Part 24

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A/N: so that first little poll I took at the very beginning I'm using to decide what scenes y'all want to see in the foursome.

Enjoy ;)


"So Calum, have you decided?" Luke asks as he walks into the bedroom carrying a bottle of water, sweat from his workout he finished just minutes ago sparkling on his skin.
Ashton, Calum, and Michael all drool over how hot he looks like this and Luke loves it making sure to bite his lip to deepen the affect.

"Yeah, I'm obviously choosing a foursome, you guys should know that I couldn't just pick one of you," Calum smiles and Luke walks closer to them.

"So shall we start now?" He asks and Calum cuts in,

"Um, no. We can start as soon as you take a shower. We can all agree you look hot with water all over you but I'd rather it be water that smells like body wash and not body oder," Calum gags and Luke laughs walking into the connected bathroom

"No starting without me!" He yells and they all send back a "mhm" but still eye each other wanting to start as soon as possible.

When Luke gets out of the bathroom about a half hour later, though against his request Michael and Ashton are both littering Kisses Up and Down Calum's naked body.
Luke chuckles making them all look at him.
"Let me have a minute with him," Luke says and smoothly moves his body on top of Calum discarding his towel behind him.

"Daddy,"  Calum moans running his fingers through Luke's blonde hair.

Next to them Ashton and Michael are getting into a pretty heated make out session. Ashton on top of Michael of course them both only in boxers now.
"What are we doing?" Ashton asks breaking away from a panting Michael.

"We can start like this but I want to be with all of you sometime..." Calum whispers despite for someone to touch him.

"Who do you want to fuck you?" Luke asks and Calum shrugs

"Whoever wants to, just someone hurry up and do it," Calum groans wiggling slightly.

"Don't be greedy, slut," Luke growls before slamming into him no prep other than the condom around his dick.

"Fuck!" Calum screams as Luke slams into him repeatedly over and over again. Ashton and Michael watch lust evident in both of their eyes.

Calum looked over at them, moaning as Luke repeatedly hits his prostate.
"Why don't you suck Ashton's dick?" Luke suggests a groan leaving his mouth. Ashton without missing a beat gets up and pulls his boxers down and helps get his dick into Calum's mouth.

Michael crawls over wanting to join in and takes off his boxers as well. Calum reaches over and slowing begins to pump him, the faster Luke thrusted the faster Calum jerked off Michael.
"I'm close, so so cl-close" Calum moans out, Luke and Ashton increases their speed and soon Calum lets out a loud moan and cums untouched.

Luke, Michael, and Ashton all finish up before cuddling up with the exhausted boy. "That, that wa-was goo-good" Calum stutters his eyes slowly closing.
"I think we all can agree," Luke smiles and wraps his arms around Ashton.

Oops... it's been almost 2 months... sorry guys I've been really busy but imma post the epilogue tonight as well.

I love you so much and I hope you enjoyed the book.

See ya next time!!

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