Part 2

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The bet is now set an after a few hours of practicing all of their other songs the band split off to learn new instruments. It is a new day with all the band members concentrating on their new skill to learn. Calum, Being the neat and organized person he is, printed off four new sheets with their new chords. Ashton picks up his guitar and storms off upstairs, meanwhile Michael sits nervously at his new drum set staring loss of all the various drums.

Ashton knows he's dead because Michael's guitar solos are rather tricky to learn. Even though he uses both hands to drum he can't seem to get the hang of using the metallic finger slider to hit the notes at the right time. He sits with his hand in his hands and guitar sitting up against the bed. The strings to srare up at him judging his talents quietly. Meanwhile, the red haired boy hasn't hit a single note, which is of how the composition sheet ended up crumbled up on the floor. He suddenly gets an idea and grabs his phone. With a slightly sweaty thumb he types, "basic drumming lessons" into YouTube and slowly but surely gets off to work.

Rather than argue the whole time, cake decided to team up and beat the other half's asses. Calum will teach Luke bass, and Luke will teach Calum the basic guitar chords. Mashton are in a mood with one another and refuse to work together. Cake is sat in Ashton's living room, the curly lads parents are barely in during the day and get back rather late at night. Calum is wearing a cute little outfit. Of course on his waist lays a short floral skater skirt, white with flowers dotted all over. His chest has a black crop top on. Underneath is white panties with a pretty little bow ontop. His hair is very care free, wavy and swept to the sides.

"And this is a 'c' chord," Luke speaks sending shudders down his spine. The blonde moves the flustered, older boy's fingers to the correct position. Calum knows how to play the guitar very well, he just likes to get a bit of 'extra help' from Luke. The pair is sitting on the floor, Calum on Luke's lap, and the guitar holding both of their fingers, touching at all times.

"Is this the 'd' cord Lukey?" Calum asks batting his eyelashes and moving around on Luke's clothed, crotch. "Mmmm yeah, that's it," groans quietly trying not to alert Michael or Ashton. Luke generally and carefully removes his hands from the guitar and slides them towards Calum's hips, while going over the sequence he just learnt.

"I think I'm done for today." Luke huffs as Calum's clambers off of his growing bulge. Obviously, being the little slut he is, Calum bands over while putting the guitar on its stand giving Luke a full show of his panties. Obviously, Luke is staring intently and hungrily. Swiftly the younger boy grabs a hand full of ass squeezing and pinching it.

"Babe stop teasing and come suck me off," Luke says with more confidence than Calum ever was expecting. Since Calum is the cock slut of the band he does as he's told. Luke sits back on the couch awaiting his pleasure.

Slowly the kiwi boy unzips the impossibly tight skinny jeans and undoes the button. By this time Luke's dick is extremely hard and begging to be touched. Calum folds the Calvin Klein boxers down and Luke immediately moans from the tightness relief. Calum takes the member in his hand and and moves his thumb over the slit making the receiver shake and squirm in his seat.

"Suck it, slut. Gag on it." Luke suddenly becomes more dominant, grabbing Calum by the hair and forcing his mouth down over the pulsing, leaking, member. At a painful pace Calum goes down all the way his nose being tickled slightly by the small pubes. Gagging noises come from the Kiwi's throat and he comes up with teary eyes and red cheeks.

"Fuck Cal, faster," Calum fits all he can in his mouth and tosses off what he can't. "I'm so close." Luke moans and within a few minutes he comes into the small, tired, boy's mouth. A bit is lying on the side of the boys mouth and Luke swabs it with his thumb making him swallow it all.

"Good little slut, now how about that bass lesson?" Luke winks at Calum.

"You gave Luke a blowjob on my parents couch?!" Ashton bursts through the door, Calum but's in.

"You literally fucked Michael on the carpet a few days ago!"

"Shut up, Hood," Ashton walks out of the living room with red cheeks. "So how about you then?" Luke says moving his hands to Calum's skirt's waistband.

"Please, I want your fingers,"


Hey y'all! So sorry about the delayed update I had a midterm this week in my business class so I was studying and my little sister came to my college to hang out so I was busy.

But I need you guys to tell me what you want to see... I'm quite a kinky minded person and I'm up to write (almost) anything so give me an idea of some type of smut you want to see!!


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