Chapter 11

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Vivian POV
Hearing muffling low voices i groan tilting my head sideways trying to block whoever it was rambling away
I felt so sleepy!
I didn't want to move
Just stay here and sleep
Whoever it was can wait I'll still be here,

"Hewwo?" Someone mumbles

I shot my eyes open, damn! I remember, that- we- but!
My head still facing away i turn it around only to see the most sickening group iv ever seen, I jump up only to fall again
One by my stomach and two by a hit of something above, my head throbbed terribly and I look up to see I was in a cage
In some old crammy cage for some ordinary dumb animal!

"What?! What's the meaning of this!?" I exclaim glaring up at them, I felt so small, so shamed upon with them all staring, I gulp looking over to see a sleeping Kian sleeping away his legs prompted into the air like dead road kill, the older man came closer sitting in front of the cage staring at me, and for a moment I felt intimidated, he could do anything to me in here, im like a trapped lab rat ready for someone else's bidding,

"You can talk?" He asks as i scowl.
They'll never understand.

"Of course I do! What do you think Im speaking?" I ask as i saw Matt peeking through
"You! Just you wait! Get here-" i began launching myself at the bars until my leg spazzed out in a shocking pain making me stop, he walked out glaring at me, although the girl was first to speack

"Um so? Your werewolf?" She asks as i fold my arms looking away

"That's classified information." I snap tilting to Matt again

"Who are you, why did you come to my pack!" I growl trying my best to sound in charge and attempt to stand
The nerve of him!
Being this close and I can't even touch him,

"Fine, i was only looking for a friend-" He replied as i rose an eyebrow

"And which werewolfs this?" I ask hoping to have some action at home

"Percy Jackson." He said as i froze, there looking for me, me! Still!?
This cant be true I never knew a guy called Matt, I kept my glare showing no emotion

"That still doesn't explain why im in a cage you stupid talk of a-"

"HEY! You attacked us! We are the ones in charge not you." The girl interrupted as i scowl

"Stay out of this, its him Im talking to, not you." I snap as she huffed pushing a hand into her pocket pulling out a key

"And your the one in the cage, so I advice you listen to whatever this boy wants or well throw you into the river." She said as i fold my arms,

"Do it, I dare you," i snarl pushing up against the thin bar's as she gritted her teeth

"Why you little-" she began until The man pulled up his sleeves examining the bite marks

"Wait! you lot bit me doesn't that mean I-im werewolf!?" He stutters as the little boys smile faded into a crippled frown his lips trembling and eye watery, the girl and Matt stared pondering the though however I smirk

"Maybe." I chuckle as his jaw dropped open, Georgia gasped and Matt froze,

"Uncey Harry?" The boy trembled rushing to his side hugging his shoulder
Oh one things answered
This guys younger than he looks and his names Harry

"Your not serious." He managed a lump forming at his throat his voice almost a croak as i smile

"Maybe." I giggle as Matt narrowed his eyes

"Gar-uh I thought Pups couldn't infect people." He murmurs as i frown
Party pooper!

"Way to ruin the fun," I snap my fangs glissening making the boy shiver clutching his uncle Harry,
I saw a few bag over by a tent one bright blue written as Georgia and a yellow one as Kerry,
"yes that's true, count yourself lucky." i nod turning my head to Kian as he let out a wail, he shuffled around his back against the bar's, he landed with a thump but obviously didn't care or was still asleep as he didn't move,
Until he rubbed his head tilting it to me through the bar's, he didn't seem all together, as though this was a dream and he smile crookedly, before his eyes widen and shot up in a panic, Kerry hugged his uncle as he stood up hugging the boy within his grip, Kian had a scared expression shuffling to the corner staring at them then easing at me,

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