Part 19

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-Calum's POV-

I open my eyes feeling extremely groggy and with a pounding headache. I sit up from the cot I'm laying on and look around. I'm in a cell, like a jail cell. It's barred up but only the bars separate the cells so I can see the boy next to me sleeping peacefully. There's a cot in all the cells and they're all locked so we can't escape.

"You're awake!" He hears a small voice say and he looks over to see a small ginger boy walk up to his cell.
"Finally, I was worried Master Matty gave you too much," he giggles and unlocks the door. I stay quiet and just look at him.

"You don't need to be scared of me, I'm Alan," he says and sticks out his hand letting me shake it.
"I'm here just to get you ready to be sold. My master works here," he says. I nod finally getting where I am.
"What's your name?" Alan asks.

I think should I give him my real name?
"Maxwell," I say and he smiles,

"who did you use to live with Maxwell?" He smiles and I bite my lip.

"My boyfriends," he smiles nodding.

"You miss them?" He asks and I nod feeling a tear roll down my cheek, I do miss them.

"Hey hey, don't cry. I promise you'll have a better life now anyways."

No One's POV

"Calum!" Luke yells out for what seems like the thousandth time this hour.

"Calum!" He hears someone yell from down the street.

"Lukey!" He hears Ashton gasp and he looks over to see Ashton pick up a phone from by a dumpster in the alley.

"Is it Calum's?" Luke asks and Ashton bites his lip.

"It's not that cracked but it's dead so I'm not sure. The case looks like Calum's but it's just a black case," Ashton says and they hurry out of the alley and to their friends' house.

"Find anything?" Liam asks from the desk where he's splashed missing signs and alerts out on every social media he can.

"Yeah we found a phone, it looks like his but it's dead. Can we borrow a charger?" Luke asks and Liam nods grabbing the closet one and handing it to the Two stressed boyfriends.

The door opens as Luke plugs in the phone and Zayn runs in with Louis.
"Isn't this Calum's?" He says and hands them a red velvet skirt. Ashton grabs it and smells it smelling Calum's Favorite perfume on it. He nods and falls to the ground tears coming out of his eyes immediately.

"Shhh," Luke says sitting by him and hugging him. "We'll Find him baby, I promise," he says.

Ashton nods shaking. "What if he's, what if he's dead?" Ashton says between sniffles.

"He's not ashy, I promise," Luke sighs and Ashton nods.

"One or two of you can crash here tonight just in case if he comes here," Liam says and Luke nods.

"How about you and Mikey go to your house and I stay here. Those are the two places he'd go if he finds his way back," Luke smiles and Ashton nods and stands up hugging everyone in the room and leaving the house to find Michael.

"Thanks for helping, mates," Luke sighs scratching the back of his neck.

"Niall feels like it's his fault and if he would of gone that way and whatever happened to Calum happened to Niall we know you would help," Zayn says with a small smile.

Luke yawn and sits back on the couch and grabs the recently discovered phone. It's on now and Luke clicks the lock button and the theories are proved correct when he sees the background photo of the four of them.


Oof two updates in one night?!?!

So where's Calum?

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