Part 22

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I see a huge mansion come into view as we drive up a long driveway. "Welcome home," Mr, Biersack says and I nod, this will never be my home.

I'm led inside and into a small room two other people sit in. Another boy and a girl.
"You all can introduce yourselves, I'll be back later," the man says and I nervously walk on in and look down at my feet.

"I'm Ashley," the boy says. He has very feminine features but yet is extremely handsome.

"I'm Calum— I mean Maxwell, yeah Maxwell," I stutter over my words making them give me questioning looks.

"You don't know your name?" The girl asks giggling a little.

"I do! It's Maxwell!" I blurt out and they both laugh.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with us 'Maxwell'" The girl smiles and I nod thankfully.


"He says that you can have him but just to make sure you're not kidnapping him when you first see him Maxwell has to run to you," Austin tells the three and Luke smiles knowing that he will, he is their babyboy after all.

They run out of the warehouse and jump into Harry's car the eight follow the GPS's directions to Andrew Biersack's house. When they arrive at the huge mansion Michael, Luke, and Ashton get out leaving the other five in the car.

They approach the door abs knock. A minute later they hear feet on the floor and the door opens revealing a boy with very feminine yet attractive features.

"Hello?" He asks and Luke steps up,

"Yeah, we are here to talk to Mr. Biersack?" Luke says and the boy nods and lets them come in before guiding them to Andy's office of course knocking first.

"Sir? Three men are here to see you," the boy lets them in and walks away closing the door behind Michael.

"Maxwell's owners?" Andy asks and they all nod making him smile.
"Carlile said he'd refund me my money correct?" He asks. The three boys feel intimidated. Even though Luke is extremely dominant he even feels like he should be submissive to this guy.

"Yes," Luke says and Andy nods,

"I'll call him in,"
Soon the door opens and a scared Calum walks in his eyes lighting up when he sees his three boyfriends and Ashton opens his arms Calum running into them tear gushing down his face as he tries to get closer to him even though it's not possible.

"Bye Maxwell," Ashley and The girl who Calum learned name is Juliet shouts as the four leave.

He gets to the car Calum still tightly holding onto now Michael and he smiles at their friends before they go home, together.


Guys... only 3 more chapters :(
I hope you enjoyed this story though and I wanted you all to know that I'm going to finish my other calm story then probably take a break from fanfics for a while. I've been writing for 3 years now and I think I need to start writing real stories because I have a passion for writing and would love you get published one day.

Remember to:


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