Chapter 17

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The pain began to melt away and I soon found my mind blank, I gulp my thoughts, dreams flying away as though a rock slide, I couldn't make sense of the things around me although I clutched to them refusing to give in, I felt I needed them, I had to keep them safe, my dreams and wishes, pasts and futures bundled into one brain.The large woman (Demeter) Infront of me was staring at my eyes, I was confused, she saw me in pain, could I help her? I was in a large room and multiple large people were present, although they all seemed to be coated in a line, or was this a thing, I shake my head my thought fuzzing and focus on holding them, I didn't give up and smelt a large surge of power overwhelming them to me and I was able to drag my thoughts back, the woman grunted and went limp, information pouring back into my brain and I began to collect my surroundings



Need to get away!

Need to!

Quana let out a howl of anger and I gasp my breath holding, I couldn't do it,
I couldn't stop her
She was finally free


I let out a long ear piercing howl making all cover their ears, except for Demter who had fainted, grinning i leapt at Thaila snapping at the bar's, she hops back shocked to my sudden violent act and watched as i began to tear away at the bars, the metal sparks and fire consuming my fingertips.
But I didn't care.
Artemis shot up rushing over her bow aimed, i growled opening the bars stepping out and glancing around for an exit only to be greeted by an arrow hitting my shoulder, I was to shocked to notice how slow this was going and how little the Gods were helping, but when I glance to them they all were frozen, Zeus had his bolt in hand Hades was lunged in his chair and the rest held shocked faces, it was weird and only Artemis moved, she hurdles into me and i gather my thoughts and grab her wrist before flipping her over and throwing her away, i spy my exit, a portal? The black portal was ahead of me whispering my name, Quana seemed convince for it would help and i shot for it, it grew bigger and bigger and just as an Arrow hit my back i was through, i was gone and falling, i yelp glancing around noticing i was near a town and smiled, great a good place to loose these girls, I heard them teleport by and I land the ground perfectly not bothering to sniff air for the coardinations and set off sprinting, I never turned back, just kept going! On and on eager to escape them. Suddenly I came face to face with a wodden fence and I leap over it an arrow whizzing by my cheek, I gasp surprised by how fast they got on me and glance around, I was in a back garden, a shed beside me and a laundry board near, an woman was there pegging on cloths but saw no problems as she had headphones on and I could easily slip by, I knew the girls wouldn't reveal themselves near this girl and reckon they'd be surrounding me as i speack, I scowl rushing off leaping over the gate as i try to shape shift but my wounds provented it and saw Thaila from the corner of my eye, I dove into the crowd of people walking by my heart pounding from my chest and I leant on a wall gathering my breath, I couldn't breath and began relishing the desperation in my legs of which they ran so urgently they were like jelly not wanting to move, Thaila acknowledged me but looked away scanning the air as i smile


hobbling into a nearby cafe, I went in discovering the lack of customers and sat on a table at at back waiting for them to move on, i was panting and ever so often id look out the window only to see them looming out, i must have been their for about 10 minutes staring into space and only when a voice rung was when I look up

"Hello Dear, what will you be getting?" A woman around 30 asks as i groan stuffing a hand into my pocket,
Im broke!
We never needed money out in the forest, I glance to her smiling and grabbing the menu

"Im still looking." I mutter as she rose and eyebrow

"Dear you've been In this same seat for over 20 minutes." She mutters as i glance up at her

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now