Part 5

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       - Triple Update Because I'm Alone -

Michael continues taking off his jeans so his obvious hard on is very prominent through the thin boxer shorts. Calum's cock is practically begging to be touched as it throbs on and on, leaking pre-cum onto the pretty boys panties. Michael slides Calum's skirt down his toned and hairless thighs leaving a cold draft.

"p-please Mikey no teasing, i need you so bad" ignoring the huffing curly headed boy in the corner, Michael attaches his lips to Calum's, every inch of his mouth gets discovered not one crevice unexplored. Ashton slowly begins rolling his hips into his hands, secretly palming his bulge trying not to let the other two know how horny and needy he is.

The sight of Ashton's boyfriends furiously making out, barely clothed, is such a big turn on. Even though he had just fucked the boy into oblivion earlier on that day, he wants nothing more than to make Calum gag around his big length while Michael takes him from behind.

"baby, please come and join us, I can tell you really want to" Calum flutters his long eyelashes as Michael is sucking and nipping at his neck, causing unholy moans to ring around the room. Ashton stands there for a few seconds and just stares at Calum's red and bitten lips, if there is any pleasuring involved then Ashton wants to be a part of that.

Luke will be annoyed when he finds out they have had a threesome but then the other two will be able to watch Calum get fucked, hard, by Luke; the ultimate top.

"fine but I get to fuck your face and Michael can fuck your ass" Ashton says while shedding his top, that defines his muscles very well. Calum begins moaning and grinding his bulge onto Michael's knee, that is resting perfectly on his sensitive cock. Ashton joins in on the fun by beginning to sloppily kiss Calum, but it soon turns into just swiping their tongues on each others mouths. (view gif attached, if it works)

Michael can't help but mark up the tan boy more by forming bright red love bites up and down his veiny neck, although he dresses in skirts and dresses, they can never get enough of his muscled throat and jaw bone.

Ashton glides the soft panties down Calum's legs and doesn't stop kissing his lips. Michael, on the other hand, attaches his hand around the hard and leaking cock, tracing the head a few times and gathering up a few drops of pre-cum before bringing it up to his lips.

"ugh Daddies please, stop teasing" Calum begs, bucking his hips towards Michael's hand. Ashton takes off his boxers, letting his thick member slap his abs. The red haired boy dribbles over the sight of Ashton being so exposed.

"get on all fours, slut, I'm gonna show you what happens when you tease me in public" Michael demands, suddenly slapping the not so innocent kiwi boys ass hard leaving a nice red hand print to be kissed later on. Calum does as he is asked and gets in the ready position. Not wasting any time Ashton pushes his dick all the way down Calum's throat, making his eyes water slightly.

"Ash, how long ago did you fuck him?" Michael asks circling his cock all the way around Calum's rim. "I'd say four hours maybe?" Ashton responds grabbing Calum's jaw and letting his hips thrust forward and backward at a fast pace.

"This slut is not getting prepped, no way, I'm too horny to wait one more minute" Grabbing the lube from under the couch, Michael slathers his cock in a lot of the substance, as well as a bit on the pulsing hole in front of him. Calum shivers slightly at the sudden coldness but then relaxes again when Michael circles his finger around a few times to warm it up.

"open your mouth wider, slut" Ashton moans out, increasing his speed as Calum stretches his jaw out as much as he possibly can; as well as hollowing his cheeks. Michael pushes his dick to the rim of Calum's ass and draws figures of eight. The small boy gets impatient and brings his body back.

"stop being naughty, or I might have to spank you again" Michael whispers while tugging at Calum's curls. No later than a few seconds afterward,  Michael shoves his entire cock in Calum's tight hole. The two dominates are completely wrecking Calum. Ashton grabs the squishy cheeks in front of him and begins snapping his hips up faster. Michael grips the hour glass figure tightly as he puts all of his effort in pleasuring Calum.

This rhythm continues, every time Ashton fucks Calum's mouth, Michael snaps his hips forward more roughly. The red haired boy is sure that he has left red finger marks, soon to be bruises that he can kiss away later. They are all about being kinky but all of them are scared of Luke, he might look like a ball of sunshine on the outside with his dimple and baby blonde hair but in bed, he becomes a horny beast.

All three boys adore Calum and love dominating him in any way possible, but you don't get between Luke and his princess. Michael thinks about the bruises that he is going to leave on Calum's hips and loosens his grip a bit. Luke adores Calum the most out of all of his boyfriends. Because Calum wears 'girly' clothes and short skirts he is most vulnerable in the blonde's eyes.

Luke will punish Michael so hard when he sees the marks.

"F-fuck Calum I'm going to cum" Ashton moans grabbing a fistful of Calum's soft black hair. The pair of chocolate eyes, look straight up as his throat is being fucked continuously. Ashton moans a few times and leaks his cum into Calum's mouth, which Calum gladly swallows with a large gulp.

"Holy crap!" Michael shouts out as his cock spurts deep inside the small boy. Ashton quickly begins tossing off Calum to get him off. As cum leaks out of the plump bum, Calum is sweating and leaning all his weight against Michael's chest. A few seconds later the last one gets off with a loud moan.

The whole room smells of sweat and cum, rather than tidying up and getting their clothes on the tired three boys collapse in a pile on the cushioned floor but only two fell asleep.

Michael lays awake regretting the bright red hickeys and the bruised hand marks on Calum's hips, Luke is going to go mad.


I love next chapter, it's just a interesting chapter.

Anyways... I have 5 puppies. 4 giant Alaskan Malamutes and 1 pitbull/boxer mix.

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