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Luke wakes up in a bed, a cold bed. He shivers and pulls the quilt up over him more until he realizes that he doesn't know where he is. The blonde sits up soon realizing he's naked and there's a random boy laying next to him.

"Who are you," Luke asks waking up the dark brown haired boy. When he turns around Luke's pace pales. Maxwell.

Every school has a Maxwell. The spoiled rich kid who Father pretty much owns the school. Luke knows Maxwell is gay, it's quite obvious to be honest, but Luke won't ever think about fucking him. Well, sober.

"Lukey it's me," Maxwell yawns and curls up closer to Luke. Luke rolls back falling off the bed and hurriedly putting on clothes.

"Sorry Maxwell but I've got to go," Luke says running out of the apartment door and calling an Uber just wanting to go home.


Calum scrolls through Facebook very bored ly until he scrolls up to something that breaks his heart.

Maxwell Jones is in a relationship with Luke Hemmings.

Calum feels a broken sob come from his mouth, how is Luke already over them. He curls himself into a ball and cries. Sure he has two other boyfriends but he loved Luke just the same. Ashton walks through the front door and eyes land on the crying, shaking, Calum.

"Baby what's wrong?" Ashton asks picking up his small boyfriend. Calum hands him his phone and Ashton reads the post his face burning immediately. "Hold on Babe, let me make a call,"

What the hell Luke it's only been like a week!

Ashton sends the text and soon his phone beeps.

It was a one night thing Ashton, fuck off I'm not over Calum

Ashton rolls his eyes

Then why does it say on Facebook you're dating Maxwell.

Luke jumps up and runs to his laptop logging into Facebook and sure enough it says he's in a relationship with Maxwell.

"Fuck!" Luke yells and quickly deletes it from timeline before anyone else can see it, but it's too late.

Why Lukey? I thought you loved me

The message from Calum broke his heart into a million pieces and he angrily throws his phone across the room with a scream. He throws himself into his bed and lets the angry and sad tears flow from his eyes. He does love Calum, and he loves Ashton and Michael, and he'll do whatever it takes to get them back.


Very short filler chapter but this is the first I wrote in the book and I'm excited to write because I have so many ideas.

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