me and yet you were beaten by the very boy we speack of on his first quest." She laughed making Ares face go red with embarrassment

"No he did not, he cheated by using the water! I wanted a rematch but he ran away!"

"Oh no, no he didn't! He took the responsible route we should be taking now, he left to save Olympus and return Zeus's bolt, one of which he never stole and returned from the goodness of his heart!" She explained as we all froze remembering the good old days.
When days were simple and not full of fright and confusion, nice even.
"We should at least repay the boy with our gratitude and leave him alone as he wished in the first place!" She growled making the Gods lower their heads, but Posieden shakes his head

"We can't just let a boy get away with this, he'll cause trouble, revenge even!" He replied and I instantly cringe at the way he spoke
Referring to Percy as a boy not his old son, or hero, just a simple plane boy who didn't deserve this stress

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