Part 4

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    - Double Update Because I Love You -

Calum pulls on the last piece of clothing on and slips his feet into his boots. He moves to the mirror and flattens out his hair a little bit. He rummages around in his little brown messenger bag and pulls out some powder and mascara.He drags the brush through his already long lashes and applies a thin layer to both eyes. He swirls a big brush around in some setting powder and applies it around his face, making sure to cover up the redness of his freshly fucked face. With one quick pout at himself, he turns to Ashton.

"How do I look?" Calum asks while straightening out his skirt.

"Fucking gorgeous" Ashton replies dressing his own naked body.

"Okay, thank you, Ash," the small boy says with a wink. "I'm off to go food shopping with Mike, don't forget to text him , I want you two to be friends again" a quick grunt leaves the curly headed boys mouth and Calum skips out of the door.

The cold winter air hits Calum's cheeks instantly making him chilly. Goosebumps make their way to the surface of his skin, his hairs stand up on the back of his tan neck.

"Hey baby why don't you come and get in my car then jump on my dick hmm?" Calum hears a voice say. It's his high school ex-boyfriend, who doesn't know what the term 'moving on' means.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself" the cold and shivering boy shoots back while plugging in his headphones. He instantly taps on'made in the am' by one direction and forgets the world with Louis' high notes.

After ten minutes of walking Calum is freezing cold and his lips blue. The supermarket parking lot is quite full and he can't see Michael anywhere. His pretty curls on his head move back and forth before he takes out his phone.

A sudden car horn makes him nearly drop his iPhone on the ground and he smiles at the perky red-haired boy sat in the front seat. (Red hair BC I said so) Michael exits the car and begins walking over to Calum. He notices the shivering boy holding on dearly to his arms.

The Jean jacket isn't keeping him warm so Michael takes it off of Calum and places his own black hoodie on his tan arms. The smaller boy smiles smelling Michael's aftershave.

"Let's go Cal" they link fingers together and walk towards the entrance of the supermarket. "Did Ashton fuck you?" Michael asks noticing Calum's slight limp. The kiwi boy blushes red and nods. Michael just shrugs his shoulders and grabs a trolley.

"Was it good?" The red head suddenly popped the random question while grabbing some cereal.

"The sex? Fucking amazing. You and I both know his cock is huge" Calum says a bit louder than he should of, receiving dirty looks he just continues talking to Michael. "he is an amazing top, I won't deny it" the two boys break into fits of laughter in the middle of the aisle.

Calum runs over to get some Nutella off of the top shelf. As his small frame reached up to grab a tub his skirt rises and flashes Michael a view of his purple panties. From the other side of the condiment isle, another man is eyeing up Calum.

"Hey, let me get that," the stranger who was just watching Calum, says to the confused boy while effortlessly reaching up to grab the chocolate spread.

"Um thanks" Calum goes to get the tub out of the strangers' hand but he pulls it away leaving a confused look on Calum's face. "Give me a kiss, baby"

Michael is looking away at the frozen pizza when he sees the scene from an American high school movie. The bully stealing something from the freshman and holding above their head, but in this case, the bully is leaning in for a kiss.

At this moment Michael storms over and knocks the stranger out of the way. His red hair and eyebrow piercing making him look tough. "Is there something you want exactly"

Before the man can reply Calum buts in and replies "yeah I want my Nutella" Michael makes a pouty face and reaches up to the top shelf again and hands it to Calum before the smaller boy trots off again.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend, don't ever touch him" the aisle becomes a ghost town as everyone scrams away from the boy wearing black skinny jeans.

"Thanks, Mikey" Calum places a wet kiss on his boyfriends' cheek. Michael places a hand under Calum's skirt and grabs a palmful of ass.

"I see you are wearing a pair of purple panties; my colour of panties" Calum giggles and grinds him bum into the warm hand. "God kitten, such a fucking cock slut, I love it"

"I want to blow you" Michael moans "but we need to finish shopping first" Calum giggles again and runs away to the fruit and vegetables "you fucking tease" Michael whispers under his breath.


Two hours pass and for the entire time Michael had a slight bulge in his pants, and you can't hide a boner in skinny jeans.

The last item scans and Calum hands over the money, and the two boys walk out of the supermarket with their hands full. The car gets loaded very quickly with Michaels anticipation for Calum's pretty lips on his cock.

The car drive is rather silent with Michael moving in his seat every few seconds. Calum notices and places an open hand on his bulge and slowly begins palming the flustered boy.

They come to a red light and Michael leans over and locks his lips with Calum. Furiously shoving his tongue into Michaels mouth Calum moans into the kiss loving the feeling of their lips being together.

"Mikey green light" he jumps into action and takes the car off of hand break and begins driving again.

They run into the house forgetting about the shopping and instantly begin shedding their clothes.

"Guys fucking stop" Ashton shouts and then carries on looking in Michael's fridge for food.

"When did you get here dickbag?" Michael asks continuing to take off his jeans. "About half an hour ago" Ashton replies.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there? Come and join us, baby"


I'm actually in a Pet play/ ddlg relationship with my fiancé. If you don't know what this is google it. But we're actually long distance at the moment which makes things hard on both of us.

I'm getting so many ideas for this and it's gonna be good. So watch out for part 13 (that'll be my first chapter)

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