Part 14

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"God damnit!" Michael curses when he hits the wrong drum. He hears chuckling come from the door and he looks up to see the curly haired boy looking at him in amusement.

"At least someone finds my pain funny," Michael scoffs and Ashton walks over taking the drum sticks from his boyfriend's hands.

"Baby I think you need a break," Ashton says pulling Michael up from the stool.

"No Ashton I need practice, I need to win, I suck at drums, I'm such a fuc–" Michael's rant is cut short by Ashton kissing him. The red haired boy melts into the kiss and when they break apart he lays his head on Ashton's shoulder and sighs.

"You need to stop putting yourself down, Kitten," Ashton says rubbing the smaller boys back. "It's bad," Michael loves the warm embrace and enjoys the silence other than Ashton whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but..." Calum walks in and inaudibly whispers the but.

"What?" Ashton asks and Calum clears his throat and plays with the hem on his sweatshirt.

"The stove is on fire," he says and as if on que the smoke detectors go off sending them all into a frenzy.

"What the fuck were you cooking?" Michael asks as he watches Ashton fight with the fire extinguisher.

"A potato!" Calum yells and Michael looks over.

"Calum, you can't cook a potato on a plate on the stove," Michael says softly and Calum frowns.

"I'm sorry," he says tearing up while still watching his oldest boyfriend clean up.

"Hey Hey, don't cry princess. It's ok, everyone makes mistakes," Michael tells him and Ashton walks over too.

"Trust me that's not the first fire in this kitchen," Ashton asures kissing both of his boyfriends making sure that they both know he's not mad. Calum sighs and walks over sitting on the couch.

"I miss Luke," Calum says and looks up at the other two.

"We all do baby boy, but it's his loss," Ashton smiles weakly and Calum nods.

"But I don't know," Calum says and crawls into Ashton's lap the movement makes Ashton slightly hard and Calum noticed but pretends to not. He scooted his butt around pretending to just be trying to find a comfy spot.

"Stop," Ashton says and it catches Michael's attention as he slowly makes his way into the room watching as Calum gives Ashton an innocent look.

"What's a matter Daddy?" He asks pouting out his bottom lip making Ashton groan.

"You are what's the matter, the ass of yours and your body. Fuck and that innocent gleam that no one believes," Ashton curses out and Calum smiles.

"I am an innocent little boy," Calum says and Ashton wraps his hand around Calum's throat.

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you baby boy?" Ashton asks and Calum smirks.

"Never, Daddy," those words leave the small boys lap and in seconds he's on his back on the ground with both of his doms by him. Michael works on giving him hickies and Ashton works on his lips and mouth making Calum needy for touch.

"Please, fuck he," Calum croaks out and that's all he has to say for his panties to be pulled off of his smooth legs and tossed to the side.

"How about you fuck that naughty mouth of his and I fuck his pretty little hole?" Ashton asks Michael who nods agreeing and without a extra seconds thrusts himself into Calum's mouth, putting the younger boy to work.

Ashton on the other hand quickly preps Calum because he's 'too horny for this shit' he mumbled when Calum told him he needed prep.  But soon Ashton trusts into Calum making the small boy scream, in pure bliss. He feels so full and soon feels fuller as Ashton slowly begins to jerk him off.

Calum moans sending vibrations up Michael making Michael smile and bite his lip hard, since he's not a very vocal person during sex.

"I'm cummińg  Cal," Michael warns before cummińg down Calum's throat, Calum having no choice but to swallow it all. Soon Ashton follows and fills up Calum and the two take care of Calum helping him get off before cuddling him.

"How about a movie?" Ashton suggests and Calum's eyes light up.

"Mean Girls?" He asks excitedly and the older two groan as they see it to much but nevertheless watch it, because it will will their baby happy.


Hi, sorry it took so long I've been extremely busy with life but it's up! I'll update probably every other day or every few days until my schedule evens out.


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