Part 12

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The past week has been hell on earth for Luke because when Calum split things off he didn't just lose the love of his life but he also lost two of his best friends. Those three boys were the people he spent all of his time with and never really went home except when he had to sleep or get ready for work.

Luke has never been very close with his family, his mum works night shifts and his dad travels for weeks on end for his job and his brothers have all moved out either to other towns or countries, he kind of lost contact and track of them all.

As the clock strikes 7 Luke sighs as he realizes that there is only an hour between his freedom and a graveyard shift at his job, which is moving boxes around in a warehouse, it pays alright considering he listens to music and just gets on with it.

The marimba tone echoes throughout his home kitchen and a very distant name flash across the screen, Steph, with a huff he swipes his thumb to accept the call from a high pitched voice. "Lukey! I got you off your nine-hour shift like you asked! Now come out with me and have a good time?"

God that girl irritates the fuck out of Luke but he has to be civil because her dad is the one giving him a job, even though he barely goes in. Getting a bit drunk won't hurt anybody besides he needs to numb his aching heart and distract his mind for a few hours. There seems to be no hope since he's been blocked on everything and has heard nothing from the other boys.

"Thanks and yeah that sounds pretty great, can you get me into the club again?" Luke mutters since she can get them both into the member only night clubs with free drinks. Going out clubbing with his ex-girlfriend probably won't make his whole situation better, considering he cheated on her with Calum for months but she has always had her claws in him somehow.

"Of course I can! Wear something hot because I can get us into a high profile club, with loads of paparazzi. I'll be around yours at 9 for pre-drinks, see you babes" Steph ends the call with a loud kiss making his spine shiver. Now just to look presentable for the first time in a while.


A few shots and falls later both Luke and Steph are slightly tipsy and ready to get out of the taxi and face the flashes of all the cameras. Considering Steph is the daughter of a near billionaire she gets recognized a lot and has many articles written about her on how she disgraces the family name every time she drinks too much in public.

The past lovers make eye contact as the taxi door gets pulled open revealing their faces to the world, many gasp as they never thought the couple would be spotted again after the gay rumors started spreading but Luke pushes it to the back of his mind.

Steph trips on the curb because of her heels and Luke offers his hand for support and the injured girl grabs on as the 6ft blonde leads them into the club, pushing through the crowd.

The bouncer immediately lets them though and the music and lights hit the pair immediately.

Time moves very fast and Luke doesn't realize how many spirits are being taken down his throat, it all tastes numb to him now, the room spins and his legs get heavier.

A brunette comes in close contact with his sweating body, the hair color seems to be very similar to Calum's in Luke's drunken mind. After that, a pair of plump lips attaches onto his slowly drying ones. The feeling of another gives him comfort and he just lets the moment take him away.

"Hey, you're too drunk, I'm taking you home Lukey"


Do you guys think this brunette is Calum?

Maybe he's another dude?

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