Part 15

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Mission get back Luke's boyfriends was a go as he invites over four of his closest friends, Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zac. They all sit in Luke's living room a piece of paper in front of them.

"Well how about you date a girl, I know someone named Meg who's be happy to help," Jack says and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Jack the purpose of this is to get back my boyfriends, not get a girlfriend," Luke says and Jack pushes the blonde's shoulder.

"Idiot, you're not dating her. He boyfriend probably wouldn't like that. But she'll help you by acting like your girlfriend," Luke nods agreeing with the plan.

"Meg?" Luke asks approaching a small Girl in the mall.

"Luke?" She asks and they greet each other with a hug as a guy a little shorter than Luke walks over.

"So you'll be fake-dating my girlfriend?" He asks and Luke nods and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Don't worry, man." Luke says, "I'm gay," The guy nods and placed a kiss on Meg's lips before walking away. Calum loves the mall and Luke just so happened to know he was in Victoria's Secret. So Luke and his 'girlfriend' walk in holding hands.

"Do you think these look good on me, babe?" Meg asks holding up a pink thong, just close enough to Calum so he'd see.

"Everything looks good on you, baby," Luke says and Calum looks over his eyes filling with tears. Luke watches as Ashton hugs Calum and walks out of the store. Meg giggles and sets down the thong.

"Was I good?" She asks and Luke smiles and nods.


Change Profile Picture To Him And Meg? ☑️
Change Status To Taken? ☑️
Post many pictures of the two? ☑️
Change bios? ☑️
Add pictures on Snapchat? ☑️

Luke is set and ready his plan is working out perfectly. What he's doing today though is risky. He's going to Ashton's to 'collect his stuff' so Luke walks to Ashton's house and just walks in. Ashton is on the couch watching some show and Luke smiles at him.

"Why are you here, douchebag?" Ashton asks and Luke rolls his eyes.

"To get my shit," he says and Ashton stands up getting chest to chest with the blonde.

"I thought you love Calum," Ashton says and Luke nods.

"Then why did I have to hold him all day yesterday while he cried because you're dating some slut. Luke you're gay," Ashton says and Luke sighs.

"Wait," Ashton says and laughs, "making us jealous?" Ashton asks and Luke nods ashamed,

"Well it worked," is all that Ashton had to say and their lips were locked like puzzle pieces falling together. Only two more missing.

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