Part 23

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One Month Later

"What happened to that bet?" Calum asks walking over to his boyfriends who are cuddled up on the couch.

"Well we broke up with Luke, then we got back together, then you got kidnapped," Michael says and Calum giggles

"oh yeah," he says and The three laugh at him.

"Well did anyone actually learn to play the other instrument?" Ashton asks and everyone shakes their heads but Calum.

"I know how to play guitar," he says and Luke smiles.

"then that's it, the bet is over and Calum won." Luke says and Calum giggles happy he won.

"Who are you going to have sex with?" Ashton asks

"Or are we all having a threesome?" Michael chimes in,

"I don't know yet, let me think on it," Calum says and then adverts his attention to the TV screen and on whatever show that's playing in the background.

The next few days the boys are extra nice to Calum not wanting to be excluded from having sex with him.

They all buy him new things, give him what he wants, and does everything for him.

But little did they know Calum already knew he wanted to have a foursome with them all, he just wants to tease them all before that.


One morning Calum wakes up early and walks downstairs to see that Ashton is the only person there. He smiles innocently even though he knows that the shirt that he is wearing is showing Ashton his round ass in his emerald green lace panties,

"Mmm, good morning babyboy," Ashton moans and Calum walks over to Ashton.

"Good morning, daddy," he says teasing him a little. "Is daddy excited to see me?" Calum asks noticing Ashton's growing bulge.

"Very much," Ashton says and Calum sets his hand on Ashton bulge over his jeans and rubs him looking up at him through his eyelashes the whole time. He loves the affect he has on his boyfriends.

Just before Ashton is about to cūm Calum pulls away him alarm going off.

"Oh I need to get ready! I'm going to be late to Michael's!" He says and runs upstairs to get ready leaving Ashton extremely frustrated and out of breath.


When Calum gets to Michael's he skips in and sees Michael doing some type of work on his computer. Calum checks the time seeing that it's, ten thirty five. He texts Luke to call him at exactly ten fifty and then gets to work at teasing Michael.

"You look so stressed daddy," Calum says and runs Michael's shoulders for a second.

"I am baby," Michael says and kisses the smaller boy.

"I can help!" Calum says and gets into his Knees under the desk and unzips Michael's pants before pulling out his dick and in no time has it all in his mouth moving his head up and down while watching Michael. He feels Michael twitch in his mouth and then his phone rings. Calum giggles and pulls away answering.

"Hey Lukey!" Calum smiles, "I can come over, let me say bye to Mikey," Calum says, "love you too, bye," he hangs up and Michael looks at him.

"Enjoying teasing me slut?" Michael asks and pinches Calum's butt. Calum looks at him innocently,

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mikey," and with that and a kiss Calum skips out the door and walks to Luke's.


"Hey Lukey!" Calum says as he walks into Luke's living room and Luke smiles at him.

"Hey babyboy, why did you want me to call you?" Luke asks still very confused.
Calum shrugs and walks over straddling Luke's lap and kissing him Luke grabs Calum's waist pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss.
Calum circles his hips making Luke harder and harder every second.

"Fuck," Luke groans and goes to roll them over on the couch but Calum is smart and was sure to set an alarm for ten twenty and sure enough the alarm goes off Calum jumping up.

"I need to go home! I love you Lukey see you tomorrow!" And with that he's gone, out the door.

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